Impossible to recover

it's a question of dosage, age, genetics and protocol used...lo-dose transdermal gel or injection can make recovery more problematic but not impossible, and spare him the effects of zero-t...which may produce worse results in his case.

to my mind he should "tough it out" and recover his full internal production, but i'm not living his life or in his head.

No need for T supplement guys

I just bought me a whole bunch of HGH.

2-3 iu a day sufficient for muscle maintenance?
No need for T supplement guys

I just bought me a whole bunch of HGH.

2-3 iu a day sufficient for muscle maintenance?

If you want a supplement that works for natural testosterone do a search on "Blue Up". Amazing supplement with great potential!

I don't agree with you, using HGH. Shuting your own HGH production isn't ful at all in the long run.

Stick to peptides, testosterone boosting supplements, ecdy, methoxy, isoflavones, glutamine, creatine, a good multi and omega 3 fatty acids and you're good to go.

You're getting way too crazy about it.
I said fuck it last night, and took about 200mg of Test undeconate and 100mg of test suspension. Oh well, at least I will have energy on tonights workout.:D

After a whole three weeks of being off? It takes balls to face the transition and get naturally healthy again, EC. You'd might as well stay on forever, since apparently haven't got them.

No need for T supplement guys

I just bought me a whole bunch of HGH.

2-3 iu a day sufficient for muscle maintenance?

You're being fed a lot of bullshit here, brother, by well-intentioned brothers who don't know enough about your actual situation. I don't either, but if your libido & strength were still up it's almost certain you still had either exogenous AAS or HCG floating around in your system. Of course you seem hornier & stronger than ever because you expected just the opposite. You still haven't completed your PCT protocol! I used to feel fine during the PCT SERMs and it wasn't until I stopped those and went on nothing that I felt my libido, drive, & strength begin to flag. At that point, the only thing that brought them back was time (though OTC substitutes like those suggested by Reinie may do something).

If you want long term health, you're going to have to learn to cycle, really cycle — on & all the way off. You haven't even begun to be truly "off-cycle" yet. It's a nice feeling when you feel your libido, drive, & strength begin to come back naturally after being off-cycle for at least 10 weeks. That's a good time to get your bloodwork done to see where you really stand. When your testosterone levels are at normal levels, you can begin planning your next cycle, and that's nearly as much fun as beginning it. Of course, if you don't have the guts to even give your natural HPTA a chance to return, then you'll do what you're going to do and I'm wasting my time talking to you.

GH will indeed do a lot to help maintain strength & physique, but not the same as Test. It won't give you the drive or "fire in the belly" that Test gives. However, it usually takes about three months to see the first effects. You need to run about 4 iu ED for muscle maintenance. It's great for your immune system. Running GHRP after six to nine months on GH will soon get your own GH kicking back into production. Some run the peptide simultaneously thinking it keeps your own GH going even with exogenous supplementation. Not enough research done on that to know for sure.

You're just too damned impatient, KBD. You're on the the long river of life. Enjoy the scenery, take each paddle stroke with pleasure. Take the long-term view and control your impulses. Everyone has to learn that hard lesson sometime.

You're being fed a lot of bullshit here, brother, by well-intentioned brothers who don't know enough about your actual situation. I don't either, but if your libido & strength were still up it's almost certain you still had either exogenous AAS or HCG floating around in your system. Of course you seem hornier & stronger than ever because you expected just the opposite. You still haven't completed your PCT protocol! I used to feel fine during the PCT SERMs and it wasn't until I stopped those and went on nothing that I felt my libido, drive, & strength begin to flag. At that point, the only thing that brought them back was time (though OTC substitutes like those suggested by Reinie may do something).

If you want long term health, you're going to have to learn to cycle, really cycle — on & all the way off. You haven't even begun to be truly "off-cycle" yet. It's a nice feeling when you feel your libido, drive, & strength begin to come back naturally after being off-cycle for at least 10 weeks. That's a good time to get your bloodwork done to see where you really stand. When your testosterone levels are at normal levels, you can begin planning your next cycle, and that's nearly as much fun as beginning it. Of course, if you don't have the guts to even give your natural HPTA a chance to return, then you'll do what you're going to do and I'm wasting my time talking to you.

GH will indeed do a lot to help maintain strength & physique, but not the same as Test. It won't give you the drive or "fire in the belly" that Test gives. However, it usually takes about three months to see the first effects. You need to run about 4 iu ED for muscle maintenance. It's great for your immune system. Running GHRP after six to nine months on GH will soon get your own GH kicking back into production. Some run the peptide simultaneously thinking it keeps your own GH going even with exogenous supplementation. Not enough research done on that to know for sure.

You're just too damned impatient, KBD. You're on the the long river of life. Enjoy the scenery, take each paddle stroke with pleasure. Take the long-term view and control your impulses. Everyone has to learn that hard lesson sometime.


Very well put solo, of course i always take time to read your posts..

However its been a month so exogenous test would have def cleared by now. My libido is still higher than ever and my strength is still sky rocketed :).

Maybe its the clomid. Maybe its the IGF?

Idk, i feel 10x better off the AAS.

and thats how i wanna keep it.

I will run HGH at 4iu a day for a few months and maybe supplement with GHRP. Does it have to be 4iu? or can it be 3. Cause 4 is pushing the price..
damn dude, you're running Hgh, thats a fuckload of money to run.. Especially at 4iu a day!!

How are your gains on HGH as oppose your last cycle?
Very well put solo, of course i always take time to read your posts..

However its been a month so exogenous test would have def cleared by now. My libido is still higher than ever and my strength is still sky rocketed :).

Maybe its the clomid. Maybe its the IGF?

Idk, i feel 10x better off the AAS.

and thats how i wanna keep it.

I will run HGH at 4iu a day for a few months and maybe supplement with GHRP. Does it have to be 4iu? or can it be 3. Cause 4 is pushing the price.

This is not necessarily true; in fact, this is not likely to be true. Especially if you've been on for a long time (as you have). HCG certainly raises Test levels. Nolvadex alone is known to significantly raise Test levels in some situations. IGF has no effect on libido (nor does GH), but both can increase strength (IGF a lot faster).

On the one hand, you're complaining that you seem to have lost some size (which is probably water weight), but on the other you're cheering yourself for still being horny & strong. I'd say, good for you: Whatever you're doing, keep doing it (and I presume that's no AAS).

It's not impossible that you've just had an extraordinarily fast recovery after year of running various AAS, but it's really frick'n unlikely. Much more likely is my suggestion. In the past I have felt like you do more than six weeks after my last inject, but slowly & inexorably soon felt myself lose physical drive & interest until natural recovery began. Mark my words, Mr. KingBigDaddy, in another month, you will feel the inevitable decline and it will take a lot of courage not to dip into your AAS stockpile ("just a little bit").

But, you know the old saying, "It's always darkest before the dawn.":rolleyes:

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This is not necessarily true; in fact, this is not likely to be true. Especially if you've been on for a long time (as you have). HCG certainly raises Test levels. Nolvadex alone is known to significantly raise Test levels in some situations. IGF has no effect on libido (nor does GH), but both can increase strength (IGF a lot faster).

On the one hand, you're complaining that you seem to have lost some size (which is probably water weight), but on the other you're cheering yourself for still being horny & strong. I'd say, good for you: Whatever you're doing, keep doing it (and I presume that's no AAS).

It's not impossible that you've just had an extraordinarily fast recovery after year of running various AAS, but it's really frick'n unlikely. Much more likely is my suggestion. In the past I have felt like you do more than six weeks after my last inject, but slowly & inexorably soon felt myself lose physical drive & interest until natural recovery began. Mark my words, Mr. KingBigDaddy, in another month, you will feel the inevitable decline and it will take a lot of courage not to dip into your AAS stockpile ("just a little bit").

But, you know the old saying, "It's always darkest before the dawn.":rolleyes:


Well what im doing is Clomid 100mg a day i might run that for another month since ive been on for so damn long. So are you saying im going to see a tremendous loss of size and strength? Even while running IGF/GH?

hopefully the GH will be enough to maintain most mass/strength.
This is not necessarily true; in fact, this is not likely to be true. Especially if you've been on for a long time (as you have). HCG certainly raises Test levels. Nolvadex alone is known to significantly raise Test levels in some situations. IGF has no effect on libido (nor does GH), but both can increase strength (IGF a lot faster).

On the one hand, you're complaining that you seem to have lost some size (which is probably water weight), but on the other you're cheering yourself for still being horny & strong. I'd say, good for you: Whatever you're doing, keep doing it (and I presume that's no AAS).

It's not impossible that you've just had an extraordinarily fast recovery after year of running various AAS, but it's really frick'n unlikely. Much more likely is my suggestion. In the past I have felt like you do more than six weeks after my last inject, but slowly & inexorably soon felt myself lose physical drive & interest until natural recovery began. Mark my words, Mr. KingBigDaddy, in another month, you will feel the inevitable decline and it will take a lot of courage not to dip into your AAS stockpile ("just a little bit").

But, you know the old saying, "It's always darkest before the dawn.":rolleyes:


Well what im doing is Clomid 100mg a day i might run that for another month since ive been on for so damn long. So are you saying im going to see a tremendous loss of size and strength? Even while running IGF/GH?

hopefully the GH will be enough to maintain most mass/strength.

Since i was on for a year your saying i cant recover? Do you believe my hpta will ever restore to natural function? cause if not whats the fuckin point in pct?
Well what im doing is Clomid 100mg a day i might run that for another month since ive been on for so damn long. So are you saying im going to see a tremendous loss of size and strength? Even while running IGF/GH?

hopefully the GH will be enough to maintain most mass/strength.

Since i was on for a year your saying i cant recover? Do you believe my hpta will ever restore to natural function? cause if not whats the fuckin point in pct?

Just read the words, KBD. Of course you can recover your normal levels. Bodies always seek equilibrium. By saying it's "darkest before the dawn" I mean that just when you feel most lethargic, you'll begin to feel your energy levels return because you'll be able to actually do what you want to do. You'll begin to recover your own HPTA, but (listen): i t ... t a k e s ... t i m e .

Yes, GH really helps keep gains, but not likely all of them. You might begin at 2 iu ED then go up to 3 iu for a month or so, but, I'm guessing you'll be impatient enough to go to 4 iu fairly quickly. Increase the dose slowly to avoid the aches & pains of side effects. However, as I said, GH does not help give you that feeling of power deep in your body that exogenous Test does. For that, you'll just have to find strength in your own courage. (But once you begin a cycle again, after being on GH for four months, say, you'll see gains, tones, strength, & vascularity like never before.)

If you continue to workout, eat, & sleep the same, you will still lose some size & weight, yes, but it won't likely be a 'tremendous" loss. Almost everyone who follows the same routine finds they keep a good portion of their gains. It's the gains you keep that you can build on for your next cycle, going that much further and getting that much stronger & bigger. Muscles "remember".

PCT & going off-cycle are for your long-term health, so you can continue to use AAS in cycles nearly all your life, if you wish. Once you get way up there in years, say your mid-40s, you may need to go on HRT instead of off-cycle. Then it's no more Nolva or Clomid or PCT; it's just "blast" and "cruise" cycles.

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Just read the words, KBD. Of course you can recover your normal levels. Bodies always seek equilibrium. By saying it's "darkest before the dawn" I mean that just when you feel most lethargic, you'll begin to feel your energy levels return because you'll be able to actually do what you want to do. You'll begin to recover your own HPTA, but (listen): i t ... t a k e s ... t i m e .

Yes, GH really helps keep gains, but not likely all of them. You might begin at 2 iu ED then go up to 3 iu for a month or so, but, I'm guessing you'll be impatient enough to go to 4 iu fairly quickly. Increase the dose slowly to avoid the aches & pains of side effects. However, as I said, GH does not help give you that feeling of power deep in your body that exogenous Test does. For that, you'll just have to find strength in your own courage. (But once you begin a cycle again, after being on GH for four months, say, you'll see gains, tones, strength, & vascularity like never before.)

If you continue to workout, eat, & sleep the same, you will still lose some size & weight, yes, but it won't likely be a 'tremendous" loss. Almost everyone who follows the same routine finds they keep a good portion of their gains. It's the gains you keep that you can build on for your next cycle, going that much further and getting that much stronger & bigger. Muscles "remember".

PCT & going off-cycle are for your long-term health, so you can continue to use AAS in cycles nearly all your life, if you wish. Once you get way up there in years, say your mid-40s, you may need to go on HRT instead of off-cycle. Then it's no more Nolva or Clomid or PCT; it's just "blast" and "cruise" cycles.


I will be patient cause im gonna go thru with this.

i will start at 2iu as said.

I just hope i dont go from 18.5 down to 16.... Id have to kill myself lol.

But like said above, GH and PCT like u said, should help maintain a good portion, but also remember solo im veyr young and you know (the younger u are the quicker you recover)
having read solo's helpful posts here closely, i'd like to add two points:

at KBD's age, 4 iu's of GH a day is not a wise fact it's an iffy dose for anybody, but especially for anyone well under 25yo. Serono and other marketers simply got greedy in making dosage guidelines for their extremely expensive product, and damaged people as a result.

in terms of ester half-life, dosage doesn't decline in a linear fashion, but in a geometric one...full dose --->(half-life) half-dose---->(half-life) quarter-dose---->(half-life) eighth-dose---->(half-life) sixteenth dose...etc. recovery can only begin when the total blood level of T has dipped below the level ur body would naturally produce on its own. given that KBD has done supra-physiological doses of T over a year's time, it's reasonable to assume 2-3 months of trickle-down time for the esters to sufficiently metabolize.

K, keep ur fukn head on...ur unlikely to shrink to 16" arms, but even lean n mean 16" is far better than most humans. u gotta divorce ur self-esteem from the minutae of ur bodily measurements...i know ur trying, but reminders can't hurt.
After a whole three weeks of being off? It takes balls to face the transition and get naturally healthy again, EC. You'd might as well stay on forever, since apparently haven't got them.


People love to be dicks. Yeah, I have decided at 38 years old, to probably just stay on 100mg a week of test for TRT. Enjoy being a dick . It suits you.;)
People love to be dicks. Yeah, I have decided at 38 years old, to probably just stay on 100mg a week of test for TRT. Enjoy being a dick . It suits you.;)

Well at 38 i say go for it as well.

But me being way younger i dont wanna be on TRT lol
problem is that many on trt are still not where you want to be. I know people that have supra human levels of test through therapy and still feel like shit. Just because your on test is no guarantee that you going to live a better quality of life. That one hormone is such a miniscule piece of the puzzle.
problem is that many on trt are still not where you want to be. I know people that have supra human levels of test through therapy and still feel like shit. Just because your on test is no guarantee that you going to live a better quality of life. That one hormone is such a miniscule piece of the puzzle.

Very true pux, im off AAS and im sleeping better, sex drive is absolutely insane. LIke solo said, it might die off a bit in a few weeks. But clomids sure as hell are working fantastic!