What's up guys and gals. I'm new to this forum. I did read the rules and I didn't see anything about not being able to solicit steroid sells. I'm going to be completely transparent with everyone here. I purchase in bulk from overseas quality sources for special low bulk prices and resell them. I do this with some US domestic sources as well but only those who have proven themselves over a course of time and have jano tests to back up the quality of the products along with a history of good reviews. Primarily recent reviews is really of top importance. I have been selling locally for a couple years and have built a flawless reputation in my local area. My reputation is of utmost importance to me. In some cases like this new venture into online sells all I have is my word and a list of products with prices a lot lower than you'll find on these sources actual websites to which I'm hoping to gain trust in the community. I'm super "small time". I'm not looking to get rich. I'm just looking to generate enough revenue to eventually stop doing this and open my own legit business. I'm 100 percent US domestic. I don't ask for anything for the Shipping accept what it costs me. I'm not making a whole lot on each product because I truly believe once a few people experience my services word will get out quickly. when it does I'll quit my full time job and dedicate all my time to filling orders and keeping bulk orders coming in to maintain stock. I've got one other business partner so right now this is a two man operation. I don't have a SET T/A on the products but I can tell you as SOON as you send the funds I'm putting the order together and it will be Shipped out immediately. I don't play with peoples money. I've been burned once or twice in my 15 years of dealing with underground sources online and economically it makes ZERO sense for me to take your money and run when I can make so much more in the long run by providing a good honest service in a not so honest world. I'm asking for a $100 minimum order for right now but I'm willing to work with you if you don't quite meet that minimum. The products I have right now are Parapharma, Hilma Biocare and DC pharmaceuticals. Once I sell out of the DC pharmaceuticals I'm going to only be selling Parapharma and Hilma. Those are the two companies I've negotiated bulk purchase deals with. I'll be getting a wider selection in the near future. I do have a decent selection right now though. Man, just email me and I'll gladly be transparent with you on any questions you might have. All of my products DO have the expiration dates and everything up to par. it's all very recent purchases. Email me and I will send you a price list. On most orders I'll say the shipping is just an additional 10 bucks. I'll supply you with a tracking number and keep you updated on the entire process. I'm just a regular guy that's been struggling in this post covid world (well sort of "post") It IS still going on but we are getting along a lot better now than when it first came around. I'm trying to earn your trust in an untrustworthy world so I do plan on it being an obstacle. But I can only compensate for that through providing flawless services for you. If you like any of the brands I listed then you are REALLY going to like my prices. And the fact you don't have to go through overseas sources to get the products is a huge factor swaying in my favor to succeeding. Email me and let's chat. Thank you for reading this and am looking forward to becoming a positive staple in this community for providing excellent products and excellent service with even MORE excellent prices.



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First Baby!

Also boy did you miss a-lot;

-Proof of stock with folded up piece of paper, dated and "meso rx" written on it.
-Tell us the prices as well as what you offer, I shouldn't have to email you to find out.
-You say you have jano tests, then post them.
-It's not new source friday.

-Do you store customer data?
-Do you reimburse for customer blind testing?
-What do you accept for payment?

Prepare to get torn apart by everyone else...
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Suspicious Trailer Park Boys GIF
Is this for real? All I gotta do is write a paragraph about send me some coin why would I steal from you? ✔️say my shit cheaper than the next guy? ✔️ I'm selling stuff that other people tested so I don't have any test I've paid for? ✔️ Jump on proton and get an email address? ✔️ Not post pictures of anything I actually have in hand? ✔️
Lol what's up canine?! damn you stalking me? that was QUICK
Wow didn't answer a question but acted super cool so he must be. Just send me a btc addy I don't need to even know what u got. Hell you ignored tf outta reality and acted cool I know you gotta have my best interest in mind!!! LMFAO gtfo here
Wow didn't answer a question but acted super cool so he must be. Just send me a btc addy I don't need to even know what u got. Hell you ignored tf outta reality and acted cool I know you gotta have my best interest in mind!!! LMFAO gtfo here
To be fair, he responded before I added the questions, just had to claim my spot as first haha. Otherwise yeah, joke of an intro.
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He should've had that posted in the intro without being asked. That intro made my eyes bleed and had nothing informative.
Proof of stock with crumbled piece of paper with “meso 3/13/22” written on it

Pic of your girls boobies or butthole



Opsec explanation
Is this for real? All I gotta do is write a paragraph about send me some coin why would I steal from you? ✔️say my shit cheaper than the next guy? ✔️ I'm selling stuff that other people tested so I don't have any test I've paid for? ✔️ Jump on proton and get an email address? ✔️ Not post pictures of anything I actually have in hand? ✔️
lol well it IS for real. And I completely expect these reactions. So like the pictures I can absolutely take pictures if need be. I'm just trying to figure out the best way to go about all this. You don't know me at ALL and vice versa. The answer to your question ...in short...is YES. you could do what I'm doing. And the flip side to the picture thing is I could take pictures of the whole stock and STILL take your money and run. I don't know bro. I'm just trying this route because I have the stock and only so many local people to sell to. And it's not like I run a local ad or go around like a door to door sales person. I try to lay LOW and stay discreet. I don't know shit about how to brew nor do I want to get into that. Although there would be a lot more profit. So I can't really go to one of these other sites and become an official verified source...mainly because I don't have enough stock for that scale of distribution. I've got enough to get started. And I have more on the way. But all I can do is take orders and if I don't have something or enough of something let the customer know to see if they want to wait for that product to come in or exchange it for something I do have. I don't know man. this is a new venture for me. I've worked as a shipper for both international and US domestic sources and have a very good idea of what it's like on both ends of the spectrum. I've been around the steroid underground for about 15 years and have done work both in shipping as well as I've Designed some labels for A source that's no longer around. And I've Done a few other things in which I've gain very good connections. I've just never tried anything like this. All I cam really hope for is just a few orders to come in and then hopefully they will give some feedback to the community...Do it like I have with local sells. Just be transparent with people and do straight up business with them to build a reputation. I appreciate your response on here though man...I would respond very much the same way if I saw some schmuck post something like this lol. Hopefully people will give it a try man. If not I just keep doing what I'm doing and I'll definitely stay a member of the community as long as I'm welcome. The price list I have now are prices set for my local sells. I'm altering to for the email sells so that I can provide lower prices than you'd pay on the sites of these brands and my shipping will be just whatever it ACTUALLY cost me. And the good thing is you don't have to wait to bypass customs ...I've already done that. It will come completely from right here in the USA.
Proof of stock with crumbled piece of paper with “meso 3/13/22” written on it

Pic of your girls boobies or butthole


Does it have to be a "crumbled" piece of paper? what about folded? or Do you want me to do a jackass style stunt and staple it to my butt cheeks? I'm offended you don't want to see my girls vagina...only boobies and or butthole? Wait...even...BETTER...A piece of paper with "meso 3/13/22" written on it...slightly crumbled AND stapled to my girls butthole...It's kind of an all round turnkey operation that way.
The one where he “read the rules” but must’ve missed the standard for a source intro post..
let me expound. I am a self proclaimed dummy so bare with me. In the rules I didn't read anything about not being able to solicit anything. I'll go post this in the source intro area then...Didn't see that. My navigational skills on this site are about a 2 out 10 right now. And being an idiot doesn't help me....it often hinders me ...
Yes crumble, and yes tits or cornhole of your girl

That’s the traditional meso way, actually butthole I added in 2018

No staples needed that’s just silly
This source I'd trying to sling his gear outside of here. He needs to be run off, screw any kind of vetting. Beat it @Valiant Distribution
