How to stack Sarms Rad140 with Testosteron Cypionat?


New Member
Hello Guys,
i would like to Stack Testolon RAD140/ SARM to my cure.

What do you think of it? Is this stack worth it? What is the best way to use it, dose and for how long?
Thanks for answering
A lot of effect with little risk. That's my reason for testing it.
I don’t know about little risk. They’ve been studied very little compared to the common aas compounds that have literally been around for half a century or more and heavily studied. That’s my issue with using them. I’ve been tempted myself to add a couple of them like rad or lgd but just can’t bring myself to do it when there are aas that do the same thing and the long and short term affects are studied and well known.
Hello Guys,
i would like to Stack Testolon RAD140/ SARM to my cure.

What do you think of it? Is this stack worth it? What is the best way to use it, dose and for how long?
Thanks for answering
Complete and utter waste of time.

Less effective and more toxic than traditional oral AAS options with next to no detailed research, safety studies, or even appropriate anecdotal research on them.

There is literally zero excuse or use case for SARMs use.

Just run more test
I don’t know about little risk. They’ve been studied very little compared to the common aas compounds that have literally been around for half a century or more and heavily studied. That’s my issue with using them. I’ve been tempted myself to add a couple of them like rad or lgd but just can’t bring myself to do it when there are aas that do the same thing and the long and short term affects are studied and well known.
The problem for me is that I have started to play with this idea.
Can you give me the source of the reports on Sarms. I'm going to do a lot of research on the subject and in the new year I'll consider whether I should take the risk.
Complete and utter waste of time.

Less effective and more toxic than traditional oral AAS options with next to no detailed research, safety studies, or even appropriate anecdotal research on them.

There is literally zero excuse or use case for SARMs use.

Just run more test
Thanks for the answer. Health always comes first and so far I have done well
The problem for me is that I have started to play with this idea.
Can you give me the source of the reports on Sarms. I'm going to do a lot of research on the subject and in the new year I'll consider whether I should take the risk.
Source of what reports? I was talking about studies on aas for decades. There’s very little out there for sarms besides the sarm goblins on YouTube pushing them. There plenty of bad reports though just get on Reddit sarms forums. Hell even on the Reddit steroid page is filled with negative feedback on sarms and those clowns are fools but even they know sarms are horrible.

Anavar or Winny would do anything rad might do but it would be much safer and you know what the side effects are and safety profile for them.