Hupharma USA domestic and international line

@Bighupharma but what about your shitty semi finished oil ?
selling 100ml primobolan 200mg/ml and get only 80ml of 157mg/ml is not fair for the guy who bought from you
Since you have also a thread on Meso Fr

Feels bad for this guy
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Can anyone vouch for guaranteed delivery to Australia with Hupharma.
Be interested in ordering around 30-40 kits per week.
Guaranteed delivery to Australia!

Generally, when a source is "domestic" you end up ordering from a source within the country. That isn't the case with these guys, apparently, since they had to ship my order from overseas.

It has been two weeks now, and I don't even have tracking.

Of course, as long as the gear is good, and it gets here within the next week or so, I'll still be happy. But as of right now, I don't see the point in calling this a domestic source, since it actually isn't domestic at all.
this was the case until recently. We still have some thing domestically but after that, the raws will come internationally to a domestic shipper, then to you. If you have any question about your order, pm me please.
@Bighupharma but what about your shitty semi finished oil ?
selling 100ml primobolan 200mg/ml and get only 80ml of 157mg/ml is not fair for the guy who bought from you
Since you have also a thread on Meso Fr
View attachment 146027

Feels bad for this guy
I will come to meso Fr and see what I can do in regards to a refund.
domestic stock list, updated on 26th April 2021.
900g mast e
100g tren a
1200g Anadrol
1200g Dianabol
90g Proviron (10g *9)
100g deca
1400g Npp (200g*7)
50g superdrol
100g Nolvadex
hgh gmp black tops bulk in stock
hgh super blue tops bulk in stock
HCG 5000iu bulk in stock
HMG 75iu bulk in stock

Tren a 100 150 vials
Tren e 200 88 vials
Primo e 200 38 vials
Nolvadex 40 packs
Anavar 33 packs
Anadrol 44 packs
Dianabol 38 packs
Clomid 33 packs
Arimidex 48 packs
Viagra 44 packs
Halotestin 13 packs
Exemestane 30 packs
It has been nearly a month, and still nothing. I purchased gear elsewhere, and already started the cycle, so I won't be posting bloods from HU.

HU, it's unprofessional to claim domestic, if you aren't actually domestic. For now, I can't recommend you guys simply based on the deceptive wording. You also fail to list your shipping time anywhere throughout this thread. Your practices are subpar, if I'm being perfectly polite.

I'm considering simply sending the gear in for testing, rather than even using it, since I've already started this cycle. We'll see how long it takes to get the gear in hand.
It has been nearly a month, and still nothing. I purchased gear elsewhere, and already started the cycle, so I won't be posting bloods from HU.

HU, it's unprofessional to claim domestic, if you aren't actually domestic. For now, I can't recommend you guys simply based on the deceptive wording. You also fail to list your shipping time anywhere throughout this thread. Your practices are subpar, if I'm being perfectly polite.

I'm considering simply sending the gear in for testing, rather than even using it, since I've already started this cycle. We'll see how long it takes to get the gear in hand.

Live_Evil you ordered from overseas or domestic Pack?

Could the 157mg/ml be due to the ester weight of the enanthate? As you won't get 200mg of active compound after the ester is factored in. Or does janos test somehow factor that in?

Very new to raws and just asking for my own curiosity
No Janoshik does not remove the weight of the ester.
Anyway you can see on the test that it shows the concentration for methenolone enanthate and not just methenolone

It seems to be common for Hupharma to under-dose their oil. :

I don’t understand why anyone continues to order from HuPharma. Just stop. There’s other, better sources available.

The guy is NOT a “decent” guy. If he was, he’d have made good on the viagra reimbursement already.

They had a Deca finished product test that came back 200 instead of 300 mg/ml. Dude said “we made changes” and promised to test again - nothing.

This is shit that ANY source here at MESO would get run off for, yet this guy gets chance after chance. Why? Cause his prices are cheap? Or are guys too lazy to find a better source???

Make this guy WORK for his bitcoin. Demand more from this fuckers. Don’t order until he makes shit right!
No Janoshik does not remove the weight of the ester.
Anyway you can see on the test that it shows the concentration for methenolone enanthate and not just methenolone

It seems to be common for Hupharma to under-dose their oil. :
Or powder quality perhaps
It has been nearly a month, and still nothing. I purchased gear elsewhere, and already started the cycle, so I won't be posting bloods from HU.

HU, it's unprofessional to claim domestic, if you aren't actually domestic. For now, I can't recommend you guys simply based on the deceptive wording. You also fail to list your shipping time anywhere throughout this thread. Your practices are subpar, if I'm being perfectly polite.

I'm considering simply sending the gear in for testing, rather than even using it, since I've already started this cycle. We'll see how long it takes to get the gear in hand.
I’ll send you a pm now. We were a domestic source up until recently. All of a sudden, we weren’t able to stock up more raws where we used to. No authority issues or anything like that. I think at that time you ordered and it wasn’t available anymore domestically. I will keep track of this until you receive everything.

Or powder quality perhaps
This was semi-finished oil if I’m correct.
No Janoshik does not remove the weight of the ester.
Anyway you can see on the test that it shows the concentration for methenolone enanthate and not just methenolone

It seems to be common for Hupharma to under-dose their oil. :
HuPharma has a history of poor quality product. They have shitty reviews on other forums too. I am stunned this thread is still active. Wtf???

There are MUCH better sources. Just stop ordering from this one. You know you’ll get ripped off eventually. Why do this to yourself.

I got their Test Enanthate raws in the mail. Does this look fucked? Any test E raws I’ve ever seen are like jelly at room temp. These are hard crystals. I’m almost afraid to brew it.
View attachment 146344

I got their Test Enanthate raws in the mail. Does this look fucked? Any test E raws I’ve ever seen are like jelly at room temp. These are hard crystals. I’m almost afraid to brew it.
Wtf lol. Looks like he accidentally sent you some meth. Try doing a melt test with a small amount, it should turn to clear liquid and be some what sticky. Whats it smell like?
It's normal to say so. Raws got melted and then got solidify and is looking like this.
Deca for example is looking the same when is melted and got solidify again
You can use it without problem.
Don't know if it has that pip that most test e raws it has but you can brew it and use it