Hupharma USA domestic and international line

Just ordered from Alan. Will post bloods pre, mid, and end cycle.

Just adding 200 mg per week of test and 200 mg per week of primo to my trt protocol. Nothing crazy, but you don't need to go crazy to get nice gains.
USA domestic stock list, updated on 13th April 2021.
150g mast p (100g*1, 50g*1)
100g mast e
50g primo e
100g deca (1*100g)
500g Boldenone Undecylenate(1*500g)
200g Stanozolol
100g anadrol
50g superdrol
200g Nolvadex
20g Anastrozole/Arimidex (1*20g)
hgh gmp black tops bulk in stock
hgh super blue tops bulk in stock
HCG 5000iu bulk in stock
HMG 75iu bulk in stock
Can anyone vouch for guaranteed delivery to Australia with Hupharma.
Be interested in ordering around 30-40 kits per week.
Mind if i ask what you mean by multiplier? Still new to the raw game
yeah bro, the multiplier is the ratio between your total t and your weekly dose, let's say you are pinning 500 mg a week and you get a total t in bloodwork of 3000, the multiplier is 6. There are mentally challenged guys like broderick fagget who say a normal multiplier is 3, don't listen to them, the minimum for legit test is 5 and can go up to 7-8 if you are a lightweight
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yeah bro, the multiplier is the ratio between your total t and your weekly dose, let's say you are pinning 500 mg a week and you get a total t in bloodwork of 3000, the multiplier is 6. There are mentally challenged guys like broderick fagget who say a normal multiplier is 3, don't listen to them, the minimum for legit test is 5 and can go up to 7-8 if you are a lightweight
Awesome thanks dude!
I’m thinking of ordering test c, primo and npp from them. They have the best prices on primo around. Hopefully not to good to be true
Has anyone here haven trouble sending coin from electrum to hu Jw cause I’ve tryed and it’s not confirming I been reading everywhere an I can’t seem to get anywhere some thoughts and ideas that I hope to pop up I haven’t heard or read myself that I can try tweaking or canceling a unconfirmed payment and possibly try another wallet
Generally, when a source is "domestic" you end up ordering from a source within the country. That isn't the case with these guys, apparently, since they had to ship my order from overseas.

It has been two weeks now, and I don't even have tracking.

Of course, as long as the gear is good, and it gets here within the next week or so, I'll still be happy. But as of right now, I don't see the point in calling this a domestic source, since it actually isn't domestic at all.