IGF1-LR3 and Nolvadex Question?


New Member
I recently got my hands on 2 vials of IGF-LR3. I tore my bicep and tricep tendon. So, I bought some CJC w DAC, BPC-157, TB-500, and IGF-LR3. I used the first vial of the LR3 and it was amazing. I originally bought the LR3 for muscle growth. But, I tore my tendons and decided to still use the rest of the LR3.

Now, I have another vial. But, due to the cycle I'm currently on (Test E 400mg, Mast P 280mg, NPP 140mg, and MENT 10mg WEEKLY) I developed gyno. I hate ADEX because I always crush my estrogen and it makes me irritable. So, I go with Nolvadex to stop gyno in it's tracks.

The problem is, is that I heard that Nolvadex DESTROYS your IGF 1 levels. So, my question in all of this... Is if I take Nolvadex will it somehow block the effects of the IGF-LR3
I would think not. Nolvadex supposedly lowers igf-1 conversion because it's liver toxic, causing your liver to be taxed making it not convert as much hgh to igf-1, but since you're injecting straight igf-1 you don't have that problem. I don't think Nolvadex is very liver toxic to begin with, anyway


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