HUMAN-LABS [EU / International]

So new cypionates arrived. This means we don't have older injectables batches of any product anymore. Have few remaining older cypionates (10-20) though, labs at first page.

Who wants em, can have em with 20% discount.

PS: Cyps have adjusted recipe so they hold better at 300mg+ in lower temps. A fridge stress test maybe?
Once upon a time I precisely drew all the floaters from some gear I made....and injected all of it to my quad

It was rubber,crystallization,everything...a fuckload.

Nothing happened.
I may have been lucky. But curious at the same time time wanted to end this curiosity.

Quad because I can operate on my quad if shit hit the fan.

I am speaking dead seriously.
This is not a defense to hl.
Gear should be clear.
I was lucky. You may not be.

You can operate on your quad?

Is your name Gregory House?
You can operate on your quad?

Is your name Gregory House?
Yes, but only if:
a) it is the right quad, not the left.
b) shit doesn't get very....very nasty.

Because otherwise:
a) my wife will have to do it,same way she did the cyst excision in my asscheecks. I cannot do shit between my asschecks. Otherwise I would have done it. It was done properly, in an operation room.
My bedroom.
(proof available)
b) hospitalization.

Do I sound like a fucking "Gregory"?
tenor (21).gif
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The rubbing alcohol takes forever to dry when i clean the vial, theres something with the rubber stopper. Next time i should pin the @TrennedOutLunatic way, because ive waiting now for 10 minutes for the alcohol to dry.