If you ever got busted for steroids you can blame Joe Biden

I didn't ask whether or not alcohol consumption (or any other drug consumption) was a societal burden.

I asked about which would be the most costly approach to alcohol (drug) use: prohibition, legalization, or decriminalization.

So, my question to you is: do you think criminalizing alcohol consumption (prohibition) would alleviate the societal burden? Do you think it would save taxpayers money?
It seems to me that with the prohibition and the introduction of criminal liability for the use, distribution of alcohol will bear a growing burden and cost on taxpayers. In addition, I do not believe that alcohol is a direct problem with which it is necessary to fight so radically. The history of the fight against alcohol suggests that the ban works to the detriment.
Drugs has done nothing to families compared to inflation, someone please put on some brass knuckles and break that fuckers face already