High dose anavar experiences? Better than tren


New Member
I have read that 100mg+ of legit var daily is "tren-like" but without the sides, based

What were your experiences?

I have not and do not see a point in using tren, it's not approved for humans and has not been studied extensively unlike test deca var etc.

The neurodegenerative effects outweigh the pros, at least in my view at least.

Most guys who take tren aren't olympia or up and coming olympia bodybuilders.

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No, I get his point; this is just a shit topic. Comparing Tren to Anavar like. I mean, apples and oranges.. they’re both fruit. But they’re different fruit.

You won’t get stimulating chat without a stimulating topic.
No, I get his point; this is just a shit topic. Comparing Tren to Anavar like. I mean, apples and oranges.. they’re both fruit. But they’re different fruit.

You won’t get stimulating chat without a stimulating topic.
Tbh i should have known that almost every guy in here looks dyel or is fat, i have done my research.

Ironically the fittest guys on here was chill and took the time out of his day to dm ne back and forth, meanwhile dyels need a "stimulating topic"
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DHT-based and 19nor will have enough difference in their mystical workings in our bodies that I would like to hear a more detailed explanation what "tren-like" is. As a tren fan, I often see people make claims about it which I simply don't see myself.

"it's not approved for humans"
Approved by who? Are these authorities making authorizations infallible? Do they often simply reject drugs because a similar drug with same effectiveness but slightly lesser potential harm potential exist and is on the market?

You heard it here first. I approve Trenbolone for humans. I'm not a government agency. I'm not a doctor (though used to be a scientist before taking even a lazier job to have more energy for gym). From now onwards, you can claim that a guy called "Finroid" on a random internet forum approved it for human use.

Start hopping on the tren train and stop claiming other inferior products are like it. They are not, if you want to grow the biggest bull you go to Tren not some girly Anavar.

"has not been studied extensively unlike test deca var etc"
Pick most studied AAS. Then use it as a reason that no others should be used as they have not been studied as much as the others.

Quality of research is what you want. Not numbers published. When I published shit, I would have preferred to write a 30 page extensive detailed article for publishing. This would have been great quality, all from basic theory related explained to the actual findings and then discussion for what the results would mean and what are the weakpoints which should further be researched. But instead how the funding worked and what the journals preferred, this 30 page article was turned into 6-10 different articles. Which if you go through just one or two of them most matching your biased search criteria, you would be missing the whole picture. Even leaving gap in basic theory if it was not your exact field of science.

Tren has not been researched enough, but apparently there is enough research of quality for the neurogenerative qualities? What is the train of thought here? Before it should be excluded for lack of research and then later it should be excluded because of limited research.

This is not me shitting on you. I like you have opinions are ready to voice them. But lets talk facts, findings, speculation instead of focusing on what level each of us in scale of fatty-fat starter to Mr. Olympia posting under a pseudonym. We are not important. Only our thoughts shared are.

When reading above please know I'm personally biased towards Tren and not liking DHTs (except Anadrol and Winstrol) because they do not like my hair as much Tren loves it.
If it's legit anavar , actual anavar my experience is no more than 60 mg daily is needed in 20 mg dosage every 8 hrs , the anabolic/ androgenic ratio is higher with Tren a no brainer, depending on the ester or if your nuts you can possibly grab metribolone ( oral Tren ) liver unfriendly lol I believe the strength and pump far greater with Tren , but legit anavar is no push over either but not as potent by far , 100 mg of var daily not as liver safe as one thinks either, just my opinion, whatever blows back your hair , Tren coughing
Tbh i should have known that almost every guy in here looks dyel or is fat, i have done my research.

Ironically the fittest guys on here was chill and took the time out of his day to dm ne back and forth, meanwhile dyels need a "stimulating topic"
You have done your research huh …. How long you gonna stay on 100mgs of Anavar for dummm dummm to get any physical comparisons to Tren ?!

And tell me which Tic Tok teenager you follow who said Var is better or close to Tren ?! Please tell us you “Dyel” looking child.
I dare you to duel me! I'm not native American speaker so I don't know what dyel looking is, but I assume it is someone who looks like you want to duel them.
Lol I’m not sure either, I’m quoting his talk above. I’ve heard people say it often, never cared enough to look it up.
Tren is overrated.

Relax dude

Tren is for cows
Dallas madcows on Tren lol Larry Allen be benching 700 lbs in the cboys heyday , natty apparently or Jerry Jones being sinister lol you think Larry Allen was natty , fawk sorry I should start new post
Tren is overrated.
You just said that you’ve never run Tren so you really can’t make a statement like that at all.
Can’t compare Tren to Var like others have said and I can say that because I’ve run both. I no longer run Anavar because i personally prefer Anadrol when it comes to orals. Compounds affect people differently and just because a lot of people have good results with Anavar doesn’t necessarily mean it’s best for you.
Running 100 mg of Var per day your liver will notice and your lipid profile will take a hit also.
If you want Tren effects you have to run Tren.
Also you came on here asking for advice because you don’t know from experience and you’ve been acting like a little punk ass bitch with your responses
You have done your research huh …. How long you gonna stay on 100mgs of Anavar for dummm dummm to get any physical comparisons to Tren
Forever bro
You just said that you’ve never run Tren so you really can’t make a statement like that at all.
Can’t compare Tren to Var like others have said and I can say that because I’ve run both. I no longer run Anavar because i personally prefer Anadrol when it comes to orals. Compounds affect people differently and just because a lot of people have good results with Anavar doesn’t necessarily mean it’s best for you.
Running 100 mg of Var per day your liver will notice and your lipid profile will take a hit also.
If you want Tren effects you have to run Tren.
Also you came on here asking for advice because you don’t know from experience and
Dn read
If it's legit anavar , actual anavar my experience is no more than 60 mg daily is needed in 20 mg dosage every 8 hrs , the anabolic/ androgenic ratio is higher with Tren a no brainer, depending on the ester or if your nuts you can possibly grab metribolone ( oral Tren ) liver unfriendly lol I believe the strength and pump far greater with Tren , but legit anavar is no push over either but not as potent by far , 100 mg of var daily not as liver safe as one thinks either, just my opinion, whatever blows back your hair , Tren coughing
I can take 150mg,or even 200mg of anavar a day.

you’ve been acting like a little punk ass bitch with your responses
You are so cool internet tough guy
DHT-based and 19nor will have enough difference in their mystical workings in our bodies that I would like to hear a more detailed explanation what "tren-like" is. As a tren fan, I often see people make claims about it which I simply don't see myself.
Tren like strength is what im referring too

"it's not approved for humans"
Approved by who? Are these authorities making authorizations infallible? Do they often simply reject drugs because a similar drug with same effectiveness but slightly lesser potential harm potential exist and is on the market?
It would be idiotic to believe anavar which is used for literal children is comparable in safety to trenbolone.

That's what anavar is used.
You heard it here first. I approve Trenbolone for humans.
That's irrelevant, it's still not approved.

I'm not a government agency. I'm not a doctor (though used to be a scientist before taking even a lazier job to have more energy for gym). From now onwards, you can claim that a guy called "Finroid" on a random internet forum approved it for human use.

Start hopping on the tren train and stop claiming other inferior products are like it. They are not, if you want to grow the biggest bull you go to Tren not some girly Anavar.
Nandrolone is a better muscle builder than tren, and npp is a staple for female bodybuilders.

That's like saying npp is a girl steroid, it's the dosage which determines it.

Anavar is for children, tren is for bulls.
"has not been studied extensively unlike test deca var etc"
Pick most studied AAS. Then use it as a reason that no others should be used as they have not been studied as much as the others.
We know the side effects of var, and you can get it from the pharmacy whereas tren is made inside a dirty kitchen.
Quality of research is what you want. Not numbers published. When I published shit, I would have preferred to write a 30 page extensive detailed article for publishing. This would have been great quality, all from basic theory related explained to the actual findings and then discussion for what the results would mean and what are the weakpoints which should further be researched. But instead how the funding worked and what the journals preferred, this 30 page article was turned into 6-10 different articles. Which if you go through just one or two of them most matching your biased search criteria, you would be missing the whole picture. Even leaving gap in basic theory if it was not your exact field of science.

Tren has not been researched enough, but apparently there is enough research of quality for the neurogenerative qualities? What is the train of thought here? Before it should be excluded for lack of research and then later it should be excluded because of limited research.
Tren ruining sleep is a common side effect. Anecdotes are important since there isn't adequate literature to defend tren usage for me personally.
This is not me shitting on you.
Me neither
I like you have opinions are ready to voice them. But lets talk facts, findings, speculation instead of focusing on what level each of us in scale of fatty-fat starter to Mr. Olympia posting under a pseudonym. We are not important. Only our thoughts shared are.

When reading above please know I'm personally biased towards Tren and not liking DHTs (except Anadrol and Winstrol) because
Tren is potent for sure, if it works for you then that's great.
they do not like my hair as much Tren loves it.
Tren typically destroys hair, makes sense why you use it.