I really like Modafinil - even at low doses

Your link got me reading a few different articles about modafinil and one mentioned it was being studied in children for ADHD until one developed Stevens-Johnson syndrome. Now I'm wondering if that's what's been going on with me. I'm probably a week and a half in on modvigil and my initial sore throat has turned into a cough and now I have a clogged ear and nose occasionally. But I still don't feel like I'm sick. It's just really weird. Think I will stop it completely until all symptoms subside and then try again just to see for sure whether the modvigil causes it or I'm actually sick.

From what I've read the only concerning symptom is a rash, which indicates the disease you're referring to, and it stems from an extremely rare allergy to the med, but means it should stop being used immediately.

What you're describing sounds like acid reflux, even the ear pain. Perhaps an antacid would help until you get accustomed to it? Or maybe a different brand with different excipients?

Modafinil MD (mouth dissolvable) is sublingual and not swallowed at
all, so perhaps that would be better if the reflux doesn't stop.
Damn, i really underestimated the half life of it. Since it is so subtle and didn't cause any hunger supression for me, i was sure i could sleep normally, but i was awake until 7 am, even with an extra dose of GH.

I was also a bit more agitated than usual in the evening. But i'm also on tren, so could be both. Next time will start with 100 mg and see how that goes.
Damn, i really underestimated the half life of it. Since it is so subtle and didn't cause any hunger supression for me, i was sure i could sleep normally, but i was awake until 7 am, even with an extra dose of GH.

I was also a bit more agitated than usual in the evening. But i'm also on tren, so could be both. Next time will start with 100 mg and see how that goes.

Tren is notorious for causing sleep problems.
Tren is notorious for causing sleep problems.

True, but i can sleep relatively normal on it. Maybe because of gh, telmisartan and nebivolol. I think 200 mg modafinil is just too much of an addon to it, so i will just go lower on my next try.
True, but i can sleep relatively normal on it. Maybe because of gh, telmisartan and nebivolol. I think 200 mg modafinil is just too much of an addon to it, so i will just go lower on my next try.

Understandable. 100mg tabs of Moda are out there for a reason.

Try to stick with it if you can, I really believe the best effects are from cumulative use over time, but make it the very first thing you do in the morning. Like by your bedside first thing.
Damn, i really underestimated the half life of it. Since it is so subtle and didn't cause any hunger supression for me, i was sure i could sleep normally, but i was awake until 7 am, even with an extra dose of GH.

I was also a bit more agitated than usual in the evening. But i'm also on tren, so could be both. Next time will start with 100 mg and see how that goes.
Yeah this I my worry as well. I can't be messing with my sleep (anymore than tren already does) Some say it's subtle then others report what you did where they're up all night
Yeah this I my worry as well. I can't be messing with my sleep (anymore than tren already does) Some say it's subtle then others report what you did where they're up all night

Take it early enough and there won't be any impact on your sleep. I don't think anyone claims they keep feeling the effect from moda 12 hours later. Totally, the complaints are it wears off too quickly, 6 hours or less for some. Though 8 or so is typical.

Personally, I don't ever find it affects sleep, I can take a nap if I choose to while the effects are at their peak,
I was wondering if it was worth trying as a addy. Replacement. Back to semax I suppose. Ty
Im giving it a shot again this time using it for a longer duration before was only a few days. it definitely helps with cognition but dont get a big boost of energy

Does semax help with adhd?
What’s your thoughts on the modvigil brand? I have some in the mailbox today to try out.

I have never seen a labtest reveal any brand of Moda to be "underdosed", despite the huge variation people report experiencing from brand to brand.

It all comes down to bioavailability, which is very low with raw modafinil.

Onset time, peak strength, duration, are all determined by how the tablet is formulated and manufactured. Worst case scenario 50% of the active ingredient is never even absorbed. As a side note, the FDA recently put out a memo that compounding pharmacies, which make custom formulations of medicines for various purposes, should not attempt to make modafinil products because proper bioavailability requires so much expertise
to ensure.

The more "serious" the pharma company is, the more resources they have to do it "right" the better the Moda.

Sun Pharma is part of a multi-billion dollar generic pharma group. Sun's Modalert is at the top of the heap for reliability and overall strength (except for sublingual Moda).

Modvigil is made by HAB Pharma, also a serious generic manufacturer. It's got different properties which I'd say is perhaps 80% of Modalert peak strength and slightly shorter duration. HAB also makes the best Armodafinil tabs, Artvigil. You can't go wrong with HAB. As everyone charges really high prices for small quantities of Modalert now Modvigil blows it away in value for the money. The expensive aluminum on aluminum blister pack they use is actually top notch for preservation and typically reserved for very expensive meds. HAB has a second formulation called Modawake, which comes on faster, is stronger than Modvigil at the peak, but has an even shorter duration. Presumably the tab is made to dissolve faster. You can see the difference between it and Modvigil. Finally Modvigil MD is their hard to find flavored sublingual rapid onset tab that comes on very quickly, is strong. and wears off rapidly. Don't confuse it with the less effective Modafin MD by Intas pharma.