You know I respect you a lot Narta and even so I do share some of your view on how this is not gonna probably change a damn thing I don't see how this harms in anyway anything.I used to use qsc for raws, not anymore. I use him for peptides only. I 've already sent a friend who resides in another country to GA for finished oils and made an order for tabs on SSA. I like HYB for their tablet testing and readying an order. I spent some of my time on qsc because I treat it like a public square for chit chat, fun and serious talk when the occasion arises. I am not friends with any source whatsoever, they are all drug dealers.
Now for the enhanced testing that readalot is pursuing. Academically I don't disagree its interesting. But I am first and foremost a practical man, it ain't gonna fly. People look for cheap, reliable product. In order for such endeavor to succeed you will need to pursue the big fish (not the 100gr orders of us homebrewers) to stop buying for their UGLS and that is not going to happen. You know how many labs are out there that they don't even know, or give a flying f for the matter, Meso and Jano exist? And make thousand of $ each week? Many. I know atleast 3 that use qsc raws.
So how are readalot, or anyone for that matter is going to make any of the sources comply? He ain't. In the meantime its just become an endless chatter and noise in the board. When he started the whole ordeal in qsc I was reluctunt to even read the thread cause of the clutter. Now it spreads like a cancer.
This VERY POST is noise, has nothing to do with ordering, delivering or real problems.
Time to hit the stop button.
The forum is mostly for informations between users and to denounce bad behaviour to the public of sources, at least that's how I have used it. If I need something from a source I'll just shoot then a mail.
Few or many posts here and there trying to create awareness aren't really messing up anything in my opinion.
Even just for curiosity on what we are gonna find isn't it worth it?
I mean we both gonna still brew our oils and shoot it, as we don't have any better alternative but at least we will know something more. Will it change anything now shirt term? I don't think so.
Will it be a nice adventure and maybe with time something will move? I don't know either but bit changes happened because small ppl tried something that was considered impossible