High Estradiol causes High Cortisol Binding Globulin?

mane man

New Member
Hi there,

I recently tested quite a bit over range for estradiol. I am hypothyroid and have adrenal fatigue, so i am on thyroid and hydrocortisone.

Many sources link high estradiol and high CBG. This article that stated that treatment with estradiol 'resulted in significant increases from baseline in SHBG, TBG and CBG'

Ref ; Effects of transdermal and oral contraceptives on estrogen-sensitive hepatic proteins Contraception , Volume 74 , Issue 4 , Pages 293 - 296. Elsevier Article Locator

Also this site ("High CBG Addison's Disease"Copyright 2006 Mike Welch ) indicates a link between high Cortisol Binding Globulin and addisons disease!

So basically what im wondering is if the cause for my weak adrenals is my high estradiol?

Once cortisol gets bound to CBG is it rendered completly inactive or is it just in reserve for use when it is needed?
What about SHBG and TBG, do these render testosterone and thyroid inactive? If they do what is the role of these Binding Globulins in the body?

Hi there,

I recently tested quite a bit over range for estradiol. I am hypothyroid and have adrenal fatigue, so i am on thyroid and hydrocortisone.

Many sources link high estradiol and high CBG. This article that stated that treatment with estradiol 'resulted in significant increases from baseline in SHBG, TBG and CBG'

Ref ; Effects of transdermal and oral contraceptives on estrogen-sensitive hepatic proteins Contraception , Volume 74 , Issue 4 , Pages 293 - 296. Elsevier Article Locator

Also this site ("High CBG Addison's Disease"Copyright 2006 Mike Welch ) indicates a link between high Cortisol Binding Globulin and addisons disease!

So basically what im wondering is if the cause for my weak adrenals is my high estradiol?

Once cortisol gets bound to CBG is it rendered completly inactive or is it just in reserve for use when it is needed?
What about SHBG and TBG, do these render testosterone and thyroid inactive?


Nice post. Thats the way to do it.:)
Actually it is a moot point. The system is dynamic and held in equilibrium by many factors. There are many possible stable states. It is further complicated in that their are more than one binding protein of any given hormone.
The effect of E2 on shbg, etc is well known.
I would think that if one really wants to undrstand the cross action activity of binding globulins you will have to study the stereo structure of the mulecules involved.
This is definitely valuble research you are starting. Hope you continue and keep us informed.
BINGO and also HIGH TBG.. Not to many dr's identify these, DR O and I identify all these factors so it can help us get an over all picture to what is going on and other areas to further investigate. WE see this commonly in women on Birth control pills.
Ya am confused why a young guy like me has these problems - no birth control pill:o. I do know estrogens are everywhere in the environment.

I wonder if my high estradiol is related to my dairy intake? Ive always drank more milk than anyone i know - 3-5 litres per day. The amount of estrogens is probabally small, but as it is concentrated in the fat of milk and butter (Measurement of Estrogens in Cow's Milk, Human Milk, and Dairy Products -- Wolford and Argoudelis 62 (9): 1458 -- Journal of Dairy Science), i will be on low fat milk and marge. for now..