Human Growth Hormone - QSC vs Meditrope Golden Tops. What the fuck?

theres a reason why serostim is for HIV patients, treating burns... and saizen is for growth issues
I disagree, it's more likely pharma-company payoffs and medical-politics causing regulations to have the standard set for their HGH only, like Serostim for AIDS. Generics work nearly just as good, there's no reason to pay 5 to 10 times the price for pharma, unless you have money to burn. I didn't find them to produce any better results, just a tiny bit less water-retention, and it really was just a tiny bit less.
Somatrope is somatrope… no diffrence … all 191 Amino acids .
you are posting theses here that have no support and no evidence. if I have both HGH laboratory tested, comes on end the same result and so it is in the body. this only recognizes the 191a and processes it

is chemically synthetized somatropin is the same as recombinant dna somatropin (e.coli, mammalian cells)? it has the same biological activity on the human body? same as insulin, chemically synthetized insulin has no biological activity

and I highly suggest you to take a look on pharmacology books. in the laboratory HGH is HGH, but at human body IS NOT
I disagree, it's more likely pharma-company payoffs and medical-politics causing regulations to have the standard set for their HGH only, like Serostim for AIDS. Generics work nearly just as good, there's no reason to pay 5 to 10 times the price for pharma, unless you have money to burn. I didn't find them to produce any better results, just a tiny bit less water-retention, and it really was just a tiny bit less.

yes. some generics are very good, and in my opinion "only pharma hgh is good" is bullshit

but about medical-politics standarding, i will disagree. serostim stalls on igf/gh levels, while saizen does not (for example)
I thought it all had to be grown. What would be the difference anyway?

According to who?

1) peptides like bpc-157, tb500 are chemically synthetized, for example. those peptides will work anyway. but, synthetic insulin/somatropin will produce antibodies, and wont bind correctly to the body. it needs to be grown from e.coli/yeast/mammalian cells (like Saizen) to look like "natural".

you have plenty of failed studies of chemically synthetized human insulin in 1950's


There may be an association between GH antibodies (i.e., antigenicity) with mammalian cell-derived rhGH versus E. coli (e.g., Iranian Norditropin saw 8.5% antigenicity versus 1.2-2.8% for E. coli-produced Somatropin). Yet, there was no clinical relevance (no decrement in GH response [IGF-I increase] nor height velocity).

There may be some minor influence of excipients used (e.g., some rhGH formulations may use mannitol which is a diuretic) on body composition. Genotropin uses meta cresol primarily. Serono Serostim sucrose & phosphoric acid.

Anyway, with all rhGH formulations there is a "stalling" after some time (due to diminished GH response, likely due predominantly to GHBP/IGFBP dynamics, diminished phosphorylation of downstream elements to the GHR, etc.)

I think the perceived differences by formulation are largely modulated by time * dose and by nutritional and training influences, other drugs.
Maybe @janoshik can say more … he Knows a lot about the chemical structure .

In my opinion there is no different between the HGH . Also for the Body ..

for everyone , hgh is hgh no matter what it is derived from . if it has 191 amino acids (and i don't know anything else), then it works the same.
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1) peptides like bpc-157, tb500 are chemically synthetized, for example. those peptides will work anyway. but, synthetic insulin/somatropin will produce antibodies, and wont bind correctly to the body. it needs to be grown from e.coli/yeast/mammalian cells (like Saizen) to look like "natural".

you have plenty of failed studies of chemically synthetized human insulin in 1950's

don't you see what the person writes there? there is no clinical evidence of this. everything was the same GH in the body and IGf1 increase. Connections would be possible due to nutrition and training. HGH is HGH...
Maybe @janoshik can say more … he Knows a lot about the chemical structure .

In my opinion there is no different between the HGH . Also for the Body ..

for everyone , hgh is hgh no matter what it is derived from . if it has 191 amino acids (and i don't know anything else), then it works the same.

your opinion changed my mind ;)
thats why Olympias PRO are using HGH Blue Tops right 100 usd/kit now
I've recently come under the belief that some pros are using several hundred iu's per day, which would make pharma out of the question unless you were a billionaire.
1) peptides like bpc-157, tb500 are chemically synthetized, for example. those peptides will work anyway. but, synthetic insulin/somatropin will produce antibodies, and wont bind correctly to the body. it needs to be grown from e.coli/yeast/mammalian cells (like Saizen) to look like "natural".
'Chemical synthesis' of peptides gets more expensive with length of peptide. The reason for recombinant technology here are economical.
'Chemical synthesis' of peptides gets more expensive with length of peptide. The reason for recombinant technology here are economical.

i wish biosynthesis was basic. and not even HGH are prescribed equal here for kids, i just can imagine this for bodybuilders

but as alibabaa has told, every PRO is using blue tops. The China man killed Pfizer and Senoro at same time

rest my case here. god bless u all, iron friends