I really like Modafinil - even at low doses

Except it was the only thing listed on my love letter of many other pills in the box. So there is that.

I always breath a sigh of relief when I see my packs clear customs. Keeping a 500 tab buffer also helps keep supply anxiety down, and the prescription is the last resort as it's the lowest quality and highest price.

It's absolutely rediculous I can buy tabs of caffeine by the bucket in Walmart, some Zyn pouches, and get physically addicted to both, but this gentle, non addictive stuff gets the government stinkeye. Meanwhile it's OTC is some places.

I guess if you decide to give it another shot; may as well go with a big quantity and get a large discount. Especially with those apocalypse ready foil strips they use the tabs will be good for a decade. Cosmic has the best deals currently.
Before you give up on it entirely give Modalert a try. I posted earlier about how the amorphous versions of this compound can be largely innefective, and if you're like a drug resistant friend of mine who needs a massive dose of anything to work, a "hard head" instead of a normal person, that extra bioavailability of the patented version may make all the difference.

I recently looked it up again and found another patent, from Mitsubishi I think, of all companies, that included "Modafinil versions 1-5", all supposedly having better response rates than others on the market,
Wish I had seen this before I bought a bunch of modvigil. I'm only on day 2 and broke it into 50mg pieces and I'm already ready to throw it out. I've had bad throat pain and a scratchy voice. I don't feel sick and it happened at the same time I started taking this so I think it's the cause. I feel like it's messing with my eyesight too and I can still fall asleep at lunch. Caffeine or caffeine/Ephedrine definitely works better for me
Wish I had seen this before I bought a bunch of modvigil. I'm only on day 2 and broke it into 50mg pieces and I'm already ready to throw it out. I've had bad throat pain and a scratchy voice. I don't feel sick and it happened at the same time I started taking this so I think it's the cause. I feel like it's messing with my eyesight too and I can still fall asleep at lunch. Caffeine or caffeine/Ephedrine definitely works better for me

Funny I just got some Modvigil. It's not bad. Tried 200mg just today, for the first time. A bit weaker than Modalert. I could use it in place of Modalert if I had too. Perhaps 65% of the strength of Modalert.

It's from Hab pharma, who make Artvigil, which I've really come to enjoy.

Artvigil (armodafinil) lasts much longer, with slightly different characteristics.

If I'm up by 7AM I'll take 150mg Artvigil, 100mg modafinil at 9 and another 100mg modafinil around 11. This keeps the effect roughly the same through my usual midnight bedtime.

I've never seen an under dosed Modafinil tab lab result. However, I think the wide variation between the many brands comes down to something much simpler than I thought.

I found a patent that described widely different results in the initial research into the drug between US and European studies, at the same dose. Turns out they were using different batches, and under an electron microscope it was apparent the US batch had much finer particles, that were more uniform.

So looking at a blood concentration measurement, the small particle batch was absorbed much faster, peaked quickly, and stayed at a higher level in the blood for the entire duration, while the large particle version was slower to absorb, never reached the same peak, and tapered off to nothing before the small particle version even started to decline.

To ensure this better response, the active ingredient needs to be ground, then run through various pharmaceutical sieves, and the rest reground until they were small enough.

That extra step requires special equipment and extra time. I'll bet this is what Sun is doing with Modalert that the others aren't.
Funny I just got some Modvigil. It's not bad. Tried 200mg just today, for the first time. A bit weaker than Modalert. I could use it in place of Modalert if I had too. Perhaps 65% of the strength of Modalert.

It's from Hab pharma, who make Artvigil, which I've really come to enjoy.

I also have some Modavigil from Hab pharmaceuticals and it seems to work fine for myself and others I know who use it. Good point about the particle size.


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I also have some Modavigil from Hab pharmaceuticals and it seems to work fine for myself and others I know who use it. Good point about the particle size.

Yeah I like the packaging too. HAB also makes ModAwake, for some reason, another 200mg Modafinil that's decent.

Modalert is getting stupidly expensive, and Modvigil or Modawake are fine alternatives imo. PCT24 carries them both.

The only one I'd avoid is "Modasafe-A", which is supposedly Modafinil 200 and Armodafinil 50mg. It has a weird garlicky taste, doesn't feel right, and has no association with any of the legit India pharma companies.
So it's non addictive?

Does it create stimulant induced hypo mania like Adderall can?

For all intents and purposes it's non-addictive. Yes you can find the one in a million report, but it's extremely rare.

On the addiction scale, If heroin is a 10, and caffeine is a 2, Modafinil is .01

The only addictive element is "this is great, I want to keep using it". At this point we have plenty of examples of people who've used it daily for decades, since childhood, with no notable negative effects. Long term users have a significantly lower rate of obesity and related diseases.

In fact this lack of downsides has sparked lots of moral panic in the scientific community about "unfair" advantages and that's the primary basis for restricting its use. It was originally submitted as a "cognitive enhancer" but the FDA said "hell no", and they re-purposed it as a "wakefulness promoter".

If you're familiar with stimulants like adderall, while it's difficult to describe, Modafinil is pure mental stimulation, without physical stimulation.

The effect is so subtle and natural feeling, you might think nothing is happening until you catch yourself solving problems much more quickly and with minimal effort.

While conventional stimulants "borrow" energy from the future, after which you crash, there is no such effect from Modafinil. It just wears off and you're back to where you would've been otherwise.

Modafinil is comprised of two isomers, S and R. S is short acting and seems to boost emotional intelligence, the ability to "read" other people. R is longer acting and has more of an impact on objective problem solving. Armodafinil is only the R isomer, lasts almost twice as long, and is about 25% more potent than modafinil at the same dose. Standard Moda dose is 200mg/day, Armodafinil 150mg/day. There are no overdose deaths or injuries reported, even at 6000mg/day. Just insomnia for a day or two. No toxic level has ever been established, even with animal experiments giving them the equivalent of tens of thousands of milligrams. It's extremely safe.

The US military replaced amphetamines with Modafinil as a wartime stimulant (for pilots especially). It's stocked on the International Space Station by NASA and used by 22% of the crew, on average.

Mild hypomania is possible, especially when initiating use, but I'd compare it to too much strong coffee.

There are none of the unpleasant stimulant effects like shaking, vasodilation, etc. I keep calling it "designer caffeine" because at low doses it's similar in effect without the negatives of caffeine.

Generally any physical sides disappear after a couple weeks of daily use,
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For all intents and purposes it's non-addictive. Yes you can find the one in a million report, but it's extremely rare.

On the addiction scale, If heroin is a 10, and caffeine is a 2, Modafinil is .01

The only addictive element is "this is great, I want to keep using it". At this point we have plenty of examples of people who've used it daily for decades, since childhood, with no notable negative effects. Long term users have a significantly lower rate of obesity and related diseases.

In fact this lack of downsides has sparked lots of moral panic in the scientific community about "unfair" advantages and that's the primary basis for restricting its use. It was originally submitted as a "cognitive enhancer" but the FDA said "hell no", and they re-purposed it as a "wakefulness promoter".

If you're familiar with stimulants like adderall, while it's difficult to describe, Modafinil is pure mental stimulation, without physical stimulation.

The effect is so subtle and natural feeling, you might think nothing is happening until you catch yourself solving problems much more quickly and with minimal effort.

While conventional stimulants "borrow" energy from the future, after which you crash, there is no such effect from Modafinil. It just wears off and you're back to where you would've been otherwise.

Modafinil is comprised of two isomers, S and R. S is short acting and seems to boost emotional intelligence, the ability to "read" other people. R is longer acting and has more of an impact on objective problem solving. Armodafinil is only the R isomer, lasts almost twice as long, and is about 25% more potent than modafinil at the same dose. Standard Moda dose is 200mg/day, Armodafinil 150mg/day. There are no overdose deaths or injuries reported, even at 6000mg/day. Just insomnia for a day or two. No toxic level has ever been established, even with animal experiments giving them the equivalent of tens of thousands of milligrams. It's extremely safe.

The US military replaced amphetamines with Modafinil as a wartime stimulant (for pilots especially). It's stocked on the International Space Station by NASA and used by 22% of the crew, on average.

Mild hypomania is possible, especially when initiating use, but I'd compare it to too much strong coffee.

There are none of the unpleasant stimulant effects like shaking, vasodilation, etc. I keep calling it "designer caffeine" because at low doses it's similar in effect without the negatives of caffeine.

Generally any physical sides disappear after a couple weeks of daily use,
I appreciate the detailed response. That information was great, thank you.

I don't really use stimulants anymore, caffeine included (except for the occasional 50mg from a coke zero) but modafinil does seem interesting and I've seen it promoted as a cognitive enhancer. Might try it out as some point just to see what it's like, preferably when I have a large work project that I can zone in on and grind out with limited interruptions. Definitely wouldn't want to get in the habit of using it everyday though
I appreciate the detailed response. That information was great, thank you.

I don't really use stimulants anymore, caffeine included (except for the occasional 50mg from a coke zero) but modafinil does seem interesting and I've seen it promoted as a cognitive enhancer. Might try it out as some point just to see what it's like, preferably when I have a large work project that I can zone in on and grind out. Definitely wouldn't want to get in the habit of using it everyday though

I recommend Modalert, it's the most reliable, and start with half, 100mg, taken before 10am.
I appreciate the detailed response. That information was great, thank you.

I don't really use stimulants anymore, caffeine included (except for the occasional 50mg from a coke zero) but modafinil does seem interesting and I've seen it promoted as a cognitive enhancer. Might try it out as some point just to see what it's like, preferably when I have a large work project that I can zone in on and grind out with limited interruptions. Definitely wouldn't want to get in the habit of using it everyday though

I guess I should add, if you develop a weird rash, stop using immediately, as you're essentially allergic, and that can be dangerous. Again though, it's a one in a million type thing.
I guess I should add, if you develop a weird rash, stop using immediately, as you're essentially allergic, and that can be dangerous. Again though, it's a one in a million type thing.
Yeah definitely. I'll have to do more reading into it honestly before I do anything, but this thread and your responses have been very helpful. Much appreciated

I see it has a half life of 10-12 hours though. That's definitely going to screw my sleep. I guess on the days I wake up at 4am it could be viable, but I don't want to mess with sleep
Yeah definitely. I'll have to do more reading into it honestly before I do anything, but this thread and your responses have been very helpful. Much appreciated

From what I understand, this has been the pharmaceutical ordered in the largest quantities by White House physicians for the last 20 years. Something like 20,000 annually for the last decade, with almost all advisors and Joint Chiefs of Staff using it...

Moda is amazing. I came across it in 2020, used it for a few months, and then discontinued it.

Come 2023 I decided to use it to pull a few all-nighters for my exam. It worked just amazing. I feel excellent on Moda for no reason. Maybe I am a hyperresponder- but I want to change my life when I'm on 200mg/day. One thing I felt on 200mg/day was that, I can work my ass off until 6 pm (from 3 am) and then I can't keep my eyes open even if I want to.

I've never exceeded 200mg/day. But I guess one will experience a mild headache from anything above 200. I don't know for sure though
Yeah definitely. I'll have to do more reading into it honestly before I do anything, but this thread and your responses have been very helpful. Much appreciated

I see it has a half life of 10-12 hours though. That's definitely going to screw my sleep. I guess on the days I wake up at 4am it could be viable, but I don't want to mess with sleep

FWIW, I take midday naps while using it. You'll see it's not like other stimulants. It doesn't physically prevent sleep if you lay down and relax. It just makes it optional...there's no effect on adrenaline.
Moda is amazing. I came across it in 2020, used it for a few months, and then discontinued it.

Come 2023 I decided to use it to pull a few all-nighters for my exam. It worked just amazing. I feel excellent on Moda for no reason. Maybe I am a hyperresponder- but I want to change my life when I'm on 200mg/day. One thing I felt on 200mg/day was that, I can work my ass off until 6 pm (from 3 am) and then I can't keep my eyes open even if I want to.

I've never exceeded 200mg/day. But I guess one will experience a mild headache from anything above 200. I don't know for sure though

Over 400mg does nothing for me but give me some acid reflux. Likely another reason for its non-addictiveness, it's self limiting.

However, on very long drives an additional dose will keep me going for hours more after the first wears off.
Over 400mg does nothing for me but give me some acid reflux. Likely another reason for its non-addictiveness, it's self limiting.

However, on very long drives an additional dose will keep me going for hours more after the first wears off.
I forgot to mention that my appetite is practically non existent on Moda
I forgot to mention that my appetite is practically non existent on Moda

30% lower calorie consumption on average is observed in Modafinil users.

Hunger is primarily driven by our brains. sensing low blood glucose levels, sensibly, as that's its primary fuel. One theory of Moda's mechanism of action is that it allows neurons to more efficiently convert glucose to energy, so the brain is happy despite falling glucose, and appetite is reduced.
30% lower calorie consumption on average is observed in Modafinil users.

Hunger is primarily driven by our brains. sensing low blood glucose levels, sensibly, as that's its primary fuel. One theory of Moda's mechanism of action is that it allows neurons to more efficiently convert glucose to energy, so the brain is happy despite falling glucose, and appetite is reduced.
Thanks for taking the time to explain the mech behind it. If it reduces calorie intake by 30 %, it'll be an amazing ancillary to use during cutting phases, right?
Two birds one stone- you achieve the caloric deficit and don't experience the negatives of a caloric deficit- feeling shitty
Thanks for taking the time to explain the mech behind it. If it reduces calorie intake by 30 %, it'll be an amazing ancillary to use during cutting phases, right?
Two birds one stone- you achieve the caloric deficit and don't experience the negatives of a caloric deficit- feeling shitty

I recommend it as an ancillary to any calorie cutting regime.