IGF-1 and HGH cycle


New Member
Would it make any sense to run these together? Ordered the igf as was unable to source hgh, but recently was able to obtain a couple kits. Running the two together would be redundant or no?

Read something about the igf helping with insulin resistance from hgh
yes this would make sense but you know what makes even better sense (if youre bulking) adding slin. So my secret stack , well not a secret anymore is this.
pre training i take all my gear, orals and injectables if im shooting that day.
as soon as i get home i shoot 5-10iu gh depending how what im feeling and how much growth i have in my fridge, igf-1 100mcg injected into each muscle trained, yes i know some say this is stupid but since im using just igf-1 and not lr3 i do it this way, you could also shoot this pre training but you wont get the synergy then.
slin, 10 iu.
followed by shake of 2 cups egg whites, 2 cup oats, 1 cup blueberries. and then eat your next meal 1 hour after this shake. also start out with 5iu if youve never used slin and only 1 cup of oats.
yes this would make sense but you know what makes even better sense (if youre bulking) adding slin. So my secret stack , well not a secret anymore is this.
pre training i take all my gear, orals and injectables if im shooting that day.
as soon as i get home i shoot 5-10iu gh depending how what im feeling and how much growth i have in my fridge, igf-1 100mcg injected into each muscle trained, yes i know some say this is stupid but since im using just igf-1 and not lr3 i do it this way, you could also shoot this pre training but you wont get the synergy then.
slin, 10 iu.
followed by shake of 2 cups egg whites, 2 cup oats, 1 cup blueberries. and then eat your next meal 1 hour after this shake. also start out with 5iu if youve never used slin and only 1 cup of oats.
Haven’t run slin before and still a bit weary. I need to research more into it. I will implement the rest of your stack though however. Much appreciation for the info.
I am pretty sure LR3 is fully systemic and doesn't need to be injected locally, and most effective post workout as that's when the growth response actually happens. Dosage wise I don't know...Some say 100mcg a day, some say 30-60mcg a day is sufficient.

What were you planning on running, and what did you read about it? (Im running it too in october)
I am pretty sure LR3 is fully systemic and doesn't need to be injected locally, and most effective post workout as that's when the growth response actually happens. Dosage wise I don't know...Some say 100mcg a day, some say 30-60mcg a day is sufficient.

What were you planning on running, and what did you read about it? (Im running it too in october)
From what I’ve read you’re pretty spot on for LR3. It seems to be more potent than just IGF1. Pre or post workout for injections. 100mcg per day is the maximum recommended, 4-6 weeks for a cycle.

Stacking with GH and insulin seems most ideal and AAS if desired. As LR3 helps with insulin resistance and synergizes well as stated previously by Juicedhead. Haven’t taken that plunge yet though, pun intended.

Currently running GH 4iu/ day and LR3 50mcg. Starting my cycle soon in November.
W 1-6 Anavar 50mg
W 1-12 Sustanon 750mg
W 1-9 Deca 250mg E3D
W 8-12 Winny (oral) 50mg/D
W 1-14 Adex 0.25mg ED (tapered in last 2 weeks to EOD)
GH 4iu/ day
From what I’ve read you’re pretty spot on for LR3. It seems to be more potent than just IGF1. Pre or post workout for injections. 100mcg per day is the maximum recommended, 4-6 weeks for a cycle.

Stacking with GH and insulin seems most ideal and AAS if desired. As LR3 helps with insulin resistance and synergizes well as stated previously by Juicedhead. Haven’t taken that plunge yet though, pun intended.

Currently running GH 4iu/ day and LR3 50mcg. Starting my cycle soon in November.
W 1-6 Anavar 50mg
W 1-12 Sustanon 750mg
W 1-9 Deca 250mg E3D
W 8-12 Winny (oral) 50mg/D
W 1-14 Adex 0.25mg ED (tapered in last 2 weeks to EOD)
GH 4iu/ day
Right, I was curious myself as to using anywhere from 3-4iu a day with 40mcg of LR3 with 500mcg daily of BPC157 W/ deca for all the tendon and soft tissue recovery.

Love your cycle, winstrol is by far mt favorite oral.
Also are you frontloading your Deca ? At EOD it reaches peak cycle saturation (consistantly around week 6-7) so E3d may take a bit longer.

W 1- 12 : 350 Sust split EOD
W 1- 12 : 250 Deca split EOD frontloaded
W 5 -12 : 280 Primo Acetae ED @40mg
W 1- 12 : 3iu hgh split AM/PM
W 5-12 : 40mcg Igf Lr3 Dosed either post workout or before final meal. (Does it make you tired? Im asking you)

Youre just taking the LR3 subQ with an insulin needle ?
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Right, I was curious myself as to using anywhere from 3-4iu a day with 40mcg of LR3 with 500mcg daily of BPC157 W/ deca for all the tendon and soft tissue recovery.

Love your cycle, winstrol is by far mt favorite oral.
Also are you frontloading your Deca ? At EOD it reaches peak cycle saturation (consistantly around week 6-7) so E3d may take a bit longer.

W 1- 12 : 350 Sust split EOD
W 1- 12 : 250 Deca split EOD frontloaded
W 5 -12 : 40mg Primo Acetae ED
W 1- 12 : 3iu hgh split AM/PM
W 5-12 : 40mcg Igf Lr3 Dosed either post workout or before final meal. (Does it make you tired? Im asking you)

Youre just taking the LR3 subQ with an insulin needle ?
is that primo oral?
whoa whoa i must warn you. injectable primo ace kicks a like a fucking mule on injectable primo that shit hurts like a bitch and gave me lumps that were rock hard. Idk if you know but bro primo ace in raw forum is a rock hard substance . so breaking that down into an injectable is a bitch whats it doesed at per ml?
Injectable sir, i do all fast esters for first time trying a compound.

The IGF LR3 post workout would be good or ideal because you pin as you get home, then make your Post Workout meal and eat, this will negate the onset Hypoglycemia.
its up to you but just make sure to pin the gh with the igf lr3 for the synergy. If youre going to shoot that primo i would cut it with the rest of you gear when you can or change your injection protocol so you can include something with it ED
but still i would never inject that shit again man it will fuck up your training. Anyone else can vouch for this thats used it?
I'm very interested in this myself. I was thinking
Igf des with preworkout meal sub q to help it last a little longer
Then igf des post workout in the muscle trained
Then my usual 2iu gh before bed.

My thinking is using the igf des like you would insulin since it seems to shuttle nutrients similar to insulin. It's hard for me to wrap my head around gh around training since it instantly makes you insulin resistant wouldn't that effect your uptake of nutrients?
I'm very interested in this myself. I was thinking
Igf des with preworkout meal sub q to help it last a little longer
Then igf des post workout in the muscle trained
Then my usual 2iu gh before bed.

My thinking is using the igf des like you would insulin since it seems to shuttle nutrients similar to insulin. It's hard for me to wrap my head around gh around training since it instantly makes you insulin resistant wouldn't that effect your uptake of nutrients?
i take my gh with insulin so idk if it would matter. I have to emphasize there is a synergy thats why all 3 are taken together after training. The synergy is what were looking for here.
So if I wanted to add humalog in for the first time would post workout be the way to go before trying pre? And I'm 240 at about %15 bodyfat. Would 5 iu be a good place to start considering I take in 100 grams of carbs post workout?
I guess make sure your liver is in good shape too. Its something i never considefed but all the HGH in the world can only do so much for IGF numbers if your liver isnt optimal.

The HGH signals your liver to produce IGF, it's not really a conversion process. So take stuff to get that liver in tip top shape too.


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