How should I take my pct?


New Member
Ok I'm 5 10 218 probably around 12% bf if I had to guess. 34 years old. My cycle is coming to an end and it looks like this.

Weeks 1-12 sustaanon 500 mg week

Weeks 2-10 tren a 500 mg week.

I've got clomid, nolvadex and was thinking about using some of this sarm I have mk2866. So can someone set tell me how much I should take? I don't have hcg, I don't know where to find it. Thanks guys.
I take mine everyday...

All joking aside, but as NN said you should of had this figured out before you ran your cycle. Do you know how long to wait to begin your pct after last pin?
Do NOT take any SARMs during PCT, it is suppressive and counterproductive to what a PCT is there to accomplish. If you are deadset on taking it at some point, save it to take on cycle at another point... But they are completely useless IMO and I'm not alone in this belief
At least you did your homework on starting 18 days after your last pin w/sus.. My protocol is Clomid @ 100/100/50/50, & Nolvadex @ 40/40/20/20. I myself prefer to front load on day 1, but not necessary.
At least you did your homework on starting 18 days after your last pin w/sus.. My protocol is Clomid @ 100/100/50/50, & Nolvadex @ 40/40/20/20. I myself prefer to front load on day 1, but not necessary.

My protocol is the same except with an extra 25/25 on the clomid
See this is the only reason I was asking. People seem to say different things. I just wanted to know what was right for me..
For some, the sides are intolerable, while others choose not to do a pct. Everyone is different. Lot's of info here. Do a little research and make an educated decision on what you feel works best for you, but always do your homework prior. You came to the right place for answers