Impact of Single-Dose Nandrolone Decanoate

Michael Scally MD

Doctor of Medicine
10+ Year Member
Garevik N, Borjesson A, Choong E, Ekstrom L, Lehtihet M. Impact of single-dose nandrolone decanoate on gonadotropins, blood lipids and HMG CoA reductase in healthy men. Andrologia.

The aim was to study the effect and time profile of a single dose of nandrolone decanoate (ND) on gonadotropins, blood lipids and HMG CoA reductase [3-hydroxy-3-methyl-glutaryl-CoA reductase (HMGCR)] in healthy men.

Eleven healthy male participants aged 29-46 years were given a single dose of 150 mg ND as an intramuscular dose of Deca Durabol(R), Organon. Blood samples for sex hormones, lipids and HMGCR mRNA analysis were collected prior to ND administration day 0, 4 and 14.

A significant suppression of luteinising hormone (LH) and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) was seen after 4 days. Total testosterone and bioavailable testosterone level decreased significantly throughout the observed study period.

A small but significant decrease in sexual hormone-binding globulin (SHBG) was seen after 4 days but not after 14 days.

Total serum (S)-cholesterol and plasma (P)-apolipoprotein B (ApoB) increased significantly after 14 days. In 80% of the individuals, the HMGCR mRNA level was increased 4 days after the ND administration.

Our results show that a single dose of 150 mg ND increases
(1) HMGCR mRNA expression,
(2) total S-cholesterol and
(3) P-ApoB level.

The long-term consequences on cardiovascular risk that may appear in users remain to be elucidated.
Total testosterone and bioavailable testosterone level decreased significantly throughout the observed study period.

"Significantly". Fuckers.

Would it kill them to quantify a few damn things in the abstract? I don't feel like paying $6 to "rent" the full paper just to find out the actual percentages TT and Free T were lowered by instead of knowing it was whatever the fuck they meant by "significantly".