How does this LIGHT DNP cycle look?


10+ Year Member
This is my first DNP cycle. Have 50 mg DNP caps on hand.
Currently on Tren Ace 75mg EOD and Test 150mg per week.

Height: 6'4
Weight: 255 lbs
Unknown bodyfat %--but below 15% but I'm in shape with medium visual abs.
Extremely vascular.

I know everybody says to start at 200mg per day to assess tolerance, but I'm starting at 100mg.

Day 1-100mg
Day 2-100mg
Day 3-100mg

IF its I haven't had an allergic reaction, day 4 forward looks as follows:

Day 4-200mg
Day 5-200mg
Day 6-200mg

IF all is bearable, day 7 forward will look as follows:

Day 7-300mg
Day 8-300mg
Day 9-300mg
Day 10-300mg

Perhaps-300 or even 400 mg for an additional 3-5 days.

I'll be applying standard precautions with supplements and high water intake.

Suggestions? Comments? Concerns?
Nothing that works isn't toxic at some level of dosage.

All the strawmen people (not you) create in order to rally against what they disapprove of.

I've never tried DNP, but would consider trying it at OPs modest/careful approach. Especially now that it's about to go below freezing outside. Stay warm!
I absolutely agree!

And I'm currently doing a log about it, and I've had nothing but good experience with it so far. Along with the girl I'm working with.

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Your a fucking retard and are making up shit. Post studies on your theories or shut the fuck up. You obviously didnt get the point. You saying that using dnp is lazy is retarted. one can make the same argument for steroids. I wasnt comparing the safety you fag, im saying your a little hypocrite for saying that its for lazy people, CUZ you can make the same fucking argument for steroids. Stop posting retarted shit immedietly and only post scientific evidence from now on. Nobody cares about your stupid opinion.
lower your tren bro
I absolutely agree!

And I'm currently doing a log about it, and I've had nothing but good experience with it so far. Along with the girl I'm working with.

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Look who is debating this issue on an OPINION!

Or worse yet, a promise to other DNP lurkers you're collating "experience" based evidence (aka anecdotes) to support your OPINION "DNP can be used safely".

I won't hold my breath awaiting publication of your "experience" as you have yet to even define the term "SAFELY".

All of which is the essence of
BRO-SCIENCE, and I can only pity those who choose to follow such nonsense!
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