A couple of guys on asf ran a log for them and at least one of them came back with low test numbers. One order came with loose vial tops that he could spin. Don't remember if they were leaking. Long response times to issues. I did order hcg and some other peptides, they seemed legit. Did a pregnancy test on the hcg and came back positive. Kept the boys semi plumped.
The rep superted was dealing behind their back and eventually started bm labs using their raws. He was ousted after posting pics claiming it was him but come to find out it wasn't. Like, drastically different pics. Lmao. Unfortunately I bought a cycle for me and my friend along with some oral raws, I can only assume came from hup. Cialis and proviron raws worked as expected. Aromasin raws kept my e2 in the 30s on 600mg of test e and 500mast e. Our bloods came back within expected range. My friend was in the high 2500, mine was 2200s but either I'm a low responder or its stress related. Don't think light pot use would drop levels that much. Either way, pretty sure the oils were brewed from hup raws as well. Or maybe direct from hup as well. Take from this as you would like.
@Bighupharma can you confirm that he was getting these items from you?