How does Trenbolone and Dianabol work synergistically?

Could you say if cetirizine would be similar in the effects of lipolysis like ketotifen as they are basically the same
I do not believe that they will share this similarity because there is no evidence of any effect of cetirizine on adenylate cyclase or cAMP activity at all, not to mind in target cells by antagonism of β₂AR downregulation. The effects of ketotifen in this regard do not derive from its being an H1R antagonist per se (so it doesn't follow that because ketotifen is an H1R antagonist, then all H1R antagonists prevent β₂AR downregulation or clenbuterol desensitization/tachyphylaxis).
I do not believe that they will share this similarity because there is no evidence of any effect of cetirizine on adenylate cyclase or cAMP activity at all, not to mind in target cells by antagonism of β₂AR downregulation. The effects of ketotifen in this regard do not derive from its being an H1R antagonist per se (so it doesn't follow that because ketotifen is an H1R antagonist, then all H1R antagonists prevent β₂AR downregulation or clenbuterol desensitization/tachyphylaxis).
Thank you very much for clearing this up really appreciated