Hupharma USA domestic and international line

I've just placed an domestic bulk order. I will update once it arives. It was third order with them, comunaction is great as with previous order. They respond typicaly in less than 12hrs.
The test cyp powder quality is always stable and purity 98%+. Did you order the test cyp from us? When?

Where have i heard that before? Are you and idiot Crius in cahoots now?

Any 3rd party testing to back up that statement? That's 3rd party. Not the in house Chinese Photoshop reports.
Where have i heard that before? Are you and idiot Crius in cahoots now?

Any 3rd party testing to back up that statement? That's 3rd party. Not the in house Chinese Photoshop reports.

I don't know what you're talking about and i don't know Crius! If you have any test report about our raws, just post it here.
I don't know what you're talking about and i don't know Crius! If you have any test report about our raws, just post it here.
Actually, that's on you to post the 3rd party test results here. You are the one making the claim pertaining to the purity of the product.
Made new order 3 weeks ago(last order was excellent) it went from one country to another and need to go to third country for rishipping. Last time tracking changed was 2 weeks ago and it said : ARRIVED AT COUNTRY OF DESTINATION. Got no clue what is going on
Made new order 3 weeks ago(last order was excellent) it went from one country to another and need to go to third country for rishipping. Last time tracking changed was 2 weeks ago and it said : ARRIVED AT COUNTRY OF DESTINATION. Got no clue what is going on

Can you email or wickr me your tracking number? Let me check it
Could just make fake results too!

He could, but Jano results can be verified for authenticity and because testing has become much easier to have performed, more people are testing, so trying to pull a slick move like that would eventually be found out and that's something many members would never let the source or their potential customers ever forget.
The proviron, anadrol, winstrol and dbol raws are in stock now. Beside anavar and superdrol, all the rest raws in stock.
I received my order and stuff works perfectly. Was kinda weird that post didnt update its tracking until i received it. I can vouch for hupharma again and will make soon new order. Too bad hupharma doesnt carry insulin as well
The anadrol, winstrol, dianabol and proviron oral raws are in stock in China warehouse now.

In stock in US warehouse ready to ship, updated on 8th November.
5500g Test e (500g*11)
5000g test c (500g*10)
1800g test p (100g*18)
1650g Sustanon (100g*9, 250g*3)
600g tren a (100g*2, 200g*2)
600g tren e (100g*2, 200g*2)
500g deca (100g*5)
200g mast e (200g*1)
1kg Equipoise (1kg*1)
Peptides bulk in stock

We will ship more raws to the US warehouse soon.