How long can I take clen for?


I want to know if I can take a moderate/low dose for months?
what the risks are?
how common this is?
I think guys run clen their whole prep, months are not uncommon?
I understand it will lose its effectveness, but it surely cant be that rapidly?

This is not a thread for things about diet or 2 week on bro science
or random anecdotes of a friend of a friend you saw on reddit 5 years ago, or about the heart regarding dumbasses who ran 100mcg+ on adderal/tren/cardio/no bp meds
I've been BnC for a very long time but never felt the need to add a weight loss drug in a cut
I dont know anything about clen despite taking gear for a decade, so if anyone can fill me in on some anecdotes
or general practices etc.
Also I think I need clen this time around because I was on beta blockers (metopolol) for the past 3 years and i think that caught up with me
( good news is that my heart rate has been permanently reduced since ive been off them, since Feb)

I just want to run some clen to get the gears turning so to speak, Ive had my carbs and calories reduced greatly for about 6 weeks,
I've made a lot of progress, but I'm not making the progress I'm used to , my metabolism just isnt going as fast as it was even just last summer

Ive read a lot about clen, but i only stumble on advanced discussion of how it burns fat etc, and im missing the whole foundational aspect of it,
of how to run it and generally how guys use it

I'm thinking 8 weeks tapering up from 20mcg up to like 60mcg-80mcg. Im not trying to like actually get any sides, just get the ball rolling and get my metabolism back..

thanks for reading

yes I have DNP , no I havent tried it, yes i know its more effective.
I just dont want to run it for 7-10 days and then spend another week bloated. like ive just been cutting too long to go back to holding water in my face.
like ive said before, Im not fat fat and i am getting weightloss already, and i usually have a good metabolism. so i feel like i just need a little assistance to get things firing, i have a feeling ill be a hyperresponder to clen or any metabolism/fat loss drug for that matter

I want to know if I can take a moderate/low dose for months?
what the risks are?
how common this is?
I think guys run clen their whole prep, months are not uncommon?
I understand it will lose its effectveness, but it surely cant be that rapidly?

This is not a thread for things about diet or 2 week on bro science
or random anecdotes of a friend of a friend you saw on reddit 5 years ago, or about the heart regarding dumbasses who ran 100mcg+ on adderal/tren/cardio/no bp meds
I've been BnC for a very long time but never felt the need to add a weight loss drug in a cut
I dont know anything about clen despite taking gear for a decade, so if anyone can fill me in on some anecdotes
or general practices etc.
Also I think I need clen this time around because I was on beta blockers (metopolol) for the past 3 years and i think that caught up with me
( good news is that my heart rate has been permanently reduced since ive been off them, since Feb)

I just want to run some clen to get the gears turning so to speak, Ive had my carbs and calories reduced greatly for about 6 weeks,
I've made a lot of progress, but I'm not making the progress I'm used to , my metabolism just isnt going as fast as it was even just last summer

Ive read a lot about clen, but i only stumble on advanced discussion of how it burns fat etc, and im missing the whole foundational aspect of it,
of how to run it and generally how guys use it

I'm thinking 8 weeks tapering up from 20mcg up to like 60mcg-80mcg. Im not trying to like actually get any sides, just get the ball rolling and get my metabolism back..

thanks for reading

yes I have DNP , no I havent tried it, yes i know its more effective.
I just dont want to run it for 7-10 days and then spend another week bloated. like ive just been cutting too long to go back to holding water in my face.
like ive said before, Im not fat fat and i am getting weightloss already, and i usually have a good metabolism. so i feel like i just need a little assistance to get things firing, i have a feeling ill be a hyperresponder to clen or any metabolism/fat loss drug for that matter

I've used clen for as long as 8 months. Off now.

I'll make the key points succinctly, if you need more details lmk.

"Tolerance" does develop quickly but it's not that simple. Metabolically 80mg of Clen, without prior use, will increase resting calorie burn by 29%, and fat lipolysis (breakdown to fatty acids) by 39%, along with increasing insulin sensitivity and other fat loss enhancing effects.

The tolerance that quickly develops primarily affects the tremors and boosted twitch speed of muscles. This accounts for only a portion of the extra resting calorie burn, and quickly diminishes as you take the same dose. Some users think that's an indication it's no longer working, which isn't accurate. I also thought increased doses to keep the tremors going and the break to reset receptors were necessary to restore the fat loss effects after you reached your max dose and the tremors stopped, but that wasn't actually necessary.

The increased fat metabolism is a direct action of Clen on fat cells, not relying on continued beta receptor sensitivity.

Air passages continue to be opened more than normal, resulting in higher resting calorie burn.

After all, when used as an asthma med it would be taken for years at the same dose. The tremors are considered a temporary side effect when treatment is initiated. No "break" or ever increasing dose is required to keep patients breathing more easily, or as we're trying to induce, additional fat oxidation.

The increased insulin sensitivity is so durable Clen has experimentally been used as a treatment for diabetes. Again, this doesn't fade with tolerance.

So do you lose some of the "free" calorie burn from a lack of tremors and muscles that have increased twitch response? Yes, how much? Not enough to warrant repeatedly going through the stress the tremor stage puts on your body in as you keep cycling over an extended period, in my opinion. The time to reset receptor sensitivity varies from person to person and protocols are all over the place, btw.

Most of the fat loss benefits will continue with sustained use, and the only way to go if you want to use this for a long period to counteract your slowed metabolism. Do something else to burn off what is perhaps 100-200 / day in extra calories from the tremor stage. The biggest benefits are the continuing enhanced lipolysis that will speed fat loss and boost energy, and better glucose control from increased insulin sensitivity. That is largely what "better metabolism" is anyway right?

So for dosing. 40ug twice a day is the asthma dose, proven to be safe for long term use. 80ug twice a day is the highest amount I've found referred to in a long term study (6 months), and those were people weakened by ALS, with no ill effects.

Because of the possible unintentional overdosing with UGL Clen I wouldn't go past 80ug a day, and would usually take that in one dose early in the morning, A split dose is better but no later than noon for the second to avoid insomnia. With pharma I'd be comfortable going up to 80ug twice a day max. Thats me, 40ug twice a day will still be effective. This is all after slow titration and dependent on how you respond. Don't go higher if you don't feel well. You've also got to monitor BP as it can drop too low if you're normal or below already. First time use 20ug for 4 days, then 40ug, 60ug, until you reach your max. Increasing every 4 days or when the tremors ease off.

Although plenty of people have gone to the hospital after taking too much, or ingesting it accidentally (an infant ate 20 tabs, and turned out ok thankfully) or it was used to cut street drugs, documented injury has only been recorded at really high doses, and thankfully very rare. No fatalities as far as I've been able to find. Definitely don't play with raws. It's essentially heart muscle damage from increased heart rate combined with insufficient oxygen supply from the low blood pressure. Again, the highest heart rate is in the tremor stage when the receptors are most sensitive, so even though the doses we're talking about shouldn't put you anywhere near the danger zone, it's another reason to not cycle back into the tremors.

Stay really well hydrated. A lot of the extra energy expenditure is going to be from expelling moisture via breathing. So not only is dehydration bad in general, it'll slow fat loss.

You'll likely experience cramping. I finally realized this wouldn't happen after a long break, I'd be ok for a few weeks, then it would be continuous cramps. A blood test showed depleted taurine. A known effect of clen.. You don't replace Taurine quickly. I think this is happening mostly in the tremor stage (another reason to avoid repeating it) because of taurine's use in nerves and suspect the constant super twitch response was using it up. This isn't something asthma patients typically experience, which reinforces my belief it happens during the repeated tremor stage when cycling. Whatever causes it, 1000mg / day Taurine from the first day of Clen was enough to keep them away most of the time. On the rare occasion I felt a cramp coming on I'd take another Taurine cap. Cramps were never a problem after that.

Finally don't take this with a high GLP dose. At 15mg/tirz I think the insulin sensitivity effect of both would combine to induce brief hypoglycemia, since I'd get blurry vision for a few moments. Once I stopped the Clen that effect didn't return.
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I've used clen for as long as 8 months. Off now.

I'll make the key points succinctly, if you need more details lmk.

"Tolerance" does develop quickly but it's not that simple. Metabolically 80mg of Clen, without prior use, will increase resting calorie burn by 29%, and fat lipolysis (breakdown to fatty acids) by 39%, along with increasing insulin sensitivity and other fat loss enhancing effects.

The tolerance that quickly develops primarily affects the tremors and boosted twitch speed of muscles. This accounts for only a portion of the extra resting calorie burn, and quickly diminishes as you take the same dose. Some users think that's an indication it's no longer working, which isn't accurate. I also thought increased doses to keep the tremors going and the break to reset receptors were necessary to restore the fat loss effects after you reached your max dose and the tremors stopped, but that wasn't actually necessary.

The increased fat metabolism is a direct action of Clen on fat cells, not relying on continued beta receptor sensitivity.

Air passages continue to be opened more than normal, resulting in higher resting calorie burn.

After all, when used as an asthma med it would be taken for years at the same dose. The tremors are considered a temporary side effect when treatment is initiated. No "break" or ever increasing dose is required to keep patients breathing more easily, or as we're trying to induce, additional fat oxidation.

The increased insulin sensitivity is so durable Clen has experimentally been used as a treatment for diabetes. Again, this doesn't fade with tolerance.

So do you lose some of the "free" calorie burn from a lack of tremors and muscles that have increased twitch response? Yes, how much? Not enough to warrant repeatedly going through the stress the tremor stage puts on your body in as you keep cycling over an extended period, in my opinion. The time to reset receptor sensitivity varies from person to person and protocols are all over the place, btw.

Most of the fat loss benefits will continue with sustained use, and the only way to go if you want to use this for a long period to counteract your slowed metabolism. Do something else to burn off what is perhaps 100-200 / day in extra calories from the tremor stage. The biggest benefits are the continuing enhanced lipolysis that will speed fat loss and boost energy, and better glucose control from increased insulin sensitivity. That is largely what "better metabolism" is anyway right?

So for dosing. 40ug twice a day is the asthma dose, proven to be safe for long term use. 80ug twice a day is the highest amount I've found referred to in a long term study (6 months), and those were people weakened by ALS, with no ill effects.

Because of the possible unintentional overdosing with UGL Clen I wouldn't go past 80ug a day, and would usually take that in one dose early in the morning, A split dose is better but no later than noon for the second to avoid insomnia. With pharma I'd be comfortable going up to 80ug twice a day max. Thats me, 40ug twice a day will still be effective. This is all after slow titration and dependent on how you respond. Don't go higher if you don't feel well. You've also got to monitor BP as it can drop too low if you're normal or below already. First time use 20ug for 4 days, then 40ug, 60ug, until you reach your max. Increasing every 4 days or when the tremors ease off.

Although plenty of people have gone to the hospital after taking too much, or ingesting it accidentally (an infant ate 20 tabs, and turned out ok thankfully) or it was used to cut street drugs, documented injury has only been recorded at really high doses, and thankfully very rare. No fatalities as far as I've been able to find. Definitely don't play with raws. It's essentially heart muscle damage from increased heart rate combined with insufficient oxygen supply from the low blood pressure. Again, the highest heart rate is in the tremor stage when the receptors are most sensitive, so even though the doses we're talking about shouldn't put you anywhere near the danger zone, it's another reason to not cycle back into the tremors.

Stay really well hydrated. A lot of the extra energy expenditure is going to be from expelling moisture via breathing. So not only is dehydration bad in general, it'll slow fat loss.

You'll likely experience cramping. I finally realized this wouldn't happen after a long break, I'd be ok for a few weeks, then it would be continuous cramps. A blood test showed depleted taurine. A known effect of clen.. You don't replace Taurine quickly. I think this is happening mostly in the tremor stage (another reason to avoid repeating it) because of taurine's use in nerves and suspect the constant super twitch response was using it up. This isn't something asthma patients typically experience, which reinforces my belief it happens during the repeated tremor stage when cycling. Whatever causes it, 1000mg / day Taurine from the first day of Clen was enough to keep them away most of the time. On the rare occasion I felt a cramp coming on I'd take another Taurine cap. Cramps were never a problem after that.

Finally don't take this with a high GLP dose. At 15mg/tirz I think the insulin sensitivity effect of both would combine to induce brief hypoglycemia, since I'd get blurry vision for a few moments. Once I stopped the Clen that effect didn't return.
Damn, this is a beautiful fully developed answer… thanks for sharing it!
Damn, this is a beautiful fully developed answer… thanks for sharing it!

I wish I could've written it to my past self instead of learning all this incrementally, the hard way, lol.

I heard some doctor years ago say "you don't need a break from clenbuterol for it to remain effective" and remember thinking "He doesn't know what he's talking about, everyone knows you do.".
I wish I could've written it to my past self instead of learning all this incrementally, the hard way, lol.

I heard some doctor years ago say "you don't need a break from clenbuterol for it to remain effective" and remember thinking "He doesn't know what he's talking about, everyone knows you do.".
funny how a common theme in bodybuilding is "paying the piper" so to speak, that all of these medicines need "time off" or they just "stop working".
Crazy how much things have changed in the past few decades.
Im glad the "coming off completely" thing is dying, yet boomers still try to bring that idea around and have younger guys fall for it.

So basically taper up to a dose you can handle, and run it for awhile cause the fat loss effects are not reliant on the side effects
funny how a common theme in bodybuilding is "paying the piper" so to speak, that all of these medicines need "time off" or they just "stop working".
Crazy how much things have changed in the past few decades.
Im glad the "coming off completely" thing is dying, yet boomers still try to bring that idea around and have younger guys fall for it.

So basically taper up to a dose you can handle, and run it for awhile cause the fat loss effects are not reliant on the side effects

Yes. A little more calorie burn from shaking like a crack addict.

India Pharma is the way to go for this. Clenbut 40 is approx $9 for 50 at PCT24. and are scored. Clenabol is even cheaper but isn't.
I’m still trying to figure out who ghoul used to be.
It’s like readalot and trentrentren had a baby lol

Good write up @Ghoul
I’m currently taking injectable Albuterol for this cut and I like the info about the taurine.

Haha, this is the only identity I've ever had here, but it's not like I'm unfamiliar with the steroid induced paranoia that's rampant here :)

I may not have sufficiently emphasized how brutal those cramps can be, since they're nerve, not blood flow induced they happen in weird locations, difficult to pull out with counter muscle movement, so preempting with Taurine is essential imo.
Haha, this is the only identity I've ever had here, but it's not like I'm unfamiliar with the steroid induced paranoia that's rampant here :)

I may not have sufficiently emphasized how brutal those cramps can be, since they're nerve, not blood flow induced they happen in weird locations, difficult to pull out with counter muscle movement, so preempting with Taurine is essential imo.
You notice them more at a certain dose for a prolonged time?
My chest cramps hard few hours after every chest workout past year or so. It splits a very very visible deep line between upper and lower chest like someone is trying to cut it in half with a pice of fishing line. I get crazy chest pumps when I workout lol
You notice them more at a certain dose for a prolonged time?
My chest cramps hard few hours after every chest workout past year or so. It splits a very very visible deep line between upper and lower chest like someone is trying to cut it in half with a pice of fishing line. I get crazy chest pumps when I workout lol

I don't get them until I've used clen for a period of time. I presume there's enough of a Taurine reserve, mostly in the liver to avoid them for the first week or 10 days. Then they happen every day without Taurine supplementation.

My plasma level of Taurine got to below detectable levels on clen. Which makes your heartrate less stable too.

I'm not sure if it helps with "normal" cramps, the link between cramps and Taurine isn't fully understood, whether it's related to nerve function or something to with stabilizing muscle cell walls. Severe liver disease causes lots of cramping, and it's thought because they've lost Taurine storage capacity.

It's worth a try. Cheap and widely available. I still take Taurine even off clen, and never seem to get cramps any more.
I don't get them until I've used clen for a period of time. I presume there's enough of a Taurine reserve, mostly in the liver to avoid them for the first week or 10 days. Then they happen every day without Taurine supplementation.

My plasma level of Taurine got to below detectable levels on clen. Which makes your heartrate less stable too.

I'm not sure if it helps with "normal" cramps, the link between cramps and Taurine isn't fully understood, whether it's related to nerve function or something to with stabilizing muscle cell walls. Severe liver disease causes lots of cramping, and it's thought because they've lost Taurine storage capacity.

It's worth a try. Cheap and widely available. I still take Taurine even off clen, and never seem to get cramps any more.
Yeah I don’t think it’s normal cramps since it coincides with my injectable Albuterol usage is my point. (Same thing as Clen in my viewpoint)
I wonder if NAC and TUDCA supplement has any additional effect on taurine levels and the ability to maintain healthy levels
Yeah I don’t think it’s normal cramps since it coincides with my injectable Albuterol usage is my point. (Same thing as Clen in my viewpoint)
I wonder if NAC and TUDCA supplement has any additional effect on taurine levels and the ability to maintain healthy levels

Thanks for bringing that up. Taurine depletion looks like a property of all beta agonists, not just clen. The list of potential symptoms here doesn't sound unfamiliar, and makes Taurine supplemention seem essential while using clen not just a way to avoid cramps. It may partly explain why the "clen break" thing developed since lack of Taurine can cause a decline in mental state according to this. I'm shocked it never became a standard part of the protocol for clen asthma treatment, or even its use with horses. Maybe clen's disuse in medicine for somewhat unclear reasons were Taurine deficiency problems.

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Thanks for bringing that up. Taurine depletion looks like a property of all beta agonists, not just clen. The list of potential synptoms here doesn't sound unfamiliar, and makes Taurine supplemention seem essential while using clen not just a way to avoid cramps. I'm shocked it never became a standard part of the protocol for clen asthma treatment, or even its use with horses. Maybe clen's disuse in medicine for somewhat unclear reasons were Taurine deficiency problems.

What would a standard regimine for taurine supplementation look like? (mg per day))
What would a standard regimine for taurine supplementation look like? (mg per day))

500-3000mg / day is standard. Up to 6,000 / day is safe.

I'm conservative with supplements, following the "minimum effective dose' principle, so take one 1,000mg cap a day, unless I feel the hint of a cramp, then a second. I also eat a lot of meat and fish, so I'm probably getting more than average from food.

I tried Taurine on someone else's suggestion for the cramps and didn't look into it beyond verifying there weren't any red flags. Might partly explain why my BP has been so well controlled, the drop they mention here is almost pharmaceutical level.

Hasn't helped as much with the crazy, perhaps I need a higher dose for the neurological benefits :)

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500-3000mg / day is standard. Up to 6,000 / day is safe.

I'm conservative with supplements, following the "minimum effective dose' principle, so take one 1,000mg cap a day, unless I feel the hint of a cramp, then a second. I also eat a lot of meat and fish, so I'm probably getting more than average from food.

I tried Taurine on someone else's suggestion for the cramps and didn't look into it beyond verifying there weren't any red flags. Might partly explain why my BP has been so well controlled, the drop they mention here is almost pharmaceutical level.

Hasn't helped as much with the crazy, perhaps I need a higher dose for the neurological benefits :)

Thank you
Why do you take an injectable over an oral?
The reasoning is because I am also running Tren (at a dose just below what affects my sleep) I didn’t want to run Clen with a long half life and end up having trouble sleeping. The injectable is only 4-6 hours. I inject before workouts. No trouble sleeping
I am doing workouts twice a day everyday with cardio at 45 mins everyday so I need my sleep lol
Next time I plan to not run Tren and just run Clen
The reasoning is because I am also running Tren (at a dose just below what affects my sleep) I didn’t want to run Clen with a long half life and end up having trouble sleeping. The injectable is only 4-6 hours. I inject before workouts. No trouble sleeping
I am doing workouts twice a day everyday with cardio at 45 mins everyday so I need my sleep lol
Next time I plan to not run Tren and just run Clen
I see.
I thought the albuterol tabs have a shorter half life than clen and that it was one of the reasons why people say it has less sides. But no, it's the injectable version. Now I know.
I see.
I thought the albuterol tabs have a shorter half life than clen and that it was one of the reasons why people say it has less sides. But no, it's the injectable version. Now I know.
I don’t know about the tabs but it’s the drug Albuterol in general so I would assume the tabs as well
I have no problem injecting multiple times every single day so I usually go the injection route if available. Plus it’s instant with the Albuterol. Feel it immediately