I fucked up, now I need help

Good!! Don't do steroids. Yes I do pct but I do it right after aas use

You got it coach!! Lol

So, not trying to be stubborn and beat a dead horse here, but I've already bought the clomid and nolva. Worth it to take them? Or just going to set me back even further?

My initial plan was to do 4 weeks of the nolva and clomid and then draw blood at the 6th week mark. How's that sound.

Also thanks for all the replies, I was a bit scared of how my questions were going to be received since I know noobies tend to have a very bad reputation on forums like these.
As much as I like saying ha when shit like this happens, I hate seeing it.

If I was you Id tell my dr / mommy. Just leave out some facts. Say you took some pills you thought were supplements and found out what they were too late. Not only will she help as a doctor, but she might get you ice cream too.
You got it coach!! Lol

So, not trying to be stubborn and beat a dead horse here, but I've already bought the clomid and nolva. Worth it to take them? Or just going to set me back even further?

My initial plan was to do 4 weeks of the nolva and clomid and then draw blood at the 6th week mark. How's that sound.

Also thanks for all the replies, I was a bit scared of how my questions were going to be received since I know noobies tend to have a very bad reputation on forums like these.

I think the consensus is not to take the pct stuff. Just hold on to it, I'm sure it will keep for a while as long as it is still sealed up, you probably don't want to take anything else if it is not necessary imo. If you're worried about the money spent then sell it to your cousin or something, I'm sure if he is everyone's supplier then he can find someone who will take it off your hands, might have to take a little loss on it but you can atleast make some of your money back.
don't want to take anything else if it is not necessary imo

^ this

Clomid and nolva isn't going to go bad on you so keep it on hand if you want to do a real cycle in the future. IMO, everything you do in the world of PED's should have a focus on doing the least amount of drugs while getting the max benefit from what you do put in your body. Your levels really didn't look bad so I'd give it more time if it were me but you're still your an adult and can make that call yourself bud.
You're hellbent on taking Clomid and Nolva regardless that almost everyone told you to give it time and let your body heal naturally!.. If you're not going to listen, then why ask?

I'm not hellbent, just asking for explanations so I can better understand my options. I've been off for almost two months now, I'm not sure if I should be further along now or not that's the only reason I ask.

As much as I like saying ha when shit like this happens, I hate seeing it.

If I was you Id tell my dr / mommy. Just leave out some facts. Say you took some pills you thought were supplements and found out what they were too late. Not only will she help as a doctor, but she might get you ice cream too.

Appreciate the advice but there's no ice cream in my house lol. I'm trying to fix this on my own but if unfortunately I can't fix it then obviously I'm not stubborn enough to not know that my mom who is also a doctor wouldn't be able to offer me really good safe help.

That being said you guys think I'm just better off holding off on the pct and scheduling blood for one month from now and if I see im trending up just leave it alone?
if I see im trending up

The problem with not have baseline blood work is you don't know what trending up should look like... You might be pretty much fully recovered and the "foggy" feeling is not related. @Dr JIM can give his recommendation but I have a feeling it'll just be more of what you've already read.
The problem with not have baseline blood work is you don't know what trending up should look like... You might be pretty much fully recovered and the "foggy" feeling is not related. @Dr JIM can give his recommendation but I have a feeling it'll just be more of what you've already read.

I just know my levels are lower than what it should be, 387 for someone my age is just much much much too low, and what a coincidence that the symptoms kicked in on the tail end of my cycle and have persisted afterwards when I had never felt like that before this.

Wish Dr JIM | MESO-Rx Forum would chime in as he appears to be the expert on this and the man I want to go to.
I am no "expert" and don't see forum patients but a TT of 387ng/DL does NOT qualify as "low T"

Appreciate the reply boss man, I know technically it doesn't qualify as low test but for my age/the symptoms I'm experiencing I know I'm not at the levels where I should be. Wish I had the bloodwork to back this up but just off of my sense of being and energy levels/libido I know something is off.

Do you agree with what the other vets suggested of just letting my body recover on its own or recommend the approach I've seen others on other boards reccomend of doing a 4 week pct?
I don't care about your "age" as many your "age" have a TT within that range.

Your LH is NORMAL and so is YOUR TT.

Good luck!
I don't care about your "age" as many your "age" have a TT within that range.

Your LH is NORMAL and so is YOUR TT.

Good luck!

I take it the quotes is because it's common for people to lie about their age here lol. Ruins it for us legit children lol.

I'm going to take all of you guyses advice and sit tight, draw blood again in another month(I get it done for free so really no reason not to) and see if I moved at all. If it's sitting tight then I guess that is my baseline and got to track down other reasons for the symptoms I'm experiencing.
Like the dr said. What were your test levels before. Got nothing to go off if u didn't get them before. Good luck bud
Most people make that mistake. I did also. U will be fine though if u never do aas again

Threads like this are such a trite occurance you'd think, they would decrease over time.

Unfortunately that's hardly been the case on Meso. But for comparison "lurk" onto other non-evidence based AAS forums to obtain a legitimate idea of the magnitude of this problem.

It's a shame bc it's sooooo preventable !
I was stupid and did the same thing about doing oral's without a test base. I literally killed my test to 100-150 range. I saw a dr. If you just take time off of the oral's you are young enough it won't take long to get back to normal levels.
I'm 31 and in 2 months of being off my test went up considerably.

All I did was just a natural herbal test booster to help kick start my system. Don't fear you really shouldn't have done any damage. I would just take a couple months off and let your body do the work naturally.

Then next time if you decide to do something, use a test base!
Most people make that mistake. I did also. U will be fine though if u never do aas again

Just kinda sucks cause I competed in a men's physique national qualifier last summer and placed 3rd amongst a class of much older people who were obviously juicing.
All the judges I spoke to told me I had really good structure and shape and had a really good shot at being highly competitive on the national level once my body "filled out and matured more". I think we all know what that means. Unfortunately this has scared me off and I'm going to be going at it the fully natural route, which probably means I'll end up behind people with inferior genetics and training just a lot of artificial helpers.
Threads like this are such a trite occurance you'd think, they would decrease over time.

Unfortunately that's hardly been the case on Meso. But for comparison "lurk" onto other non-evidence based AAS forums to obtain a legitimate idea of the magnitude of this problem.

It's a shame bc it's sooooo preventable !

I know, it really is such a shame especially in this day and age where so much valuable information is right at outer finger tips, I literally feel like kicking myself for making such a stupid avoidable mistake. I'm better than that but oh well. Maybe my experience will serve to help a few others.
I was stupid and did the same thing about doing oral's without a test base. I literally killed my test to 100-150 range. I saw a dr. If you just take time off of the oral's you are young enough it won't take long to get back to normal levels.
I'm 31 and in 2 months of being off my test went up considerably.

All I did was just a natural herbal test booster to help kick start my system. Don't fear you really shouldn't have done any damage. I would just take a couple months off and let your body do the work naturally.

Then next time if you decide to do something, use a test base!

I've been off for almost two months now. I spoke to my mom in a roundabout way, referring to a "friend" and she told me that as long as "his" LH and FSH levels were that high that he would bounce back to baseline on his own but that there is no way of determining how quickly and at what rate.

Did you do anything besides the test booster for pct?