[HPLC] Pharmacom "Pharmanan P100" NPP

That is such reflective bullshit and you know it.

THe gear was advertised at 100mg/ml and testing showed it to be 110mg/ml. You think the lab added something else to this batch? Why the hell would hey waste their money when the product is already good and dosed above and beyond label claims? You are useless. Hold on, let me throw in some test cyp along with this NPP bc I have enough money.....
I will post again, contaminants. I don't doubt there are the occasional contaminants which can skew a labmax, and still have the simec come back positive. Maybe this is what we witnessed here, maybe not? Either way, I would call it a nail in the coffin for labmax, at least for NPP testing. Or possibly Labmax just has difficulty testing NPP (surely some compounds must be more difficult than others to either confirm visually, or the test to detect at all). The whole 'one size fits all' shit about labmax seems odd to me... How can just 2 sets of reagents accurately identify THAT many different compounds?

I still believe labmax has value for some tests, mainly the test esters and tren. Also, it's a good precautionary step for some users, like females, to identify if something they DON'T want is present (dbol in var's case, test in primo's case, etc etc). Still not 100%, of course.
I think one of the commentators on the results of the tests works for Labmax.

I already agreed it's a subjective test, so there's no quantifiable line to divide pass and fail. That doesn't mean that most people can't tell two obviously different colors apart, especially when there are reference photos.

If a company earns my trust and doesn't occasionally dump bunk or mislabeled products on unsuspecting customers, I might give up on LM. That would be nice, actually. I know that everything I pin passes labmax, but it's no guarantee of dosage or even content in some cases. LM is a reasonable sanity check for the cost, nothing more. It's not an ideal test and no one is claiming it's perfect (well, almost no one).

Although we don't agree on labmax I appreciate you taking the time to indulge me while managing not to sound like an employee unlike others.
The reason I asked, and if I'm wrong, sorry, is it thought mass specs would only tell you what's in the sample,not the quantity. Thought you needed reference standards for that

GC/MS will show you everything inside but if you want to use GC/MS for quantity it needs standard to calibrate.
@RThoads , did you send anything else is? This is awesome to see.

that is all I sent. Unfortunately, I did not have any of the dbol on hand -- I want to see results on that since we have a huge debate with half the guys saying it is the best and half the guys say it is bunk.

I knew LM was not perfect and could not be because it is just a simple indicator based upon interpretation, says nothing about concentration, and I admit I am inexperienced.
However, it gives some info and using that info with bloodwork can go a long a way to help know what you are working with. I don't like the situation but what other resources to we have right now?

This is the bullshit we face because our government passes fucked up bans and laws -- how well did the whole prohibition on alcohol work out? Drugs and other crime are out of control in the USA but we waste resources on some steroids and don't let them say it is for public health--I can buy cigarettes and vodka at every gas station here and we all know that 5 mins in most Doc offices will get you some Prozac, Xanax, and Norco. Who are the supposed representatives truly representing? anyway, sorry that is off topic, you get my point--we are stuck not because of LM, Sources, Simec etc--we are stuck because we are not represented (gear does not fit the defined criteria of controlled substances yet despite that it was still added to the list).

I will still be using LM because I can not afford to send everything I ever get to a lab.
I will still post results for other to learn from and for those more experienced to help me out interpreting--it is at least some first step of getting data.

I hope sources all follow in this lead and are willing to back up their products when LM or bloodwork raise legitimate questions.
Frank has been a very stand up guy in my own personal experience and it looks like Darius is also similar in that regard. Sources need to do this, they need to be willing to put in a little money when LM fails to stand behind their products -- it might cost a couple hundred dollars but in the long run if they believe their product is good and the results match their claims then they will easily make that money back.
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I have no issue with labmax, just thought there was nothing definitive about it,get too many false fails, and using it to determine concentration isn't a good idea. Labmax could probably come up with better reagents
Although we don't agree on labmax I appreciate you taking the time to indulge me while managing not to sound like an employee unlike others.
Same here, actually. Talking with an intelligent person forces me to evaluate my own arguments as well as yours.
that is all I sent. Unfortunately, I did not have any of the dbol on hand -- I want to see results on that since we have a huge debate with half the guys saying it is the best and half the guys say it is bunk.

I knew LM was not perfect and could not be because it is just a simple indicator based upon interpretation, says nothing about concentration, and I admit I am inexperienced.
However, it gives some info and using that info with bloodwork can go a long a way to help know what you are working with. I don't like the situation but what other resources to we have right now?

This is the bullshit we face because our government passes fucked up bans and laws -- how well did the whole prohibition on alcohol work out? Drugs and other crime are out of control in the USA but we waste resources on some steroids and don't let them say it is for public health--I can buy cigarettes and vodka at every gas station here and we all know that 5 mins in most Doc offices will get you some Prozac, Xanax, and Norco. Who are the supposed representatives truly representing? anyway, sorry that is off topic, you get my point--we are stuck not because of LM, Sources, Simec etc--we are stuck because we are not represented (gear does not fit the defined criteria of controlled substances yet despite that it was still added to the list).

I will still be using LM because I can not afford to send everything I ever get to a lab.
I will still post results for other to learn from and for those more experienced to help me out interpreting--it is at least some first step of getting data.

I hope sources all follow in this lead and are willing to back up their products when LM or bloodwork raise legitimate questions.
Frank has been a very stand up guy in my own personal experience and it looks like Darius is also similar in that regard. Sources need to do this, they need to be willing to put in a little money when LM fails to stand behind their products -- it might cost a couple hundred dollars but in the long run if they believe their product is good and the results match their claims then they will easily make that money back.
To be honest, I think it's sort of a waste of money/ time with orals, except for maybe var (due to heavy female usage).

Orals you KNOW within 5 days max if the compound is more or less properly dosed. I don't know what the discrepancy with the dbol is about, possibly different batches or users various responses/expectations/knowledge.

Oils would be easier to underdose, especially blends. Imagine if you bought a blend that said it contained test p, mast p and tren a. Would you know after a week or two if I just had tren and test? Hmm, unlikely. Maybe if you were very experienced, maybe not.

I'd like to see some blends tested, even though it'll be 3X the price.
that is all I sent. Unfortunately, I did not have any of the dbol on hand -- I want to see results on that since we have a huge debate with half the guys saying it is the best and half the guys say it is bunk.

I knew LM was not perfect and could not be because it is just a simple indicator based upon interpretation, says nothing about concentration, and I admit I am inexperienced.
However, it gives some info and using that info with bloodwork can go a long a way to help know what you are working with. I don't like the situation but what other resources to we have right now?

This is the bullshit we face because our government passes fucked up bans and laws -- how well did the whole prohibition on alcohol work out? Drugs and other crime are out of control in the USA but we waste resources on some steroids and don't let them say it is for public health--I can buy cigarettes and vodka at every gas station here and we all know that 5 mins in most Doc offices will get you some Prozac, Xanax, and Norco. Who are the supposed representatives truly representing? anyway, sorry that is off topic, you get my point--we are stuck not because of LM, Sources, Simec etc--we are stuck because we are not represented (gear does not fit the defined criteria of controlled substances yet despite that it was still added to the list).

I will still be using LM because I can not afford to send everything I ever get to a lab.
I will still post results for other to learn from and for those more experienced to help me out interpreting--it is at least some first step of getting data.

I hope sources all follow in this lead and are willing to back up their products when LM or bloodwork raise legitimate questions.
Frank has been a very stand up guy in my own personal experience and it looks like Darius is also similar in that regard. Sources need to do this, they need to be willing to put in a little money when LM fails to stand behind their products -- it might cost a couple hundred dollars but in the long run if they believe their product is good and the results match their claims then they will easily make that money back.

I know I already said it once, but thanks again RT for the contribution. Above and beyond, fine sir.

Same here, actually. Talking with an intelligent person forces me to evaluate my own arguments as well as yours.

Flenser, as always, you are a class act.
I can't believe you are still replying back to mercury guys... he is such a tool.

BTW you idiots! I had the whole pharmacom mixes line tested, by my very close friend, he is a genius!

Can't post results because my dog ate them, DO NOT WORRY, you should trust me, I'm a good boy, never said a lie in my life.
I can't believe you are still replying back to mercury guys... he is such a tool.

BTW you idiots! I had the whole pharmacom mixes line tested, by my very close friend, he is a genius!

Can't post results because my dog ate them, DO NOT WORRY, you should trust me, I'm a good boy, never said a lie in my life.
The issue I have with Mercury's response is that he never said anything about having gear tested till he got contradictory results on a labmax test
The issue I have with Mercury's response is that he never said anything about having gear tested till he got contradictory results on a labmax test

let me explain again

I never do bloods because I consider it stupid to test on my liver and wait a few weeks for results.

I usually get one vial to test and I prescreen always with labmax.

If it is pass, then I get rest of vials and start a cycle and filter them with whatman 0.22um.

I do on occasion lab testing to find concentration, only after it is clear pass on labmax, what is the point to pay $300 if it is just corn oil.

If I find labmax test results contradictory or fail then I toss the gear away.
So only clear LM passes are "tested" at this super secret University of Florida facility which in essence means the LM fails never get tested. How convenient that is since you'll never see the proof of LM fails being shown to be right on the money bc they never get tested.
So only clear LM passes are "tested" at this super secret University of Florida facility which in essence means the LM fails never get tested. How convenient that is since you'll never see the proof of LM fails being shown to be right on the money bc they never get tested.

I do not what the fuck you are trying to say or prove.

Stop smoking whatever you smoke then maybe one day we can discuss if you pass first on IQ test.
I do not what the fuck you are trying to say or prove.

Stop smoking whatever you smoke then maybe one day we can discuss if you pass first on IQ test.

You're asking me to pass an IQ test yet your grammar is that of a 3 year olds? I understand English may not be your first language but in that case you have no basis to judge me as you've yet to prove you have any semblance of intelligence.

What I am saying is you claimed RT's NPP wasn't NPP based on the LM test. Now, Simec has proven you wrong. Carry that to YOUR testing. If soemthing fails your LM test you should have it tested every now and then as an assurance bc you were WRONG here and more than likely WRONG on other occasions as well.

If that doesn't make sense to you tell me your primary language and I'll get a translator to make it clearer you idiot.
What I am saying is you claimed RT's NPP wasn't NPP based on the LM test.

it proves again that you are half idiot and half moron. you do not understand again and again what people trying to teach you

it failed labmax because it was mixed with something else, simec did not detect.

it would be for you more beneficial to learn more about labmax test instead pretending to be expert on something you do not have clue about.
it proves again that you are half idiot and half moron. you do not understand again and again what people trying to teach you

it failed labmax because it was mixed with something else, simec did not detect.

it would be for you more beneficial to learn more about labmax test instead pretending to be expert on something you do not have clue about.
Mercury, don't be so harsh. I'm hoping this debate prompts labmax to start improving their technology.
it proves again that you are half idiot and half moron. you do not understand again and again what people trying to teach you

it failed labmax because it was mixed with something else, simec did not detect.

it would be for you more beneficial to learn more about labmax test instead pretending to be expert on something you do not have clue about.

Talking to you is like talking to a brick walk except the brick wall doesn't lie and doesn't try to sell me LM. These are your quotes from the original thread:

you have some hormone but it is not NPP

you can see right away even without UV, the initial color in A is not olive - green

just testosterone cyp

You said it was test cyp and NOT NPP you moron.