HGHDaddy, International Shipping with Guaranteed Delivery

since it is a free market, everyone can write whatever they want. I can say that we are the most suitable site selling the same products on the market. of course, we prefer you, dear friends and our customers.

Thank you.
No, we as a community can write what we want. You as a source can stop being so damn confrontational about everything. This applies to anyone calling you a scammer and you jumping on them like it isn't true.
No, we as a community can write what we want. You as a source can stop being so damn confrontational about everything. This applies to anyone calling you a scammer and you jumping on them like it isn't true.
yes sir, you're right, we will pay attention to this issue. actually, we are not fake or scammers, as they accuse, but when we don't respond, people may wonder if they are scammers. actually, we are already confident, but the reason we are answering is for our potential customers who may have a question mark in their mind. but you're right, we need to pay more attention to this issue. thanks for the warning. we are open to all kinds of criticism.
Hello Dear MESO members!

There will be a problem with Sustanon at the procurement stage.

Sustanon will no longer be easy to find.That's why the Ssutanones we have already stocked are at your service.!

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Androcur, Climara Forte and Estrofem will no longer be available.

from this group of drugs continues to be sold for now!!

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Testogel will also no longer be available without a prescription.

We have enough stock on hand. those who want can contact.!!

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Our HGH Group products are also always in ready stock in our closet at the service of our valued customers!

(Genotropin, Ngenla)

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WhatsApp Image 2024-11-29 at 16.06.31 (1).webp
Look, if you don't trust him rubbing your dick with it. How is he supposed to trust rubbing his own with it?
you can ask this to the bayer company. or you can read the pharmaceutical prospectus. they are the ones who produce the medicine. he also indicated where you can rub
you can ask this to the bayer company. or you can read the pharmaceutical prospectus. they are the ones who produce the medicine. he also indicated where you can rub
No, the question wasn't based on whether it's effective or not. It was to have another man slowly rub your member with the gel. It's a yes or no question.

This has gone to far now, I'm done
Sure there are differences between pharma and UGL hGH (eg, excipients & fillers), but the question was why is pharma better.

The evidence suggests it's not -- testing purity dimer, serum GH assays, etc.

The back & forth will never stop though. Imagine if you stocked up on a ton of pharma GH pens then people post test reports showing they aren't better. You'd probably still say "I swear I can tell they're better" so you don't feel like you got ripped off.

I've bounced back & forth between UGL and pharma a few times and could never tell a difference, going up to 10 IU/d.
Jano already discussed this in one of his videos… idk why they keep going back n fourth on it… they prolly haven’t seen it