I mistakenly did two big problems I need some helps from you guys.


New Member
How are you guys. I have 2 problems.

I was trying to make primobolan injectable 500ml. this primo is 200mg/ml

• Powder 100g
• BA 10ml
• BB 100ml
• Oils 315ml

but, I mistakenly put BA 3ml more. totally 13ml so that I don’t heat yet after put powder, BA, BB, Oils into beaker.

what should I do…?
do I need to put more powder and solvents..?

or Can I heat with BA 13ml ? it’s used 3ml over.

I was making Mast P 3000ml
but, I forgot turnning off heating function when I go outside.

so, my oils into beakers produced smoke when I get back. suddenly I checked temperature. it was almost 392 F.

smoke a lot…

on my end, oils looks like no problem.
I think beaker produced somke.

can I use it..? or I must throw away…?
13 is 2.6% of 500. I've never gone above 2% BA. It might be a bit PIPpy but only one way to find out. Many people get PIP from primo at 200mg/ml regardless so you might not notice any difference.

RE smoke, it likely depends on your carrier oil and length of time at the smoke point. I've had test cyp in GSO start to smoke but I removed it from heat immediately and judged the product to be fine - Recently drawn Bloodwork supports my judgement. Had it smoked much longer I would have tossed it. I don't think "look" would necessarily be a great metric to judge damage to the product.

How do YOU feel about what happened?
13 is 2.6% of 500. I've never gone above 2% BA. It might be a bit PIPpy but only one way to find out. Many people get PIP from primo at 200mg/ml regardless so you might not notice any difference.

RE smoke, it likely depends on your carrier oil and length of time at the smoke point. I've had test cyp in GSO start to smoke but I removed it from heat immediately and judged the product to be fine - Recently drawn Bloodwork supports my judgement. Had it smoked much longer I would have tossed it. I don't think "look" would necessarily be a great metric to judge damage to the product.

How do YOU feel about what happened?
thank you so much. but I think smoke was being produced for 10 to 20min because I went outside room. when I see oils after I move beaker out from heat, oils looks like nothing problem.

and my primo 500ml 200mg/ml
oils are EO 50% and MCT 50%.

anyway, I can not heat primo with above 2% BA as you put it??? so can I need to put more 100g powder and 7%BA and BB, Solvents and then 1000ml what about it?! what do you say?

what is RIPpy…?
sorry. I’m East Asian.

really appreciate for your reply!
thank you so much. but I think smoke was being produced for 10 to 20min because I went outside room. when I see oils after I move beaker out from heat, oils looks like nothing problem.

This concerns me a bit, that sounds like a pretty long time, but I am not that knowledgeable in this area. I'm not sure if the oil smoking is an issue or not.
what is RIPpy…?

PIP stands for "Post Injection Pain". Lots of guys report that Primo at 200mg/ml gives them pretty bad PIP. But there are also a lot of guys who say they get no PIP, or very minimal and easily tolerable PIP.

anyway, I can not heat primo with above 2% BA as you put it??? so can I need to put more 100g powder and 7%BA and BB, Solvents and then 1000ml what about it?! what do you say?

You can heat the primo no problem with BA above 2%. The thing about BA is that the higher you go, the more likely you are to get PIP. That's why most recipes do not go higher than 2%.

Your brew is 2.6% so it does increase the potential that you will get PIP from injecting it. That's the point I was trying to make.

Hopefully somebody else can weigh in about the smoking oil and give you good advice, unfortunately this isn't something I have much knowledge on.
I just reread your post - you made 3 LITRES of Mast P oil? It seems you have your own sizeable UGL going here, I gotta be honest I don't think its a good idea to sell this gear if the oil burned and smoked for 20 mins.

It's one thing if its a personal brew and injecting it is within your personal risk tolerance, but it doesn't sit right with me to sell this product to unsuspecting customers.
Unsure on the smoking.

But the higher BA isnt a big deal but as Disarmer said its likely going to make the gear more painful after injection. You ideally want to use the least amount of solvents and sterilizers you can get away with, as im sure you can imagine injecting harsh chemicals like Benzyl Alcohol will irritate the fuck out of your body so you want to use as little as possible to accomplish the task.
I just reread your post - you made 3 LITRES of Mast P oil? It seems you have your own sizeable UGL going here, I gotta be honest I don't think its a good idea to sell this gear if the oil burned and smoked for 20 mins.

It's one thing if its a personal brew and injecting it is within your personal risk tolerance, but it doesn't sit right with me to sell this product to unsuspecting customers.

appreciate your advice. sorry Not 3000ml. it’s 300ml for only me

and what is UGL??
Unsure on the smoking.

But the higher BA isnt a big deal but as Disarmer said its likely going to make the gear more painful after injection. You ideally want to use the least amount of solvents and sterilizers you can get away with, as im sure you can imagine injecting harsh chemicals like Benzyl Alcohol will irritate the fuck out of your body so you want to use as little as possible to accomplish the task.
thank you so much. thanks to you, my plan is I change primo 200mg/ml to 100mg/ml, adding 7ml more BA.
This concerns me a bit, that sounds like a pretty long time, but I am not that knowledgeable in this area. I'm not sure if the oil smoking is an issue or not.

PIP stands for "Post Injection Pain". Lots of guys report that Primo at 200mg/ml gives them pretty bad PIP. But there are also a lot of guys who say they get no PIP, or very minimal and easily tolerable PIP.

You can heat the primo no problem with BA above 2%. The thing about BA is that the higher you go, the more likely you are to get PIP. That's why most recipes do not go higher than 2%.

Your brew is 2.6% so it does increase the potential that you will get PIP from injecting it. That's the point I was trying to make.

Hopefully somebody else can weigh in about the smoking oil and give you good advice, unfortunately this isn't something I have much knowledge on.
appreciate it bro sincerely!
appreciate your advice. sorry Not 3000ml. it’s 300ml for only me

and what is UGL??

Ok haha that makes a bit more sense. Still a sizeable personal brew.

UGL means underground lab, as opposed to a pharmaceutical lab. I guess you could say there are a few different levels - homebrew, buying from a UGL (underground lab), or buying pharmaceutical grade product.

There are a lot of acronyms in this game. It might be tricky to pick up since English isn't your first language but if you see something you don't understand, just keep asking, there are lots of helpful people around here
I don’t think overshooting the BA on the primo brew is consequential. I wouldn’t worry about diluting down to 100 mg/mL. But that’s just me.

I have no idea about the smoking oil, BUT, could you taste a teeny little bit to see if it tastes burnt? I’m not saying this is a wise idea. And maybe someone can stop me if it’s a bad idea, but I think that’s a start.
How are you guys. I have 2 problems.

I was trying to make primobolan injectable 500ml. this primo is 200mg/ml

• Powder 100g
• BA 10ml
• BB 100ml
• Oils 315ml

but, I mistakenly put BA 3ml more. totally 13ml so that I don’t heat yet after put powder, BA, BB, Oils into beaker.

what should I do…?
do I need to put more powder and solvents..?

or Can I heat with BA 13ml ? it’s used 3ml over.

I was making Mast P 3000ml
but, I forgot turnning off heating function when I go outside.

so, my oils into beakers produced smoke when I get back. suddenly I checked temperature. it was almost 392 F.

smoke a lot…

on my end, oils looks like no problem.
I think beaker produced somke.

can I use it..? or I must throw away…?
Half a Lt. 500ml. If im doing 50ml i write down what to do and tick it off when im done with each ingrediant. I honestly never considered that the bigger opperators in homebrew would get it wrong. $200 investment in raws alone. For anyone who purchas off you i hope you kept it for personal use and made correct batch for your customers.