how to make transdermal testosterone?

2.5% ? Careful not to overdose

I make a 20% concentration with just two ingredients that are more penetrative than the one you listed :

- 96% ethanol
- fractionated coconut oil

You've just been vetted, enjoy ;)
Dissolving a bunch of test in all that ethanol doesn't mean its going anywhere (other than the floor). If you want to dump your test at least donate it or something
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I make a 20% concentration with just two ingredients that are more penetrative than the one you listed :

- 96% ethanol
- fractionated coconut oil

Could you elaborate on the use of this formulation? Concentration, guesses on absorption, where do you apply, links to research, things like that.

I use your ethanol/ isopropyl myristate formula applied to my scrotum and absolutely love it. I use 100% ethanol but don't seem to realize additional solubility over a slightly lower proof.

I appreciate the information and your contributions. I've always wanted to experiment with transdermal test and you've made that easily accessible for me.
Could you elaborate on the use of this formulation? Concentration, guesses on absorption, where do you apply, links to research, things like that.

Seems that it stays on the skin longer than the IPM and allows for better absorption which my bloodwork confirms

I use your ethanol/ isopropyl myristate formula applied to my scrotum and absolutely love it. I use 100% ethanol but don't seem to realize additional solubility over a slightly lower proof.

I thought 96% was the highest concentration technically possible.

I appreciate the information and your contributions. I've always wanted to experiment with transdermal test and you've made that easily accessible for me.

Welcome my man !


hmm hmm ;)
Seems that it stays on the skin longer than the IPM and allows for better absorption which my bloodwork confirms

I thought 96% was the highest concentration technically possible.

Welcome my man !


hmm hmm ;)

Better absorption sounds fantastic! Do you use about the same ratio as the IPM formulation? Have you tried it in combination with the IPM? Though, I must say I definitely enjoy the simplicity of two ingredients.

Yes, 200 proof is readily available in my state. The supplier I use actually specifies 99.9% pure. I've seen others take that figure out another decimal place. How long it stays that way after I crack the seal is anyone's guess.