Highest Mast E Concentration

hi guys. Hope yall don’t mind my slightly OT question on Mast E but didn’t want to open a new thread.
How stable are the raws for long term storage? I’ve had Test E melt and turn to sludge so wondering if Mast E can do that ? (I only brew a few vials at a time for the cycle I’m running and prefer to keep the raws intact )

I’ve only used and brewed mast P before but am interested in slower esters

hi guys. Hope yall don’t mind my slightly OT question on Mast E but didn’t want to open a new thread.
How stable are the raws for long term storage? I’ve had Test E melt and turn to sludge so wondering if Mast E can do that ? (I only brew a few vials at a time for the cycle I’m running and prefer to keep the raws intact )

I’ve only used and brewed mast P before but am interested in slower esters

nobody knows.

Test E Sludge doesnt mean its bad either.

alot of threads on this topic
I’ve had Test E melt and turn to sludge so wondering if Mast E can do that ?

Melting test e means nothing in regards to its shelf life. It starts melting at 93F and can start becoming gelatinous well before that temp. You don't want it to see a bunch of heat/cool cycles or that will degrade it over time just like any pharmacuetical.

Drostanolone enanthate has a much higher melting point so you won't see the same thing happen in a hot storage climate, but storing these in a oxygen compromised non cooled place is a bad idea in general
Melting test e means nothing in regards to its shelf life. It starts melting at 93F and can start becoming gelatinous well before that temp. You don't want it to see a bunch of heat/cool cycles or that will degrade it over time just like any pharmacuetical.

Drostanolone enanthate has a much higher melting point so you won't see the same thing happen in a hot storage climate, but storing these in a oxygen compromised non cooled place is a bad idea in general
Thanks for this
nobody knows.

Test E Sludge doesnt mean its bad either.

alot of threads on this topic
I followed this and it was very useful
Hi guys.

Adding my own data point here. Successful brew of 400mg into castor oil with 2/20. Tried a tiny amount subq and also did a full 1ML into VG with 25g 1.5 inch

True test will be in a couple of days when the drug is released from the oil depot; my Proviron 20mg brew with castor oil is PIP-less until days 2 or 3 and then I get inflammation. But that’s an ester-less compound so mast should be better.
Hi guys.

Adding my own data point here. Successful brew of 400mg into castor oil with 2/20. Tried a tiny amount subq and also did a full 1ML into VG with 25g 1.5 inch

True test will be in a couple of days when the drug is released from the oil depot; my Proviron 20mg brew with castor oil is PIP-less until days 2 or 3 and then I get inflammation. But that’s an ester-less compound so mast should be better.
Did you get any pip?
None. Castor , if you’re not used to it , does add significant delay in how long the compound sits inside the oil before the esters start getting processed. Just worth noting
Yeah it increases half-life we don't have any numbers tho on how much it does increase the half life of an enanthate ester or even shorter ester like Phenyl propionate etc.
Am I wrong?
For me , one indication on how long oil sits there before drug is processed by the body is my experience with injectable Proviron. I brewed it with castor oil (posted recipe in another thread ).

I inject with no issue or discomfort , no pip for another two days , but by third day the site turns into major red lump from the drug.
Yeah but that's the only data we have. No idea if it does increase on short ester and how much isn't it?
Your right. No data. Just my experience. I did test cyp in Castor 260 perml. I feel nothing in my shot till almost a week later and I'm trying 3 times a week for ultra stable. In fact I didn't take anything for almost 3 weeks before leading up to this homebrew. Got that shit in me and it took awhile to get up to a good or decent feeling in my body. Dumb but it's what I wanted to do. Sub Q. Stomach fat.

Brewed with 20% bb. 1%ba.

Now I'm about to start my test U homebrew and I'll combine test cyp for the short term but use test U till the plotter suggests it's built up then switch to test U once every 2 weeks injection
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Your right. No data. Just my experience. I did test cyp in Castor 260 perml. I feel nothing in my shot till almost a week later and I'm trying 3 times a week for ultra stable. In fact I didn't take anything for almost 3 weeks before leading up to this homebrew. Got that shit in me and it took awhile to get up to a good or decent feeling in my body. Dumb but it's what I wanted to do. Sub Q. Stomach fat.

Brewed with 20% bb. 1%ba.

Now I'm about to start my test U homebrew and I'll combine test cyp for the short term but use test U till the plotter suggests it's built up then switch to test U once every 2 weeks injection
I do once every 2 weeks test U injection and it's fantastic.