
6.20m Dave talks about Gear taste lol

View: https://youtu.be/-iCTzJvE20c

Too bad he didn't taste the GH he was selling back in the day. Thanks for posting. Commercial for RoidTest. Should be steering people here to learn proper techniques. All about the $$ though.

U.S. District Judge Thomas Whelan gave Palumbo a sentence on thelow end of federal sentencing guidelines, saying the defendantdidn’t know the Serostim he got from a San Diego man wascounterfeit.

“I don’t think he would be taking the counterfeit producthimself,” Whelan said.

But Assistant U.S. Attorney Melanie K. Pierson, arguing for a13-month sentence, said Palumbo held himself out as an expert inthe bodybuilding world who surely would have known the Serostim hesold was counterfeit.

“Clearly, he does deal in counterfeit product as well aslegitimate product,” the prosecutor said. “There was a recklessrisk that was taken by this defendant in distributing thisproduct.”
Yes it is bro , I really don't understand why everyone is here to diss or hate , let's read exchange opinions and experience but most of all educated ourselves and others .
Will vigorously debate you all day long on problem with taking free gear but ain't going to cheap shot you like it's 5th grade. Grown ass men attacking each others avatar pics....don't get it.