How long can I take clen for?


I want to know if I can take a moderate/low dose for months?
what the risks are?
how common this is?
I think guys run clen their whole prep, months are not uncommon?
I understand it will lose its effectveness, but it surely cant be that rapidly?

This is not a thread for things about diet or 2 week on bro science
or random anecdotes of a friend of a friend you saw on reddit 5 years ago, or about the heart regarding dumbasses who ran 100mcg+ on adderal/tren/cardio/no bp meds
I've been BnC for a very long time but never felt the need to add a weight loss drug in a cut
I dont know anything about clen despite taking gear for a decade, so if anyone can fill me in on some anecdotes
or general practices etc.
Also I think I need clen this time around because I was on beta blockers (metopolol) for the past 3 years and i think that caught up with me
( good news is that my heart rate has been permanently reduced since ive been off them, since Feb)

I just want to run some clen to get the gears turning so to speak, Ive had my carbs and calories reduced greatly for about 6 weeks,
I've made a lot of progress, but I'm not making the progress I'm used to , my metabolism just isnt going as fast as it was even just last summer

Ive read a lot about clen, but i only stumble on advanced discussion of how it burns fat etc, and im missing the whole foundational aspect of it,
of how to run it and generally how guys use it

I'm thinking 8 weeks tapering up from 20mcg up to like 60mcg-80mcg. Im not trying to like actually get any sides, just get the ball rolling and get my metabolism back..

thanks for reading

yes I have DNP , no I havent tried it, yes i know its more effective.
I just dont want to run it for 7-10 days and then spend another week bloated. like ive just been cutting too long to go back to holding water in my face.
like ive said before, Im not fat fat and i am getting weightloss already, and i usually have a good metabolism. so i feel like i just need a little assistance to get things firing, i have a feeling ill be a hyperresponder to clen or any metabolism/fat loss drug for that matter
hey man, if someone dumps out 1,000 40ug clen tablets and decides to pop all of them, maybe, ya know.. darwinism and all that

I think highest I've seen reported was 10,000, with raws, thought mcg and mg was the same.

Guy was out of hospital in 2 days, were signs of some heart muscle cell death, but otherwise lived to tell the tale.
I think highest I've seen reported was 10,000, with raws, thought mcg and mg was the same.

Guy was out of hospital in 2 days, were signs of some heart muscle cell death, but otherwise lived to tell the tale.
“Man this clen is really expensive but guess that’s the price of getting lean”

Also, goddamn I can’t imagine how he must have felt.. the first day on 40 I feel like i’m tweaking. He must have been seizing up like crazy
“Man this clen is really expensive but guess that’s the price of getting lean”

Also, goddamn I can’t imagine how he must have felt.. the first day on 40 I feel like i’m tweaking. He must have been seizing up like crazy

What I see mostly in the various reports of clen hospitalizations are folks who think they're going to have a heart attack. likely from an inadvertent "hot pill" in a UGL pack, rush themselves to the hospital, are
treated, monitored. and released. Still sucks ofc.