Impossible to recover

Just poking in, and I have not read all the educated response. And intentionally as I want to remain clear in my obvious thoughts keeping a light touch on this. So dont mean to step on toes or imply anyone is incorrect.

1. You were on EVERYTHING for about a year I am guessing. That wont fix overnight.

2. I see where one PCT has been done with Clomid. Mix it up now and do one with Nolva. (if ti has been 6 weeks). And finally, perhaps a Nolva/Clomid combo further down the road.

3. Of course you are loosing strength. You are currently built to superhuman hormone levels to which even healthy natural will be hard to maintain. You have to fight to hold what you got from this. Thats the whole point of cycling. As I mentioned in the other thread. You have simply gone too long. So the fight will be diff...

4. I dont think an antidepressant is a good idea at this time. If you are nutty, the most likely culpret is high E / improper T/E ration. You are probably a good canditdate for a little Adex for a few weeks here and there during this long PCT. But not much. You dont want to further piss up the pot..... Antidepressants could send you over the top.

5. Your primary problem, AGAIN, is TIME on...... You cant change that overnight. You high dosing is further complicating, and not to be discounted. You will need 2-3 SERM runs, IMO., and consdering the protocol as a general.

6. Life is a Zero Sum Game in which we have ups and downs. The goal is to maximize the ups, and minimize the impact of the downs, through ration, intelligence, and education (amongst some others). You played a BIG GAME. Now be tough and smart. You may drop the ball, just get as close to the end zone as you can. You are too young to go TRT over this. Trust me, It is no solution. Just poorly educated mitigation as best for now.:)


The funny thing is, im GAINING strength. And my libido is higher!
Cant do it guys, its been almost a month and im seeing my size deplete and i can promise you its not my head, Tape measure shows and so does the scale.

Now im losing motivation to do shit.

I use to get so pumped up working out, i didnt get one fucking pump this week.

Im better off being on TRT, i dont think ill ever recover. IGF was a waste of money its not doing its fucxking job and neither is clomid. Fuck the world.

Im seriously depressed, had the dcotor prescribe me medication for anxiety, cause im fucking about to go crazy.

Yet my libido is higher and my bench is stronger. Makes NO sense.

I can feel your pain. I have been off for 3 weeks after being on for over 2 years. I just finished HCG, and I am still on clomid. I am also taking gh and peptides. My libido is gone to shit. My energy levels are way down. I made to the gym only 4 times last week. My strength and motivation is down. I feel softer, and its apparent I have lost a little size.

I have come to the conclusion I will be getting back on at least a low dose soon.
I can feel your pain. I have been off for 3 weeks after being on for over 2 years. I just finished HCG, and I am still on clomid. I am also taking gh and peptides. My libido is gone to shit. My energy levels are way down. I made to the gym only 4 times last week. My strength and motivation is down. I feel softer, and its apparent I have lost a little size.

I have come to the conclusion I will be getting back on at least a low dose soon.

Bro my libido is higher than its ever been and my strength is going up so idk what the hell is going on.

The bros said it was just water going away which is probably (and hopefully) true.
When strength stays the same or even goes up, one can be sure that fairly little to no contractile protein -- actual gains -- has been lost.

It does sound as if your recovery, rather than being bad, probably has been exceptionally good for the circumstances.
When strength stays the same or even goes up, one can be sure that fairly little to no contractile protein -- actual gains -- has been lost.

It does sound as if your recovery, rather than being bad, probably has been exceptionally good for the circumstances.

Is it maybe cause im young?
I don't know: just don't have a basis to say. I would guess it's more a matter of individual variability. But I wouldn't be surprised if being younger was a perhaps-necessary help.
I don't know: just don't have a basis to say. I would guess it's more a matter of individual variability. But I wouldn't be surprised if being younger was a perhaps-necessary help.

Or maybe my genetics. Maybe my body is able to recover quick from that, i hope so.
yeah man, and wait until your done your pct then try a run of S-4 if you want. give your body a little more rest from the heavier steroids by trying something new
KBD, regarding Bill's suggestion that it MIGHT be worth it to add lo-dose t injections to avoid a complete drop in t, i would add that if do, i find twice/weekly injection of cypionate or enanthate to be preferable. i'm guessing young ppl metabolize injected t faster, and i know that i do, so keeping steadier moderate levels of exogenous t would interfere less with a recovery protocol simply by keeping peaks lower and troughs higher...with less sides as a result.
KBD, regarding Bill's suggestion that it MIGHT be worth it to add lo-dose t injections to avoid a complete drop in t, i would add that if do, i find twice/weekly injection of cypionate or enanthate to be preferable. i'm guessing young ppl metabolize injected t faster, and i know that i do, so keeping steadier moderate levels of exogenous t would interfere less with a recovery protocol simply by keeping peaks lower and troughs higher...with less sides as a result.

What if i did 25mg Suspension EOD?= 100mg test a week
What if i did 25mg Suspension EOD?= 100mg test a week

Is that what you have on hand, cause i think i would run enant or cyp personally

i guess they'd be similar long as u keep the total dosing to a level that doesn't completely push ur HPTA to shut down, u can avoid the effects of no t (a situation i've been badly, but it's not the end of the world either) while still having a good chance at real HPTA recovery...
What about androgels?

They arent much test but theyre enough to make u have something in you. I can get those.
What about androgels?

They arent much test but theyre enough to make u have something in you. I can get those.

for gels, androgel is the weakest option, testim being better and compounded 10% gels being best. the good thing about androgel is that it's easier to wear under ur clothes without them getting sticky, as is always the case with the better-absorbing testim. good thing, too, bcuz u'll have to wear androgel several hours to properly absorb (5, i believe) whereas testim can be washed off in 1-2 hours. testim is harder to wash off than androgel, n smells like highly watered-down cheap cologne. compounded gels vary by compounding pharmacy.
What about androgels?

They arent much test but theyre enough to make u have something in you. I can get those.

I said fuck it last night, and took about 200mg of Test undeconate and 100mg of test suspension. Oh well, at least I will have energy on tonights workout.:D
for gels, androgel is the weakest option, testim being better and compounded 10% gels being best. the good thing about androgel is that it's easier to wear under ur clothes without them getting sticky, as is always the case with the better-absorbing testim. good thing, too, bcuz u'll have to wear androgel several hours to properly absorb (5, i believe) whereas testim can be washed off in 1-2 hours. testim is harder to wash off than androgel, n smells like highly watered-down cheap cologne. compounded gels vary by compounding pharmacy.

so i could use one of those a day with out much shutdown on the HPTA?

The little tubes say 1%
Hey bro, I have never posted in this section, but testim WILL shut you down. Gels increase dht drastically via the mechanism of delivery. Dht is more potent than testosterone and causes shut down in itself. Any exogenous supplementation will likely shut you down big or little. You don't have to take my advice or anything, but I would just continue with your planned pct. I think you will be fine. Wish you luck Man no matter what you do!
Hey bro, I have never posted in this section, but testim WILL shut you down. Gels increase dht drastically via the mechanism of delivery. Dht is more potent than testosterone and causes shut down in itself. Any exogenous supplementation will likely shut you down big or little. You don't have to take my advice or anything, but I would just continue with your planned pct. I think you will be fine. Wish you luck Man no matter what you do!

it's a question of dosage, age, genetics and protocol used...lo-dose transdermal gel or injection can make recovery more problematic but not impossible, and spare him the effects of zero-t...which may produce worse results in his case.

to my mind he should "tough it out" and recover his full internal production, but i'm not living his life or in his head.