Injected in ventrogluteal, it migrated, now quad is freakishly swollen. Infected? What to do


Yesh, so I injected test, DHB, primo, HCG into my right ventrogluteal area, and that area feels fine. But I assume whatever it is, the oil or an infection, migrated down into my right quad, and now my quad is freakishly swollen and it hurts. I also had a fever, which may be from my leg or something else. Is it infected or is this just an injection gone wrong in other ways?

Any experienced guys want to reassure me of the best way to get through this?

I took doxycycline and Azithromycin (best of what I had on hand) just in case.
YOU had a fever or the quad was feverish/hot?

I feel like everything I’ve read said if you have a fever it might be time to visit the doctor..
Yes, head for the clinic. Don't be messing around waiting for it to resolve on it's own. It may not.
this is kind of odd.

A fever is usually but not always an infection. However, infections typically don’t fall with gravity as you say this did. Is the pink/red area getting larger or drifting down with gravity? Is there pitting adema?

Are you saying you mixed oils and water reconstituted HCG? And you’re also saying you self-medicated with antibiotics? Both poor choices.
The fever is most concerning. You should go see a doctor, an infection can be very very dangerous.
So you injected both an oil based solution and a water based solution into the same spot ? That's asking for trouble. Definitely head for the nearest clinic and just tell them what you did so they can check if its serious or not
Guys, due to some very specific circumstances at the moment, it's not possible for me to go to any clinic. That's one reason I decided to ask for opinions here. Besides, I don't think it is serious enough yet for me to require outside help. I'd most likely be given antibiotics and sent on my way.

My quad is not hot, temperature wise, but it is swollen, and it is somewhat painful. I did have a fever. My quad was feeling better and then I was too active and then the pain increased. It's not terrible but I clearly don't want to aggravate it and make it worse.

Long story short, I'm suspecting this came from the injection. Yes, I mixed water and oil. Yes, I did probably too many high concentration oils and too many ml's. I'm still confused at how it seems like it ran down my leg and got to my quad. I certainly injected deeply enough with a 1 inch needle.

I'm just wondering if anyone has had this happen and what their experience was. Yes, I am self medicating but I also know what I'm doing.
2 compounds known to cause pip mixed with a water base? Lol dosent sound like a great idea to me. Have you been injecting this combo for a while or this is the first shot of new bottles? I'd say at least 9/10 times someone thinks they have a infection they dont end up having 1, but better to be safe than sorry.
Guys, due to some very specific circumstances at the moment, it's not possible for me to go to any clinic. That's one reason I decided to ask for opinions here. Besides, I don't think it is serious enough yet for me to require outside help. I'd most likely be given antibiotics and sent on my way.

My quad is not hot, temperature wise, but it is swollen, and it is somewhat painful. I did have a fever. My quad was feeling better and then I was too active and then the pain increased. It's not terrible but I clearly don't want to aggravate it and make it worse.

Long story short, I'm suspecting this came from the injection. Yes, I mixed water and oil. Yes, I did probably too many high concentration oils and too many ml's. I'm still confused at how it seems like it ran down my leg and got to my quad. I certainly injected deeply enough with a 1 inch needle.

I'm just wondering if anyone has had this happen and what their experience was. Yes, I am self medicating but I also know what I'm doing.
“I know what I’m doing” - classic words. Hope you intend on doing a full course of antibiotics since you already started.

Yes plenty of people have had injections in quads drop down near the knee or in the delt migrate down to the arm, but the fever is the issue. Is it over 100F?
I've had many painful spots like that fall, never had a infection yet thank god. I'd bet you $ u don't have one some times on a cycle or running tren I get a higher body temp.
2 compounds known to cause pip mixed with a water base? Lol dosent sound like a great idea to me. Have you been injecting this combo for a while or this is the first shot of new bottles? I'd say at least 9/10 times someone thinks they have a infection they dont end up having 1, but better to be safe than sorry.
I've actually been doing this combination for a couple of months and I haven't had any problems, besides some minor PIP every so often. The primo is 200mg and I did 400mg Primo in this particular injection. Maybe this was the problem. I don't know.
Enjoy your posts and honestly appreciate you. Please consider keeping a log immediately of everything you are doing. Also if you have a fever over 100 please seek medical attention. Your health comes first.

Taking antibiotics makes the log and checking your temp important. Best wishes and please update on your health.
“I know what I’m doing” - classic words. Hope you intend on doing a full course of antibiotics since you already started.

Yes plenty of people have had injections in quads drop down near the knee or in the delt migrate down to the arm, but the fever is the issue. Is it over 100F?
I'll do the full course of antibiotics, yes. The fever was 38.6c/101.48F last night. But I suspect I had a fever before last night, maybe the day before, because I felt warm and I felt some aches and close to chills, but it was very light, however looking back, I am sure I had a fever then. The fever resolved last night, after slowly reducing back to normal temperature. No fever today. I feel generally good, besides the painful quad, which is swollen.

And then I start looking at case studies online and I am reminded of the potential issues that could develop. But so many guys have gone through these strange PIP situations with suspected infections, and get through them, so I was looking for some experiences and practical advice.
I'll do the full course of antibiotics, yes. The fever was 38.6c/101.48F last night. But I suspect I had a fever before last night, maybe the day before, because I felt warm and I felt some aches and close to chills, but it was very light, however looking back, I am sure I had a fever then. The fever resolved last night, after slowly reducing back to normal temperature. No fever today. I feel generally good, besides the painful quad, which is swollen.

And then I start looking at case studies online and I am reminded of the potential issues that could develop. But so many guys have gone through these strange PIP situations with suspected infections, and get through them, so I was looking for some experiences and practical advice.
You’re getting it…

Over 100 would worry me, as that doesn’t sound just superficial. Photos of this would definitely help. How many days from pin to onset of fever?
Sounds off to do water and oil in same syringe, dont think that is good idea.

Besides that when i got an infection in my hand from IV use, the second i pinned my hand, it INTSTANTLY swelled up, like littetally the second the needle punctured the skin. Just wanted to give insight there, also it kept getting worse, and more puffy with time, it never subsided and came back, just puffier and puffier. I waited 2 days then went, and they said it was good idea, i was put on IV antibiotics for a 4-5 days straight.

Maybe this will give some insight too.
I've actually been doing this combination for a couple of months and I haven't had any problems, besides some minor PIP every so often. The primo is 200mg and I did 400mg Primo in this particular injection. Maybe this was the problem. I don't know.
Why u injected so much primo at once instead to split ur dose eod or 3 times a week whatever..

Btw I had the same issue with fever lasting one day and the most Pip lasting up to 2 weeks, I was in panic then got better with time.