How much primo vs test

Never used primo before, bought primo e 100mg ml.

I'm doing a cut/recomp.

Will 1000 test e, 700 primo e be enough to keep my e2 normal without going low? What's the ideal ratio
The ideal ratio doesn't exist as everyone respond in different ways.

In my experience using a 2:1 Testosterone to Primo dosing was great to keep E2 in check, with 700 Test and 350 primo my E2 were around 42 but again everyone is different, some people don't even get the AI effect of the primo.

My suggestion would be to try a 2:1 Test to Primo and after 4/5 weeks adjust as needed based on bloodworks/sides.
The ideal ratio doesn't exist as everyone respond in different ways.

In my experience using a 2:1 Testosterone to Primo dosing was great to keep E2 in check, with 700 Test and 350 primo my E2 were around 42 but again everyone is different, some people don't even get the AI effect of the primo.

My suggestion would be to try a 2:1 Test to Primo and after 4/5 weeks adjust as needed based on bloodworks/sides.
I'll try that. As an example my e2 is like this...

875 test .5 arimidex eod
1500 test 1mg eod

So I'd say I'm average
When you say your E2 is normal, what is it? The ideal ratio of Test/Primo is so individual based on blood work.
Ok that doesn't seem to high. If you don't aromatize test then a 2:1 is good start. I personally aromatize a descent amount of test so I'm running 1:1. Better to start low and titrate up as you go. Bloodwork is the best way to see where to stop