Honest Hgh 11 month results

This is my honest results from using Qsc 10iu(blue top) HGH for around a year following my Knee surgery..

I had arthroscopy on my left knee June 2023 due to damaged cartilage.. Although this is still ongoing as the knee is worse than it was, at the time I decided to start using HGH after not having alot of previous experience.. I used 4iu a day before bed until around December when I upped it to 6iu and am currently still at 6iu..

Gear was under a Gram weekly total of Testosterone only until December which then has been upped to just under 2 Gram weekly total of Testosterone.. End of February I added Masteron but kept weekly total under 2 Grams..

Pictures arnt great quality but gives an idea.. Start weight 215lbs Peak weight 230lbs end weight 220lbs..

I much prefer the look at 220 as 230 looked abit puffy..

Picture in grey T shirt and next topless one was peak weight.. Masteron then added and water dropped to tighten up..

Will be upping HGH to 9iu daily and probably take gear to 2.5 Gram total as currently holding this end look.. Solid lean mass is the only goal now..


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Nice physique! How tall are you?

I’m doing something similar aas at 1.5g (mast, test) and 6 iu gh, 1000mg Metformin for few mos. I’m going to bump to 8 iu. Gh and take aas a little higher. I’m 200lbs 5’10 and 9.5% bf on Dexa.

Are you needing any ancillaries? My estrogen is fine with no ai but am taking Telmisartin 40mg, nevibilol 5mg, ezitamide 10mg, tadalifil 5mg, 3g fatty acids. My bp is normal and just did bloodwork which was all normal except lipids off just a little. I just started the lipid drugs after that test.
Man you must be doing things seriously right, you look amazing !

Unlike a few guys on this forum who have recently been flooding threads with daily pictures and videos of their training with weird equipments you only find in select gyms and they barely look like they lift let alone take gear.
Nice physique! How tall are you?

I’m doing something similar aas at 1.5g (mast, test) and 6 iu gh, 1000mg Metformin for few mos. I’m going to bump to 8 iu. Gh and take aas a little higher. I’m 200lbs 5’10 and 9.5% bf on Dexa.

Are you needing any ancillaries? My estrogen is fine with no ai but am taking Telmisartin 40mg, nevibilol 5mg, ezitamide 10mg, tadalifil 5mg, 3g fatty acids. My bp is normal and just did bloodwork which was all normal except lipids off just a little. I just started the lipid drugs after that test.
Thanks dude I'm 6.0foot or 1.83m you you should have a similar build at your height.. No my estrogen has seemed to be fine the whole time.. I tried adding EQ before the Mast but I felt like absolute shit almost stopped training due to lethargy so switched for the Masteron.. Never felt better..
You take your GH full dose or split? insulin is in the stack?
I wouldn't say insulin has been consistent enough to even count.. I start then drop it 3 days later due to already having too much to juggle.. I would love to devote more time to this sport but having a wife and 2 kids takes up the main of my time..

GH full dose pre bed and will be adding 3iu pre workout when I up it..

I personally have felt better doing this as I find it better for recovery..
I wouldn't say insulin has been consistent enough to even count.. I start then drop it 3 days later due to already having too much to juggle.. I would love to devote more time to this sport but having a wife and 2 kids takes up the main of my time..

GH full dose pre bed and will be adding 3iu pre workout when I up it..

I personally have felt better doing this as I find it better for recovery..
yes , i use full dose , pre bed or pre workout (with my pre workout meal (humalog in stack)

i use QSC GH , 1 vials a day and is real deal , confirm quality