How steroids made me depressed

I have been a member of this forum for a very long time, I have always seen posts on how to mitigate and get rid of side effects but this specific side effect that happened to me seems like it isn’t taken very seriously. I am going to have to reveal my age in this post and I hope that you guys don’t clown me for my young age and being on steroids. The reason I kind of have to reveal my age is so you understand why this effected me mentally so much. I am 21 years old and I started using steroids when I was 20. I have only 2 cycles under my belt. The first one was just 8 weeks of test at 300mgs and the second was test(400) and primo(200) With a little bit of anadrol (25mgs). That cycle was just 12 weeks. I feel that I have always used extremely low doses. Anyways what is that side effect? It’s hair loss. Pretty much as soon as I started my first cycle I got instant shedding. And now it’s at an uncontrollable rate. It is supper embarrassing especially around my friends. I used to have such long hair and now I have thin hair and multiple bald spots on my head. I have tried pretty much everything out their to fix it. Oils, shampoos, finasteride. And nothing seems to be able to fix it. Some vets on here will say to just go bald and shave everything. But unfortunately I just can’t be confident without my hair. Not all of us look good bald. It was simply part of my identity. Anyways guys I would appreciate if you can give some tips or pm me. Am sure you understand why my young age is relevant in this matter as no one my age should have this ugly of a head.
I don’t look good in hats, or beanies either. I need the hair. Also regarding my age, I understand that I made a mistake using steroids young but I can non change the past I can only change the future.
I think you were already depressed to begin with brother. I think you need to learn to be happy with yourself

I think you were already depressed to begin with brother. I think you need to learn to be happy with yourself

I ended up not using nandrolone, but yes I agree that I definitely used be harsh on myself and I have learned to outgrow that. Now this hair loss issue is a different problem.
I ended up not using nandrolone, but yes I agree that I definitely used be harsh on myself and I have learned to outgrow that. Now this hair loss issue is a different problem.
its not the nandrolone part.

its been less than a year. you havent grown anything.

this is a big reason why we dont advocate for young people to do a cycle. their life isnt together and they may not know what they want.
its not the nandrolone part.

its been less than a year. you havent grown anything.

this is a big reason why we dont advocate for young people to do a cycle. their life isnt together and they may not know what they want.
Your right, I agree with you. And I admit I made a mistake being so young. As of right now though my main concern is my hair. And I really need to fix it. I understand how my past may be a concern but it is different now. I understand that success comes with time and age as a man. Trust me it’s is not the same. I am just mentally fucked up right now from having no fucking hair bro. It’s fucking with me hard.
Your right, I agree with you. And I admit I made a mistake being so young. As of right now though my main concern is my hair. And I really need to fix it. I understand how my past may be a concern but it is different now. I understand that success comes with time and age as a man. Trust me it’s is not the same. I am just mentally fucked up right now from having no fucking hair bro. It’s fucking with me hard.
I dont think there is much you can do.

I guess can try finasteride 1mg to start the process of trying to keep it.
Hair is overrated imo man. I shaved my head as soon as I started receding and never went back. Shave it all down and try to vibe with it and im sure it could grow on you brother
Basically the only effective agents out there are finasteride and minoxidil so I am on both just to try to stay ahead of the game. The fact that you dump the finasteride even tho it was slightly slowing the loss makes me think you are looking for a miracle and won’t leverage what’s realistic.
Your lucky as guys don't need to be good looking and have hair .
Shave that head it just looks silly with spots missing .
Buy nice clothes get jacked get your life in order and get some money a nice car and you will be ahead of most even if they have hair .
The other pussy option is go to Turkey and get implants .
God wants you to get bald so you can build your confidence its a opportunity not a curse.
Your lucky as guys don't need to be good looking and have hair .
Shave that head it just looks silly with spots missing .
Buy nice clothes get jacked get your life in order and get some money a nice car and you will be ahead of most even if they have hair .
The other pussy option is go to Turkey and get implants .
God wants you to get bald so you can build your confidence its a opportunity not a curse.
I agree guys don’t have to have hair to be good looking. But unfortunately I can’t pull the look off. I have already been working on my personal success for a long time and it takes time to get rich and all that.
Hair is overrated imo man. I shaved my head as soon as I started receding and never went back. Shave it all down and try to vibe with it and im sure it could grow on you brother
Hair isn’t overrated bro, it shows that you are young and healthy and that is why females find it attractive. Especially in my age being bald is definitely a no go. Anyone who tells you the way you look doesn’t matter in my opinion is telling you complete bullshit. Afcorse the way you look matters, this is why this forum is full of obsessed gym freaks who are on grams of steroids. Because the way you LOOK MATTERS.
I have been doing some research and it seems that there is a possible way with a combination of products/ingredients that I can recover and regrow my hair, I will update you guys if I try to experiment with this.
I agree guys don’t have to have hair to be good looking. But unfortunately I can’t pull the look off. I have already been working on my personal success for a long time and it takes time to get rich and all that.
Enjoy the process and don't stress about things you cant change .
Shit id like to be over 6 feet tall but it is what it is.
Did i win at life ? Yes
Am i knee deep in pussy ? Yes
Do i have everything paid of and live mostly worries free ? Yes
It takes time bro don't sweat it if you read your post after you are 30 you will find it funny and will be happy how far you have made it .
Listen to some Goggins and Jordan Peterson videos on YouTube and kill it!
Looks like you are sensitive to DHT and was already genetically prone to this.. I've been running gear since the age of 16 and only made me more chewbaka like...
Look you knew what you put yourself into the first day that needle went inside of you stop with the drama and stop using those "hair saving pills" because they can fuck you up even more..
Get a short haircut or just go bold see how your hair grows from 0 and maybe with time it'll grow back as it was before if not either you accept being bold or take a trip to turkey for hair transplant..
Regarding your comment about us the people of the forum being obsessed with how we look and shit... shame on you budy nothing else to add here..
Hair isn’t overrated bro, it shows that you are young and healthy and that is why females find it attractive. Especially in my age being bald is definitely a no go. Anyone who tells you the way you look doesn’t matter in my opinion is telling you complete bullshit. Afcorse the way you look matters, this is why this forum is full of obsessed gym freaks who are on grams of steroids. Because the way you LOOK MATTERS.
I’m within 4 years of your age brother and have been bald for going on a couple years now.
Have nice hair.... Use steroids.

Pick one.

I can tell you right off the bat, you didn't take the fina long enough to get any results. In fact, it's typical for it to make the shedding worse before it gets better.

Best advice you will ever get: stop fucking experimenting on yourself with drugs. You're either too young and immature to handle this, or it just doesn't align with anything you value.

Let time work it's magic, the hair will improve if you lay off the gear. Fucking forget about taking hair loss drugs - you're going to be back here asking for help because your dick stopped working or that you've suddenly become asexual.