How to curb your appetite? Any safe drugs or supplements?


New Member
Summer cutting cycle underway
The only problem is dieting
(there may be some truth that EQ boosts appetite, but in only becomes noticeable when dieting. Mast, Primo and maybe Deca too seem to increase hunger cravings, at least for me)

Are there any safe diet drugs or supplements?

I already tried drinking water instead of eating but now I have to piss quite often.
I've tried everything from ephedrine to adderall.

The problem with doing shit like this is eventually it's time to pay the fiddler. You either deal with irritability or the come down effects of some of the shit or mother nature takes over one day and you just gorge on food.

I recently decided to do something I haven't done in a long time and that is TOUGH IT OUT
Adderall or coke.

For real though if you get your hands on 10 mg adderall that’s all it takes for me. Luckily I have a script from when I was a youngin I’ll whip out every couple of months as a pre workout.
I've tried everything from ephedrine to adderall.

The problem with doing shit like this is eventually it's time to pay the fiddler. You either deal with irritability or the come down effects of some of the shit or mother nature takes over one day and you just gorge on food.

I recently decided to do something I haven't done in a long time and that is TOUGH IT OUT
I think this is so underlooked also. I realized this myself. On any type of stimulant plus lowering calories turns me into a fucking dick. Hunger is by far the worst thing for me. I just turn into the biggest douche over nothing until I eat.
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I get use to the caloric deficit easy, problem comes when I smoke weed, I get so hungry.

I don't want to stop smoking. So I have it in time close to bed, but still soo hungry I can ruin everything by eating 2000-3000 calories in a sit.
Caffeine plus 100mg Modafinil (or 150mg Armodafinil) works pretty well for me on a day to day basis. Redose caffeine/coffee every 3-4hrs. If I'm going to an event and don't want to lose my shit, I'll boost with some ephedrine/Bronkaid, or take another 100mg Modafinil.

With 200mg Moda and caffeine, it is uncomfortable for me to eat more than a small meal (think serious stomach discomfort). Try to binge a couple of times, and my monkey brain quickly learns that there is no pleasure to be had with overeating.
I've found that meeting a beautiful woman has cut out all desire for junk food or high starch. All I can think about is chicken, veggies, and her. It's quite effective.