Water Retention Caused by Testosterone May Have Nothing to Do with Estradiol

I’m skeptical. Every time I take an e2 blocker with high test levels, all my water retention issues go away.
There are a few different wrinkles to the discussion:

- bloat induced by shitty diet / lifestyle

- bloat induced by high test (specifically levels of aromatization). This is what most people on this board are referring to when they bloat or no bloat on cycle, and can be mitigated with estrogen management (AI, macrodosing test, introducing AAS like Eq/Proviron/Master which 'block' or 'outcompete' Estro on some level, etc)

- bloat induced via changes to the mineralocorticoid receptor . This is what OP is trying to address, and what most people on this board overlook (or simply don't care about). Seems the main angle here is diuretics or various BP medications.

Prob more, but these are the main ones.

Last year, this question was at the forefront of my mind. I was very concerned about facial bloat as I've had undesirable bloating even at moderate doses of AAS (350-500), even @ moderate levels of body fat (10-15%). I do alot of modeling, so this is a pretty big concern for me.

I've found that the best (most sustainable?) approach is just getting uncomfortably lean and maintaining that (<8%). At that body fat, I experience negligible facial bloat - 300test at 8% doesn't change my face the same way that 300test at 12-15% does. I believe the bloat would be even lower at lower bf, and may actually be a positive - sometimes the face can look haggard the lower you go, a little filler may be beneficial (ESP as you get older and facial volume changes).

Just my thoughts. Take from it what you will. Obv not an issue that concerns everyone, but for those that it does concern, its a big deal
Anastrozole. What is this mineral corticoid blocker? Was thinking of trying Aromasin too.
adex bloats me more than it dries me out, it does lower my estrogen. I tried crashing it a few times on purpose with adex just to see if I had real stuff, it never got rid of any water retention but it did make me feel like crap.

spirolactone, eplerenone
adex bloats me more than it dries me out, it does lower my estrogen. I tried crashing it a few times on purpose with adex just to see if I had real stuff, it never got rid of any water retention but it did make me feel like crap.

spirolactone, eplerenone
I didn’t feel bloated on adex, so I’ll keep using it until it fails me.
There are a few different wrinkles to the discussion:

- bloat induced by shitty diet / lifestyle

- bloat induced by high test (specifically levels of aromatization). This is what most people on this board are referring to when they bloat or no bloat on cycle, and can be mitigated with estrogen management (AI, macrodosing test, introducing AAS like Eq/Proviron/Master which 'block' or 'outcompete' Estro on some level, etc)

- bloat induced via changes to the mineralocorticoid receptor . This is what OP is trying to address, and what most people on this board overlook (or simply don't care about). Seems the main angle here is diuretics or various BP medications.

Prob more, but these are the main ones.

Last year, this question was at the forefront of my mind. I was very concerned about facial bloat as I've had undesirable bloating even at moderate doses of AAS (350-500), even @ moderate levels of body fat (10-15%). I do alot of modeling, so this is a pretty big concern for me.

I've found that the best (most sustainable?) approach is just getting uncomfortably lean and maintaining that (<8%). At that body fat, I experience negligible facial bloat - 300test at 8% doesn't change my face the same way that 300test at 12-15% does. I believe the bloat would be even lower at lower bf, and may actually be a positive - sometimes the face can look haggard the lower you go, a little filler may be beneficial (ESP as you get older and facial volume changes).

Just my thoughts. Take from it what you will. Obv not an issue that concerns everyone, but for those that it does concern, its a big deal
More often, bloating is associated with the use of very fatty foods, or fast food with trans fats.
i've learned two things, most people underestimate their water retention. I've seen people on gear with bouncing moonfaces be like "Yeah I thought this deca would bloat me more"... and i've seen fat fucks claim to be 15% bodyfat

Moral of the story is if you're using gear and you want to look aesthetic then you must cut down to visible abs regardless, and then you can deal with whatever is causing your supposed bloat, whether it be aldosterone, high blood pressure, estrogen, bad diet, lack of cardio - and all or those are interconnected anyways, so the best approach is to dice down regardless.

here's something else to consider, an inch off your waist boosts your aesthetics 10 fold more than adding another inch to your biceps will. Being lean > Gaining more muscle, always, unless you're chasing strength, although I don't see the point in being "strong" if you look like poop. Each to their own.
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1 gram of carb retained as glycogen will take on 3 to 4 grams of water.

First strip the midsection of fat as much as possible.

Adjust anabolic dose down to where you don't have side effects.

Stop with the bolus of large amounts of anabolics and then having to take other drugs to combat the spill over side effects. This isn't a long term strategy for good health.

Eat less calories, eat high nutrient density foods, low carb veggies, proteins, and very moderate healthy fats. See what that does over the longer term over popping pills if one is going for looking lean.
Damn, you're lucky, man. And I’m right if I eat, it’s like a brick in my stomach
I eat like a pig and have great bloods and blood pressure, no bloating, etc. Even on 500mg of test, no sides… just a little higher BP. This is why I’m kinda fit kinda fat, but I’m making changes as soon as my stuff gets here. No more fast food. It’s just disgusting
Eat less calories, eat high nutrient density foods, low carb veggies, proteins, and very moderate healthy fats. See what that does over the longer term over popping pills if one is going for looking lean.
This tip is especially good, it always works. In the system and for the long term, and it's easy, you take it and do it.