How much effort do you put into training your biceps?

Makes me want to use 15 pound dumb bells only - better than tearing . . .
I have heard of many bicep injuries happening at the strangest of times doing the simplest tasks. Guess like getting struck by lightning or hitting the jackpot on a slot machine. Right place right time?
I have heard of many bicep injuries happening at the strangest of times doing the simplest tasks. Guess like getting struck by lightning or hitting the jackpot on a slot machine. Right place right time?
Maybe it was so beat up it was only hanging by a thread. Happened with my back about 10 years ago. Shit was so fucked up I could barely do anything except walk around. Was tying my boot for work one morning seating in a chair and reached a little too far and herd a pop. After that shit got a little blurry from the pain, had to crawl to the couch.
I’m somewhat relieved reading this. I didn’t train my arms at all until roughly 8 weeks ago. I just focused on compound lifts, I did very little isolation work.

So now, I work in ez curls in the 4x12-15 range and incline skill crushers in the 4x12-15 range Up to three times a week (each), on relevant push or pull days. So Including compound lifts biceps would typically get 20-22 sets a week, same for triceps.
Just a set every upper body day, maybe a second set if I feel like it. I mainly do it for elbow health and since the tendonitis seems to stay gone, ain't nothing wrong with how I got it right now. Chin up progression seems to be handling the size part alright.
I have not done them (directly) in probably 6 months now. Still they measure at about 45cm, so not much of a difference if any. Of course when I was blasting they were bigger, but we can't compare it to trt levels.
I have not done them (directly) in probably 6 months now. Still they measure at about 45cm, so not much of a difference if any. Of course when I was blasting they were bigger, but we can't compare it to trt levels.
I didn't quite understand what it was about. Can you explain?
I’ll throw in some barbell curls or hammer curls once a week just to get some blood flow but I put all my focus on my triceps concerning arms. I assume I’m not alone on this with people who primarily train for strength.
Varies. Always been big on arm work though.
Well from a powerlifting perspective if you want a big bench you need big arms, bi's and tri's to stabilise the weight, over the coarse of the week I directly target my biceps with 10x10 with various intensity and indirectly with about 60 pullups
Well from a powerlifting perspective if you want a big bench you need big arms, bi's and tri's to stabilise the weight, over the coarse of the week I directly target my biceps with 10x10 with various intensity and indirectly with about 60 pullups
I remember the Russians had a training program called "Russian cycle according to Faleev" where all the exercises were done 10 to 10.
I remember the Russians had a training program called "Russian cycle according to Faleev" where all the exercises were done 10 to 10.
I started with a similar program when I first got on testosterone. I had very good results doing all my major compound lifts at 10 x 10 and a few isolation moves thrown in. I went to PPL after about 2 months out of boredom with the 10 x 10. I may go back to it for certain body parts because it works pretty well. The only downside to me was I had to use a lot lighter weights to actually get through 10 sets, especially on squats and I wanted to work some heavier days in.
I started with a similar program when I first got on testosterone. I had very good results doing all my major compound lifts at 10 x 10 and a few isolation moves thrown in. I went to PPL after about 2 months out of boredom with the 10 x 10. I may go back to it for certain body parts because it works pretty well. The only downside to me was I had to use a lot lighter weights to actually get through 10 sets, especially on squats and I wanted to work some heavier days in.
But it seems to me due to the large number of approaches - this removed the problem of small weights on the bar. Although I want a big and heavy barbell :).
I have not been able to adapt to it, it is very difficult.
No not really, I just program it off my 1 rep max, week one 50% week two 60% week 3 70% all 10x10, all lot of people wouldn't be bothered programming like that and just lift but personally I like structure. Intensity is for me is a mathematical formula
No not really, I just program it off my 1 rep max, week one 50% week two 60% week 3 70% all 10x10, all lot of people wouldn't be bothered programming like that and just lift but personally I like structure. Intensity is for me is a mathematical formula
A good approach, I see a lot of sense in this and it can really bring results. Thank you.
Zero direct biceps work. Occasionally some light hammer curls as part of a heavy bench day warmup and I regularly do chin ups which kind of work biceps. I don't do direct triceps work either unless you count close grip bench.
I've started to do Close Grip Spoto presses - see if I can get any extra strength from them at all. They seem to work the lower area around the elbow which is primarily used in bench so hopefully something will come from them Lol
I've started to do Close Grip Spoto presses - see if I can get any extra strength from them at all. They seem to work the lower area around the elbow which is primarily used in bench so hopefully something will come from them Lol
It is interesting how your experiment ends, I will wait for the details of what happened in the end.