High dose anavar experiences? Better than tren

Tren is overrated.

Relax dude

Tren is for cows
Tren is for cows and Anavar is for pussies.
Forever bro

Dn read

I can take 150mg,or even 200mg of anavar a day.

You are so cool internet tough guy
To be fair, you are acting like a punk ass bitch. You started the thread and then bumped it a few minutes later when noone answered you, which is something my ex-wife would do. If that wasn't bad enough, you've been shooting attitude at the people who actually are answering your stupid fuckin question. Responding to someone with "Dn read" is a punk ass bitch move too. You obviously started this thread just to take a self-righteous shit on tren, and weren't interested in discussion. So go do your 150mg Anavar cycle and let us know how it goes.
Over 50mg a day for me just increases sides. Headaches acid reflux ect. 50mg is my go to dose.
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I have read that 100mg+ of legit var daily is "tren-like" but without the sides, based

What were your experiences?

I have not and do not see a point in using tren, it's not approved for humans and has not been studied extensively unlike test deca var etc.

The neurodegenerative effects outweigh the pros, at least in my view at least.

Most guys who take tren aren't olympia or up and coming olympia bodybuilders.

Hi buddy!!

After reading all the answers you have got, maybe it deserves you share with us the source you have read that 100mg Anavar equals to tren feelings and results.

And well, if you do not see the point on using substances that are not approved to humans… a Steroid forum with people unknown to you, maybe is not the right spot to validate your Beliefs (right?).

My point is… everyone deserves a chance to check and believe whatever it wants to try. COVID vaccines were applied without humans trials (WORLDWIDE!) and consequences are unknown so far too.

EQ, test wk>2mg, deca, primo, mast, by grams, most of peptides, etc… you will find your believes on each step you take on this journey.

Therefore, if you want to convince yourself that Nick Walker, Krizo, Chopan, Derek, Ramy etc look like that having only human trial test substances and quantities… go for it, as a common message from all replies… ehhh… you will be continuously shot with a different reality.

But to use anything you must use YOUR beliefs; not others.

PD: please share your info source, maybe there is something that none of us have read and you are right!!

Sheers mate!
100mg of var per day is going to be more detrimental to your health than 350tren a week and is going to have less "good" effects than tren also....if you are talking same duration of exposure
BUT there are genetic factors to consider as some people tolerate Var and tren tottaly distroys them... So you have to try both and see which one works best for you....
Hi buddy!!

After reading all the answers you have got, maybe it deserves you share with us the source you have read that 100mg Anavar equals to tren feelings and results.
Reddit is where i learnt this
And well, if you do not see the point on using substances that are not approved to humans… a Steroid forum with people unknown to you, maybe is not the right spot to validate your Beliefs (right?).
Its just that we don't know the long term effects of tren unlike deca or var, let alone test.
My point is… everyone deserves a chance to check and believe whatever it wants to try. COVID vaccines were applied without humans trials (WORLDWIDE!) and
They weren't applied to me
consequences are unknown so far too.
Pretty sure athletes collapsing is a consequence
EQ, test wk>2mg, deca, primo, mast, by grams, most of peptides, etc… you will find your believes on each step you take on this journey.

Therefore, if you want to convince yourself that Nick Walker, Krizo, Chopan, Derek, Ramy etc look like that having only human trial test substances and quantities… go for it, as a common message from all replies… ehhh… you will be continuously shot with a different reality.
I dont want to look like ramy, nick walker or whatever.

Id have to lose many inches of height, they can't do anything without losing their breath.

I admire their work ethnic and determination, but this physique isn't bodybuilding it's mental illness.

300lbs is 300lbs, fat or muscle it's unhealthy.
But to use anything you must use YOUR beliefs; not others.

PD: please share your info source, maybe there is something that none of us have read and you are right!!

Sheers mate!
100mg of var per day is going to be more detrimental to your health than 350tren a week and is going to have less "good" effects than tren also....if you are talking same duration of exposure
BUT there are genetic factors to consider as some people tolerate Var and tren tottaly distroys them... So you have to try both and see which one works best for you....
I can do 200mg of var a day, price isn't an issue.

I know tren gives bodybuilders a different look, but it's mainly evident when on stage.
Over 50mg a day for me just increases sides. Headaches acid reflux ect. 50mg is my go to dose.
Tren is for cows and Anavar is for pussies.
And deca is for gay men with hiv only.

To be fair, you are acting like a punk ass bitch. You started the thread and then bumped it a few minutes later when noone answered you, which is something my ex-wife would do.
Using Ad hominems doesn't mean you have won the argument,

Im not wasting my time.
If that wasn't bad enough, you've been shooting attitude at the people who actually are answering your stupid fuckin question. Responding to someone with "Dn read" is a punk ass bitch move too. You obviously started this thread just to take a self-righteous shit on tren, and weren't interested in discussion. So go do your 150mg Anavar cycle and let us know how it goes.
Roid rage, ed, balding

3 main side effects of tren.
I can do 200mg of var a day, price isn't an issue.

I know tren gives bodybuilders a different look, but it's mainly evident when on stage.
no, no, no.... you can't do actual Var at 200mg per day your liver will pack up in a few weeks and you will not be able to eat... thats the problem.... people keep asking what is better than this or that... but it doesn't really matter what is the most anabolic PED, what matters is what can you take for a long period of time that lets you sleep, eat, train and does not kill you... for some 2g of EQ is great and they build monstrous body's other respond better to deca, others primo
So really you have to try out a bunch of stuff and see...
one more thing, Var is a strong PED idk why people say the opposite perhaps its because you cannot take so much without serios sides... but I'll say this I got stronger and fuller and got more body hair on 225 test and 25mg var/day (real var) than on 500test and 275 deca...
I can do 200mg of var a day, price isn't an issue.

I know tren gives bodybuilders a different look, but it's mainly evident when on stage.
Diminished returns science says at that higher dose , once your blood stream is saturated with the compound the only thing you will get are unwanted sides, pretty expensive I think mass blasts of var at 100-200 mg I can't see it being legitimate anavar , but that's my opinion and opinions are like assholes everybody has one.
Diminished returns science says at that higher dose , once your blood stream is saturated with the compound the only thing you will get are unwanted sides, pretty expensive I think mass blasts of var at 100-200 mg I can't see it being legitimate anavar , but that's my opinion and opinions are like assholes everybody has one.
I use Jet labs I'm up in Canada, he was putting out 50mg oral var it was smooth, I cut it in half into two 25 mg pieces, he was putting out anavar suspension injectable var , if he still has car suspension in his arsenal I will grab some and post my experience, at least the first entry into the system gets by with out hitting the liver eh brother, Jet has a killer suspension series up north , I am not a big oral guy I tried oral winstrol, then I tried winstrol suspension it totally hit me harder with less sides
Using Ad hominems doesn't mean you have won the argument,

Im not wasting my time.
Anyways. I hope you've received all the attention you set out for on this one. It's always sad to see someone introduce themselves in public as a complete hammerhead.
Reddit is where i learnt this

Its just that we don't know the long term effects of tren unlike deca or var, let alone test.

They weren't applied to me

Pretty sure athletes collapsing is a consequence

I dont want to look like ramy, nick walker or whatever.

Id have to lose many inches of height, they can't do anything without losing their breath.

I admire their work ethnic and determination, but this physique isn't bodybuilding it's mental illness.

300lbs is 300lbs, fat or muscle it's unhealthy.
you are 100% right in your answers! Thanks we have you here!!

You all know now guys!!! Main conclusion: High Var better than tren!!! In case of more doubts you may read Reddit!
100 mg of var will work well for performance and aesthetics, IF you are someone who responds well to it. Personally I never saw benefits that were worth the sides at a higher dose. I went to 150mg for a while. You will get as many sides as benefits at that dose tho. And it's not going to touch even low dose tren when it comes to results.
I can do 200mg of var a day, price isn't an issue.

I know tren gives bodybuilders a different look, but it's mainly evident when on stage.
Please do run it at 200mg per week. Please pull blood work and post it here. Your labs will be so trashed, it will be a good learning experience for other people on this forum.

You have absolutely no idea what you’re talking about man.
Please do run it at 200mg per week. Please pull blood work and post it here. Your labs will be so trashed, it will be a good learning experience for other people on this forum.

You have absolutely no idea what you’re talking about man.
At 200 mg daily of var this would be a 1400 mg weekly trashing
50mg var is where it’s at. At 100mg I got this really bad arm pain that wouldn’t go away until I dropped back down.
Drugs, drugs, drugs! Everything
I dont want to look like ramy, nick walker or whatever.
Bwahahahaha. This sums up your perspective. You need a special kind of cool aid to think that you will ever sniff even a 10th of their build even if you have all the boatload of drugs injected into your ass, have the plethora of great trainers to your disposal.

To think that Tren would magically give you that gains is just damn idiotic.

I can't blame you though since you say your information is gathered from dear old reddit.


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