Ifit4life.cc (Roid Pharm line) Bloodwork

This is a old phone. I don't really want to fuck with this anymore, but I'm going to look for the paperwork now and see if I can do it.
you may have read something about the incorrect SECTION I posted them to on eroids, nothing more.

He directly said he wasn't sending the rest because I spoke negatively about products.
He backed out of the deal, not me. I was fully willing to do whatwas necessary.
You have stated numerous times the deal was that you would post labs correct?

now I remember why I didn't takea pic, iit's in my email.

This dude wants to make problems and make people unsure. I wi ll find a way to get i
I usually dont chime in on these things but why did you need to sign up for any wifi? if you are using a phone it should be pretty easy to screen shot or take a picture of the paper of said results. If you had very low T 1200 would be pretty good in first two weeks on only 350 per week
If he is honest and what he posted is correct 1200 is a screamin high number at 350 pw when his fucking estro is at 100.
paste back in the tube? I want nothing from ifit ever again. the only reason I will get the hard copy is for the community to see and be certain my results were my results.
here is a chart of testosterone levels by dosage

Chart of testosterone levels by dosage

253 ng/dl for 25 mg/week
306 ng/dl for 50 mg/week
542 ng/dl for 125 mg/week
1,345 ng/dl for 300 mg/week
2,370 ng/dl for 600 mg/week

also his estro is high because Trenbolone mess up the lab reading

This was taken from a study which should have been referenced but you should also point out that those blood levels in the study are nadir levels or trough levels right before the next pin.
now I remember why I didn't takea pic, iit's in my email.

This dude wants to make problems and make people unsure. I wi ll find a way to get i
The one thing I am sure about is that you don't know what the hell you're doing and your issues are user error, not iFit fucking you

You are the one that is making others unsure with your incomptance
think the tren fucked with estro number, also if I remember correctly it was 100 eod, so that's 400 a week.
prop and tren ace
think the tren fucked with estro number, also if I remember correctly it was 100 eod, so that's 400 a week.
prop and tren ace
Tren like Deca tends to fuck with progesterone, not so mush estro

The theory is if you keep estro low if will keep progesterone low, but I tend to disagree

And NO Skippy... 100 eod IS NOT 400 pw
k, I'm done arguing, if you are ifit or work for them, good work with the snow job.
if you're actually ordering from them good luck.
Tren like Deca tends to fuck with progesterone, not so mush estro

The theory is if you keep estro low if will keep progesterone low, but I tend to disagree

And NO Skippy... 100 eod IS NOT 400 pw

What he's saying is tren and deca can skew estrogen results on blood work unless an LC/MS panel is done. The normal Rosche-ECLIA method provides high results.
What he's saying is tren and deca can skew estrogen results on blood work unless an LC/MS panel is done. The normal Rosche-ECLIA method provides high results.
I agree that is entirely possible, but we both know it's not the whole story.

I think you would agree that there is a good amount of aromatization going on as well, which is skewing his test levels.

The point I'm trying to make to @outkicked1 is that he appears to have been clueless from the beginning and has contributed greatly to his own poor results.
You're bashing the topic starter but conveniently ignoring the ridiculous chart iFit posted lmfao. 2,370 ng/dl expected test levels for 600mg per week? That is less than 4x the dosage. The minimum passable amount for UGL is 5x, and even that isnt that good considering many get 8-10x on pharma test
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I just hope people read the ifit threads.

I want nothing from them. I'm fairly inexperienced to aas but can and did follow simple instructions, inexperienced isn't incompetent.

I followed the direction and the blood work is what it is.
You're bashing the topic starter but conveniently ignoring the ridiculous chart iFit posted lmfao. 2,370 ng/dl expected test levels for 600mg per week? That is less than 4x the dosage. The minimum passable amount for UGL is 5x, and even that isnt that good considering many get 8-10x on pharma test
Been on scriped TRT for years and have never come close to 8-10x's

BTW... Your theory on acceptable levels has been debunked numerous times
ifit never said anything about the format of the blood work, just that it needed to be in the proper section on eroids, then HE backed out of the deal/lied/broke his word because he didn't like what I was saying about the product.
ifit never said anything about the format of the blood work, just that it needed to be in the proper section on eroids, then HE backed out of the deal/lied/broke his word because he didn't like what I was saying about the product.
LMFAO... Seriously?

You have to be told that copy & paste is unacceptable, but iFit is the issue here?

Would the lotto commission pay out on a copy & paste of a winning ticket?