High Blood Pressure!

Harry Houdini

New Member
I've been off my cycle for almost 2 months and coming to an end with my PCT and my blood pressure is still quite high. Does anyone have any insight? Thanks
I'm really not to sure what it was before! I've never had bloods or really paid attention to those things in my previous cycles. But now after joining Meso I plan on changing the way I go about cycling.

My blood pressure has been 150-160 over 90 for the past while
What makes it tough is that you do not have a baseline to compare it to. Make no mistake 160/90 is considered hypertension.

Do you have a family history of high blood pressure?

Do you have any type of records from Red Cross blood donations or doctor visits?

Dietary changes can help lower blood pressure as well as Meds and cardio. First thing you should do if you haven't done so already is to get your own Bp monitor and consistently check your Bp. Check it first thing in the morning before eating and a few more times throughout the day. Go with the bicep cuff as its more accurate than the wrist cuff. Check and record your Bp for 5 days. If it consistently stays high you should see your doc.

Also check your labs, if your hematocrit is high and RBC's (and your off cycle) then a simple blood donation can go a long way in lower your Bp.
What makes it tough is that you do not have a baseline to compare it to. Make no mistake 160/90 is considered hypertension.

Do you have a family history of high blood pressure?

Do you have any type of records from Red Cross blood donations or doctor visits?

Dietary changes can help lower blood pressure as well as Meds and cardio. First thing you should do if you haven't done so already is to get your own Bp monitor and consistently check your Bp. Check it first thing in the morning before eating and a few more times throughout the day. Go with the bicep cuff as its more accurate than the wrist cuff. Check and record your Bp for 5 days. If it consistently stays high you should see your doc.

Also check your labs, if your hematocrit is high and RBC's (and your off cycle) then a simple blood donation can go a long way in lower your Bp.

Thank you, I appreciate the advice!
I'm really not to sure what it was before! I've never had bloods or really paid attention to those things in my previous cycles. But now after joining Meso I plan on changing the way I go about cycling.

My blood pressure has been 150-160 over 90 for the past while

Yeah that's high!! I thought my was high at 130/80. Don't you have free health care in Canada? It probably takes a while to get in....right? You should make an appointment or go to a clinic as soon as you can imo. If you smoke and/or drink try to stop or at least cut back. Stress can also raise your bp, do what you can to reduce it as well (easier said then done I know). And if you can find the time, you would be surprised how much walking 20-30mins 4-5 times a week would help. Good luck man.