Type-IIx's Coaching: Results from ovmmds, kain

Alot of new people becouse of transparency on social media!
Less of old people becouse they were reckless?
I don't think so. When the next gen enters a community things obviously shift, some positively and some negative. Ideally you keep the good stuff from the "old heads" and improve upon it. Every group is a mix of good and bad. Ideally the old heads stick around as new people show up and the mix improves. Doesn't always work that way though. Often people like to stick to communities of similar age group, mentality, and opinions. That's not the ideal way forward.

I hate the generational us and them mentality. Different guys from different eras with different knowledge can learn from each other and improve everything.
I feel there are only so many topic up for discussion on drugs 20+ years old. Only so many cycle designs.

I am just busy playing chemistry in my kitchen nowadays.

I dont even know what a dumb bell looks like anymore.

I am a piece of shit
Nahhh you are NOT a piece of shit, bro. You're just lacking imagination and ambition.
I should probably post up in here a bit, and be on the board more. I am excited to get this Unique Effects by AAS Series out for everyone to be able to read when they have the time, and refer to when in doubt in practice.

Unique Features of AAS Per-Compound Series
So far here are the articles from the series that @Millard has published, in order, all of which have been selected specifically because of their having truly unique features, facets, or effects:

1. Unique Effects of Trenbolone (e.g., decreasing muscle GR #, increasing SC proliferative responsiveness to IGF-I)
2. Unique Effects of Winstrol, Stromba (stanozolol) (e.g., PR antagonism, decreasing IGFBP-3, unfavorable effects on glucocorticoids)
3. Unique Effects of Halotestin (fluoxymesterone) (e.g., directly antagonizing GR, remarkable androgenicity that potentiates trenbolone's effects on recomp and strength). This one was just released so is brand new
Continuing, Unique Effects of:
4. MENT, coming soon
5. Testosterone, coming soon
6. Nandrolone, coming soon
7. Oxandrolone (Anavar)
8. Superdrol
9. 1-Test/DHB
10. Dbol
11. Epistane
4. MENT’s Unique Effects: [link]
Hey brothas, I recorded a Symposium (live lecture followed by Q&A) Saturday, Aug 31, 2024, on the topic of Principles of Cycle Design. I have included a link to the podcast (audio) here as well as the presentation slides in pdf format for your perusal.

Podcast (audio):
Podbean: Ep. 005: Symposium 3 Live + Q&A: Principles of Cycle Design with Examples | Type-IIx: Gear, Growth, and Gains
View: https://open.spotify.com/episode/3cST2gm8TqEUK8cVNR8o5v?si=49fcf6d5e8074a65

Note: It starts up slow as I get the Powerpoint slides up on the screen and share them, then configure the audio recording.

Show Notes (pdf): https://ampouletude.com/~type-iix/S...S-Growth-Factors-Type-IIx-ampouletude.com.pdf

1. Individualization
  1. Compound Selection
  2. Dose: Initial & Titration
2. Efficacy
  1. Dose/Response
3. Tolerability
4.Monitoring: Efficacy vs. Tolerability
  1. Push Factors
  2. Pull Factors
5. Application: Combination Strategies (Two [2] Worked Examples)
  1. Synergy
  2. Complementary
  3. Additive
6. Q&A
A few new items in my dropbox [mostly extracted from my raw notes], to share:
Publicly Sourced AAS Cycles
▪ Arnold Schwarzenegger Austrian Documentary
▪ Dorian Yates' 1st Cycle [video] [discussion, podcast]
▪ Dan Duchaine's USH II: Female Cycle 1, Mild; Female Cycle 2, Strength Athlete/Middleweight; Female Cycle 3: Mildest
▪ Ben Pollack: Contest Prep Cycle (General); Prep Cycle (John Meadows)
▪ Justin Harris' Contest Prep Cycle
▪ Flex Wheeler's 1993 (Peak Form) Cycle, including diuretics [video]
▪ Mac11wildcat's Contest Prep Cycle
▪ Lukasz Modzelewski's Contest Prep
◦ Athlete Cycles
▪ East Germany (Oral Turinabol)
▪ USSR's Borzov
▪ Ben Johnson
▪ Ruokonen Power athletes weightlifters & throwers (hammer, shotput,
▪ Koln Schanzer The Black Market of Anabolic Agents Cycle Design
◦ Dr. Michael Scally’s Protocol

Source: Publicly sourced cycle designs

Post-Finasteride Syndrome (PFS): TRT; neurosteroids (e.g., DHEA, allopregnanolone)


Cardarine (GW-501516)

Recovery from Hard Training
From an old, now defunct (pre- London 2012 Retroactive Doping Sample Positives) Russian weightlifting board, discussing the use of this antiinflammatory and antimicrobial drug for recovery from hard training

Citrulline, L-Arginine, and PDE-5 Inhibitors
Effects on Performance (Ergogenic), Vascularity, Pump

PDE-5 Inhibitors + L-Arginine and Nitrates Induce Hypotension

[coaching] – [protocols] – [consult] – [ contact]

↱ [discord] – [telegram]
A few new items in my dropbox [mostly extracted from my raw notes], to share:
Publicly Sourced AAS Cycles
▪ Arnold Schwarzenegger Austrian Documentary
▪ Dorian Yates' 1st Cycle [video] [discussion, podcast]
▪ Dan Duchaine's USH II: Female Cycle 1, Mild; Female Cycle 2, Strength Athlete/Middleweight; Female Cycle 3: Mildest
▪ Ben Pollack: Contest Prep Cycle (General); Prep Cycle (John Meadows)
▪ Justin Harris' Contest Prep Cycle
▪ Flex Wheeler's 1993 (Peak Form) Cycle, including diuretics [video]
▪ Mac11wildcat's Contest Prep Cycle
▪ Lukasz Modzelewski's Contest Prep
◦ Athlete Cycles
▪ East Germany (Oral Turinabol)
▪ USSR's Borzov
▪ Ben Johnson
▪ Ruokonen Power athletes weightlifters & throwers (hammer, shotput,
▪ Koln Schanzer The Black Market of Anabolic Agents Cycle Design
◦ Dr. Michael Scally’s Protocol

Source: Publicly sourced cycle designs

Post-Finasteride Syndrome (PFS): TRT; neurosteroids (e.g., DHEA, allopregnanolone)


Cardarine (GW-501516)

Recovery from Hard Training
From an old, now defunct (pre- London 2012 Retroactive Doping Sample Positives) Russian weightlifting board, discussing the use of this antiinflammatory and antimicrobial drug for recovery from hard training

Citrulline, L-Arginine, and PDE-5 Inhibitors
Effects on Performance (Ergogenic), Vascularity, Pump

PDE-5 Inhibitors + L-Arginine and Nitrates Induce Hypotension

[coaching] – [protocols] – [consult] – [ contact]

↱ [discord] – [telegram]

Thank you for putting all this together, it's great.
Plenty of good info to have a look at and get back to.
Hope all is good with you.

