I fucked up, now I need help


New Member
Well first of all let me say I've been a long time lurker, and never got around to making an account cause I feel like I don't have anything better to provide to this forum than what the vets already provide.

Now on to my dilemma. I'm 21 years old, about 6ft and anywhere from 192-197 at what I'm guessing is around 11-12% body fat. (I'll try and upload a picture if I can find any on my desktop)

Now the reason I'm here:I committed Cardinal sin #1. I did an anavar ONLY cycle. Now hear me out, I did this before coming on forums, just on the advice of the biggest guy at the gym who at the same time also happens to be my cousin. I've got what most people in the gym seem to consider really good genetics and everyone just told me that I wouldn't need to take as much shit as other people to get good results. And for the most part I believed them. So I did an anavar only cycle, three bottles of 100 10 mgs pills each, at 60 mgs a day. So I was on for pretty close to 3 months. I saw pretty good gains from it,about 6 pounds gained(which I lost since coming off) but near the end I started feeling really lethargic.

So my normally very inquisitive/nerdy mind(I don't know where the fuck this was when I decided to take this shit, guess I just trusted family too much) decided to start doing research. I've been off since January, and I just haven't quiet felt like myself since. My libido is there, and I have no problem getting and maintaining an errction, but like I said I just feel kind of like blurry if that makes any sense. Like I'm just not as sharp as I used to be. So I finally decided to go ahead and get some bloodwork done. And the results were less than satisfactory. 387 test, and 48 for both alt and ast. Now I know technically that level of test falls inside the normal range but for a healthy, fairly muscular, very active 21 year old that just seems low. I don't have any bloodwork from before to prove this but just my sense of well being tells me that my test is much lower than what it normally is for my body.

So my question is this:have I royally fucked myself up for good, or can I get my test back to where it used to be with a good pct.
I've got pharmaceutical Nolvadex on hand, still searching for pharm Clomid and can also get HCG if need be. What would be the best protocol for a restart?

Please give me some hope guys, I don't have any interest in having to stick a needle in my ass for the rest of my days.


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Ronel, please drive to your cousin's house and punch him in the face! 3 months on Var only cycle.. that's long bro! Usually, I don't help young buck (because most will come in here with the " I know more then you" attitude). Since you eat your humble pie. I can only recommend that you give it some time ( your LH and FSH looks good) and let your body heal naturally. 21yr @ 387test level.. You should be at around 600-800level! My second advice is to seek professional help. Tell them the truth, and go from there. Wish you the best of luck!
Ronel, please drive to your cousin's house and punch him in the face! 3 months on Var only cycle.. that's long bro! Usually, I don't help young buck (because most will come in here with the " I know more then you" attitude). Since you eat your humble pie. I can only recommend that you give it some time ( your LH and FSH looks good) and let your body heal naturally. 21yr @ 387test level.. You should be at around 600-800level! My second advice is to seek professional help. Tell them the truth, and go from there. Wish you the best of luck!
I know bro, trust me I know. He's been on for like 4 years non stop and he's the main source at our gym so I took his word as gospel. That's what I was thinking my LH and FSH look really good so I know I'm most like starting to recover naturally but figured a god effective PCT would only help. You don't think running some clomid and nolva for 4 weeks is a good idea?
it is going to take some time but it should return to normal, and I agree be honest with your DR they know better than bro science.

Here's the problem with that: My doctor,wait for it, is my mom lol. I can't tell her, she'll literally freak out and have a heart attack and then go speak to my uncle and blow up my cousins shit. I'm trying to handle this on my own, then if push comes to shove and nothing is working I'll just have to bite the bullet and 'fess up.

Again is a good clomid nolva pct not a good idea?
Get your mom to hook it up with the pharma grade lol. let your body recover more and check levels again, . read up on all u can about aas in the meantime so you're more prepared next time. My test levels are high 500s right now, I'm 25, slowly getting better. Been natural for almost a year now, it takes time to recover. Some people longer than other, some don't recover at all. If u do aas long enough I don't think u will ever go back to where u could of been naturally, just my 2 cents. Good luck bud
Your doc is whoever you go see... It doesn't have to be your mom. If I were you I'd be seeing a doc who isn't a family member anyways at your age. That is a huge conflict of interest and generally looked down upon in the medical community from what I've seen personally... One of the conflicts of interest here would be the fact that you should be able to have a medical confidentiality and yet she wouldn't be keeping anything confidential by going to your uncle's house and throwing a fit right?
Your doc is whoever you go see... It doesn't have to be your mom. If I were you I'd be seeing a doc who isn't a family member anyways at your age. That is a huge conflict of interest and generally looked down upon in the medical community from what I've seen personally... One of the conflicts of interest here would be the fact that you should be able to have a medical confidentiality and yet she wouldn't be keeping anything confidential by going to your uncle's house and throwing a fit right?

I don't always see my mom, there are two other doctors at her practice but I just don't really trust those other two to be able to keep something from my mom who has been their colleague for over 15 years. You're right about the conflict of interest but I've always been perfectly healthy never been hospitalized for anything so it's been a lifetime of physicals for sports and routine checkups once or twice a year so nothing major.

Again I pose my original question: would a pct help or should I just stay clear from it and hope my levels come all the way back as they appear to be on the rise?
Get your mom to hook it up with the pharma grade lol. let your body recover more and check levels again, . read up on all u can about aas in the meantime so you're more prepared next time. My test levels are high 500s right now, I'm 25, slowly getting better. Been natural for almost a year now, it takes time to recover. Some people longer than other, some don't recover at all. If u do aas long enough I don't think u will ever go back to where u could of been naturally, just my 2 cents. Good luck bud

There's a 100% chance that there's a 0% chance of that happening lmao. I feel like maybe if I decided to pursue a career as a physique competitor and sat her down and had a serious talk with her that she might understand that I'm going to do it and get it from somewhere anyways so it might as well be from a good safe source like her. But since this little scare I've sworn off all anabolic steroids. I've got a pretty good physique naturally and I was still making great gains before taking that fucking var (only been lifting 3 years, 2 years of that being serious).

So what I'm gathering is a resounding no on the clomid+nolva?
Go see a different doctor bud. Preferably a male, no offense to the females on here. they have just always judged me more if I have ever asked them questions.

How long have u been off?
Go see a different doctor bud. Preferably a male, no offense to the females on here. they have just always judged me more if I have ever asked them questions.

How long have u been off?

Since January. I was thinking of running 4 weeks of nolva and clomid and then drawing blood again at the 6 week Mark
Again I pose my original question: would a pct help or should I just stay clear from it and hope my levels come all the way back as they appear to be on the rise?

If it were me, I'd wait it out. You don't seem to be in bad shape. But my opinion means absolutely nothing..
If it were me, I'd wait it out. You don't seem to be in bad shape. But my opinion means absolutely nothing..

Of course your opinion means something, that's why I came on here in the first place, to seek advice from those far more knowledgeable than me.

You would wait it out so as to not have to spend the money/take the pills or because they could potentially worsen my condition?
I'd personally wait a couple more months and see where my levels would be at. Ask a doctor what u should do or better yet drjim on here. most likely a doctor will tell u the same thing
I'd personally wait a couple more months and see where my levels would be at. Ask a doctor what u should do or better yet drjim on here. most likely a doctor will tell u the same thing

Hmmm, would drawing blood a month from yesterday be a good idea to see if I'm still trending upwards?

How could I reach this DrJim? Sorry if that's a noob question
Hmmm, would drawing blood a month from yesterday be a good idea to see if I'm still trending upwards?

How could I reach this DrJim? Sorry if that's a noob question
It wouldn't hurt. I'd say wait 2 months though. Create conversation, add him on the recipients name. Just type it in and it will pop up. Pm anyone like that. Idk why it isn't working for me to tag him in this post
It wouldn't hurt. I'd say wait 2 months though. Create conversation, add him on the recipients name. Just type it in and it will pop up. Pm anyone like that

So basically I bought the nolva and clomid for no reason then lol. I read a lot while I was waiting to have my account on here approved and most places and people said that a good pct could go a long way towards getting back to baseline.

@drjim what's your opinion oh wise master jim? Lol
So basically I bought the nolva and clomid for no reason then lol. I read a lot while I was waiting to have my account on here approved and most places and people said that a good pct could go a long way towards getting back to baseline.

@drjim what's your opinion oh wise master jim? Lol
It may work. I've never tried it like that so I'm not going to tell u to do it. Use it on your next cycle...
It may work. I've never tried it like that so I'm not going to tell u to do it. Use it on your next cycle...

So you don't do pct? I'm guessing you taper off and then just let your body recover on its own?

And there won't be a next cycle my friend, this has officially scared me off of steroids. I don't make any money off of how I look, nor do I look like shit to where I need them. Just the cost/benefit isn't worth it to me.
So you don't do pct? I'm guessing you taper off and then just let your body recover on its own?

And there won't be a next cycle my friend, this has officially scared me off of steroids. I don't make any money off of how I look, nor do I look like shit to where I need them. Just the cost/benefit isn't worth it to me.
Good!! Don't do steroids. Yes I do pct but I do it right after aas use