how to lower shbg

Well you better name the board and writter or your going to get in trouble for copywrite fraud :)
It is interesting that Proviron would be more effective at lowering the SHGB or what you call it, then Masteron since Proviron is metabolized by the liver twice and Masteron once. I do not think this is accurate at all... Can somebody else more smart than me debate this issue? What do you think? Since my main purpose in using Masteron is lowering SHGB and lowering estrogen, if Proviron really was more effective then I would switch back to it.

Tnx Bros!
"Studies show that when testosterone is unbound from SHBG the “free” test does in fact exert greater effects than total T." non of the studies that i read actually manipulated shbg and measured free test. how about coming up with a study that demonstrates an increase in free test after taking proviron.

Adding an extra 250mg of test to your cycle will make it kick ass! :)
