How much weight can you lose in 45 days

Exactly. So for the sake of ease. 2000kcal x7 is 14,000/wk maintenance. By skipping 1 day is a 2000kcal deficit. That's about the same as 300kcal a day.
And you get to pick the day. So a no gym day. Or a day you know you'll be distracted and not thinking about eating.
If you find it difficult just practice by pushing your "fasted" window further. i.e. Dinner to lunch. Then late dinner to early dinner.
Of course being low carb helps this as the insulin spikes aren't triggering hunger signals. But that's another story.
That’s honestly very interesting to me , I have never thought of dieting this way , would you consider this a better way of dieting because the fasts will almost “reset” my metabolism to where instead of eating let’s say 1600 calories a day I’ll have those two fast days that will
Shock my system and not let my metabolism get adjusted to the 1600 every single day
Our bodies adapt to what we give it. If you constantly under eat our bodies lower our basal metabolism to accommodate the deficit. That's why when we stop dieting and return to maintenance we get fat again. By eating at maintenance all the time and then missing a day our bodies don't recognize the need to adapt. And no shock, good or bad.
This is also a great way to go if you have a hard time counting calories. (like me). But even I can count to zero.
The other great way to go is (as you mentioned) create the deficit through activity. Start with 20mins 2 or 3 times a week. Even just walks. Then up the time or intensity gradually.
I know this is more long term strategy and not T-Minus 45 days. But it will be sustainable weight loss. Plus, move the heavy stuff too.
Our bodies adapt to what we give it. If you constantly under eat our bodies lower our basal metabolism to accommodate the deficit. That's why when we stop dieting and return to maintenance we get fat again. By eating at maintenance all the time and then missing a day our bodies don't recognize the need to adapt. And no shock, good or bad.
This is also a great way to go if you have a hard time counting calories. (like me). But even I can count to zero.
The other great way to go is (as you mentioned) create the deficit through activity. Start with 20mins 2 or 3 times a week. Even just walks. Then up the time or intensity gradually.
I know this is more long term strategy and not T-Minus 45 days. But it will be sustainable weight loss. Plus, move the heavy stuff too.
I think I’m
Going to try that out after this 45 days of craziness , I know it’s not the best way to go about this but I’m still going to
Try balls to the wall for 45 days and see what I can do. After that I’m going to certainly give your method a try. Thank you for the help brother
Just watch your mood. 500mg tren and roughly 1400 calorie defecit might wreck.
It’s going to be tough but I’m
Kind of excited for the challenge . I’ve struggled with having a fat stomach for so long man that honestly I’ve hit a point of pure desperation, reallt sucks when everyone looks at you and always compliments how “buff” and “big” you look but deep down you know when the shirt comes off
You look like a marshmallow so the compliments just don’t really mean shit
The last time I went on a "starvation diet" I looked like shit . Yes I lost a bunch of weight but it took another 3 months to get my size back . Better think again about pacing yourself , its the only way . Remember no more than 3lbs< a week or else you"ll lose muscle mass alongside the fat . :rolleyes:

The last time I went on a "starvation diet" I looked like shit . Yes I lost a bunch of weight but it took another 3 months to get my size back . Better think again about pacing yourself , its the only way . Remember no more than 3lbs< a week or else you"ll lose muscle mass alongside the fat . :rolleyes:

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Thank you for the info bro, I’ve never heard that rule of thumb before about no more than 3 pounds a week, is that a legit thing ?
Thank you for the info bro, I’ve never heard that rule of thumb before about no more than 3 pounds a week, is that a legit thing ?

Ive been told this forever , never lose more than 5lbs a week with 2-3lbs being ideal . Losing weight/keeping mass is kinda like cooking a beef brisket .
Low & Slow for both . The slower you can lose weight the more mass you will keep . The faster you lose weight the more you lose both fat & muscle mass .
Ive been told this forever , never lose more than 5lbs a week with 2-3lbs being ideal . Losing weight/keeping mass is kinda like cooking a beef brisket .
Low & Slow for both . The slower you can lose weight the more mass you will keep . The faster you lose weight the more you lose both fat & muscle mass .
I totally agree fast intense diets hinder muscle development but with me running test and tren and having a high protein diet and continue my lifting regiment , shouldn’t I be able to hold the majority of
Muscle ?
I totally agree fast intense diets hinder muscle development but with me running test and tren and having a high protein diet and continue my lifting regiment , shouldn’t I be able to hold the majority of
Muscle ?

At least keep your protein intake high like 200+ gms/day . I try to keep protein around 250 and calories (for me 2000 -2200 cal/day) when Im cutting . Im a small guy too , 5'5" and 180lbs normally .
At least keep your protein intake high like 200+ gms/day . I try to keep protein around 250 and calories (for me 2000 -2200 cal/day) when Im cutting . Im a small guy too , 5'5" and 180lbs normally .
Haha I wouldn’t say that’s small bro 180 at 5’5 is pretty damn good but yeah I’m going to keep protein around 200 through chicken and eggs
I get that man, but Tren will strip fat off. Keep protein high, at least 1g/lb bodyweight and don't drop cals too low. All the best to you.
I get that man, but Tren will strip fat off. Keep protein high, at least 1g/lb bodyweight and don't drop cals too low. All the best to you.
Thanks bro I’m going to be eating around 1400 calories a day and keeping protein as high as possible , lift 5 days and do cardio 7 days a week. I know the calories are pretty low but it’s only 45 days , I’d never do this long term and when the diets over I’ll go to maintenance calories for a little bit to even myself back out
Food for thought...three weeks on a moderate dose of dnp would likely get you to your goal (with discipline of course) without loosing much muscle on only a trt dose of test.
Food for thought...three weeks on a moderate dose of dnp would likely get you to your goal (with discipline of course) without loosing much muscle on only a trt dose of test.
I appreciate the info , but I just bought more test and tren and my guy has a minimum order price , (I’m balling on a budget sadly) but thank you I’ll have to look into dnp for Next time I cut weight