HYB (Best Service and Product - International Shipping)

Première commande avec Yura, 10 jours du paiement à la réception du colis international (discret), tout est ok, communication rapide et parfaite, plus besoin de tester tous les produits y compris le DNP (mais plus tard) je pense refaire une commande d'ici quelques jours pour les huiles, est-ce que quelqu'un les a déjà essayé ? Ainsi que la Tensofensine et leur Semaglutide ?
En tout cas, je suis très satisfaite !
Première commande avec Yura, 10 jours du paiement à la réception du colis international (discret), tout est ok, communication rapide et parfaite, plus besoin de tester tous les produits y compris le DNP (mais plus tard) je pense refaire une commande d'ici quelques jours pour les huiles, est-ce que quelqu'un les a déjà essayé ? Ainsi que la Tensofensine et leur Semaglutide ?
En tout cas, je suis très satisfaite !
Yura@HYB thank you for the great experience. My first time ordering from you 10 days once shipped. Great customer service, packaging was professional everything is how it’s supposed to be. I’m running the oils now so I can give feedback in a couple of weeks. But I’m sure it’s nothing but perfect! Thanks a lot!
First order with Yura, 10 days from payment to receipt of the international package (discreet), everything is ok, fast and perfect communication, no more testing all the products including the DNP (but later) I am thinking of making another order from here a few days for oils, has anyone tried them yet? As well as Tensofensine and their Semaglutide?
In any case, I am very satisfied! My bad
First order with Yura, 10 days from payment to receipt of the international package (discreet), everything is ok, fast and perfect communication, no more testing all the products including the DNP (but later) I am thinking of making another order from here a few days for oils, has anyone tried them yet? As well as Tensofensine and their Semaglutide?
In any case, I am very satisfied! My bad
I’ve got some oils coming I’ll be sure to post a review
Thank you for your support!! We will ship a batch of products to Janoshik for testing next week. If it is in time, I hope to start our group purchase promotion for reta and oil in the middle of this month! Does the board prefer oil or oral?
I'm about to need a restock on my oils so that would be nice. That gh group buy was a really good deal
Thank you for your support!! We will ship a batch of products to Janoshik for testing next week. If it is in time, I hope to start our group purchase promotion for reta and oil in the middle of this month! Does the board prefer oil or oral?
Oils 100%

For your AAS products:

1.HPLC purity/conc.? [Done]

2.GCMS organic/structural impurities?

3.Metals? [At least GA gives somewhat of a F]

4. Sterility?

5. Endotoxins? [Production facility sterility fingerprint]

6. GCMS residual solvents? [Need a lab for this, extra credit]
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You ever going to test your stuff properly?


For your AAS products:

1.HPLC purity/conc.? [Done]

2.GCMS organic/structural impurities? - Not needed

3.Metals? [At least GA gives somewhat of a F] - Not needed

4. Sterility? Not needed because it's impossible to retain sterile conditions from finished product to analyzing

5. Endotoxins? [Production facility sterility fingerprint] - Not needed

6. GCMS residual solvents? [Need a lab for this, extra credit] - Not needed
Anyone interested in that kind of thing of testing can buy pharma by paying the extra cost it has. And it's still not guaranteed better than UGL, it just has a government seal of approval in the country of origin.
Anyone interested in that kind of thing of testing can buy pharma by paying the extra cost it has. And it's still not guaranteed better than UGL, it just has a government seal of approval in the country of origin.
Just one basic example for GCMS:

Not needed? You mean not needed for you. Do you enjoy bonus material with your Test esters? Check out the lists (hint: bottom row of Test C).

Buy pharma? Pharma Tren? Pharma EQ? Pharma Mast? What? Pretty limited selection of pharma.
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General feedback: Consider adding links to lab tests within your price list.

Feedback on your orals:

- Consider adding (and testing) Enclomiphene, 12.5mg (https://www.medcentral.com/endocrin...rate-improves-hormone-levels-while-preserving shows it's the optimal dose)

- Consider lowering the dosage of Exemestane to 10mg, or better yet, 5mg. Exemestane should be taken daily at low dosages, Most customers use no more than 5mg per day.