Human Growth Hormone - QSC vs Meditrope Golden Tops. What the fuck?


I bought a ton of kits from QSC and Meditrope and compared blood values.

Meditrope Golden Tops - #96 - 5.77mg. Source: theprovider

- 1.92mg/day: day 14 = 431 ng/mL
- 1.92mg/day: day 30 = 457 ng/mL

QSC 15 iu kits - 5mg
- 1.0mg/day for 1 month: 145 ng/mL
- 2.0mg/day for 1 month: 186 ng/mL
- 3.0mg/day for ~1 week: 133 ng/mL

What gives? Did they accidentally send me something else? I’m sending it to @janoshik for testing and I’ll report back with what it is.

Btw: been off the QSC cut stack (300mg test/tren/mast) for roughly 6 weeks, so I’m not sure tren is crashing IGF-1.
So I'm new to reading igf levels and bloods trying to learn but does that show that the meditrop gave better readings .
So I'm new to reading igf levels and bloods trying to learn but does that show that the meditrop gave better readings .
It’s really hard to explain, but the growth hormone serum values are off the hizzy and the results are very good despite low IGF-1 values. I’ll explain some other time.

And yeah, Meditrope gave great IGF-1 readings. The lower IGF-1 values are due to a unique situation. They are actually high.