Take your LE team to social media and take down some kids there. No one is this stupid to take the bite with the stupidity coming out your mouth here.

Actually here, here is @Carlitosaso and @AllAmericanRoughNeck both are apparently big sellers and have obsessions with dildos, he will fit in your prison system with no problem. You don't need to thank me for the lead either, it's on us from the Meso community.
OK man. Thanks for the feedback. I'm not interested in the dildos...well...depends on the size and I can make an exception...But in all seriousness you have the freedom of choice to say what you want ...and you DID...and you have the freedom of choice in where you buy gear...and you chose not to buy from me. Done and DONE.
OK man. Thanks for the feedback. I'm not interested in the dildos...well...depends on the size and I can make an exception...But in all seriousness you have the freedom of choice to say what you want ...and you DID...and you have the freedom of choice in where you buy gear...and you chose not to buy from me. Done and DONE.

I don't buy Anabolic Steroids from the dark web as I don't have a need to.

I am on doctor prescribed testosterone due to my low testosterone levels.

I come on here to shoot the shit with others, nothing more.
Suspicious Trailer Park Boys GIF
The perfect meme for this section...
I don't buy Anabolic Steroids from the dark web as I don't have a need to.

I am on doctor prescribed testosterone due to my low testosterone levels.

I come on here to shoot the shit with others, nothing more.
This isn't the dark web man...nor is it the deep web. I agree the doctor prescribed gear is always going to be the best. But some people don't have that option. And for what I pay for bulk ....understand that they ask for a 20 k minimum (otherwise everyone would do it) These top sources have a RIDICULOUS mark up. So hopefully I'll be able to help some people financially get what they doing so ilk make a small profit...but several small profits add up. And that's the idea behind all this. Appreciate the comments.
Tf are you doing where you can’t post all the things you’re missing? Thought you wanted to expand your 15 year successful reputable business? Shouldn’t take longer than 5 mins to post pics.

No list
No product pics
No lab tests
No tits

Off to an amazing start… should’ve spent more than 2 minutes reading thread rules.

I think you’ll shamed out of here within the next week. Good luck to you.
Tf are you doing where you can’t post all the things you’re missing? Thought you wanted to expand your 15 year successful reputable business? Shouldn’t take longer than 5 mins to post pics.

No list
No product pics
No lab tests
No tits

Off to an amazing start… should’ve spent more than 2 minutes reading thread rules.

I think you’ll shamed out of here within the next week. Good luck to you.
The lab tests are on the company's websites for their products. I buy bulk and resell. It's not home brewed. The 15 years I speak of is me being involved in this world of underground AAS. Not as a source. Never even dreamed I would be trying to sell online. I've worked as a shipper for a couple sources years ago. And any of you that have done that know there's just not enough money to be made. I've bought small amounts of bulk of all different brands and resold locally. I don't have pictures readily available because I didn't think they would be required AND I've just now gotten all the stock together...last pack landed yesterday. I don't receive packages at my home nor do I keep ANYTHING in my home. Everything is done as far away as possible and the less it's linked to me or anyone that knows me the better. So when asked to post pictures last night along with the note that reads "meso and the date" I've made plans to go TODAY to take pictures of the inventory with the note. And I spent several hours last night and am still doing so this morning...comparing my price list with my bulk prices I paid and have been calculating everything to the penny on being able to sell this gear to you guys online ...REALLY good prices to where I'm not going to make much per item. But a bunch of small profits add up over time. In the meantime I'm still going to sell locally for the higher marked up prices i originally started with. Yes this is a rough start man. But I'm also doing anything that you guys ask of me within my capabilities and not that which put myself at any risk. If I DO fade out it is what it is. I'll come back prepared next time. But in the meantime I'm attempting to correct the mistakes I've began with. So that being said...I'm going to take pictures TODAY...finish the revised list TODAY...and TODAY there will be pictures available and posted right here along with the price list. And some big Ole titties...
Your humorous responses remind me of the kid up in Canada who gave sourcing a shot. His thread ultimately became more of a stand up routine than sourcing and he just disappeared pretty quickly. You are humorous, I’ll give you that.
Lol what that nattyking or whatever the name was? Funny thread
What's up guys and gals. I'm new to this forum. I did read the rules and I didn't see anything about not being able to solicit steroid sells. I'm going to be completely transparent with everyone here. I purchase in bulk from overseas quality sources for special low bulk prices and resell them. I do this with some US domestic sources as well but only those who have proven themselves over a course of time and have jano tests to back up the quality of the products along with a history of good reviews. Primarily recent reviews is really of top importance. I have been selling locally for a couple years and have built a flawless reputation in my local area. My reputation is of utmost importance to me. In some cases like this new venture into online sells all I have is my word and a list of products with prices a lot lower than you'll find on these sources actual websites to which I'm hoping to gain trust in the community. I'm super "small time". I'm not looking to get rich. I'm just looking to generate enough revenue to eventually stop doing this and open my own legit business. I'm 100 percent US domestic. I don't ask for anything for the Shipping accept what it costs me. I'm not making a whole lot on each product because I truly believe once a few people experience my services word will get out quickly. when it does I'll quit my full time job and dedicate all my time to filling orders and keeping bulk orders coming in to maintain stock. I've got one other business partner so right now this is a two man operation. I don't have a SET T/A on the products but I can tell you as SOON as you send the funds I'm putting the order together and it will be Shipped out immediately. I don't play with peoples money. I've been burned once or twice in my 15 years of dealing with underground sources online and economically it makes ZERO sense for me to take your money and run when I can make so much more in the long run by providing a good honest service in a not so honest world. I'm asking for a $100 minimum order for right now but I'm willing to work with you if you don't quite meet that minimum. The products I have right now are Parapharma, Hilma Biocare and DC pharmaceuticals. Once I sell out of the DC pharmaceuticals I'm going to only be selling Parapharma and Hilma. Those are the two companies I've negotiated bulk purchase deals with. I'll be getting a wider selection in the near future. I do have a decent selection right now though. Man, just email me and I'll gladly be transparent with you on any questions you might have. All of my products DO have the expiration dates and everything up to par. it's all very recent purchases. Email me and I will send you a price list. On most orders I'll say the shipping is just an additional 10 bucks. I'll supply you with a tracking number and keep you updated on the entire process. I'm just a regular guy that's been struggling in this post covid world (well sort of "post") It IS still going on but we are getting along a lot better now than when it first came around. I'm trying to earn your trust in an untrustworthy world so I do plan on it being an obstacle. But I can only compensate for that through providing flawless services for you. If you like any of the brands I listed then you are REALLY going to like my prices. And the fact you don't have to go through overseas sources to get the products is a huge factor swaying in my favor to succeeding. Email me and let's chat. Thank you for reading this and am looking forward to becoming a positive staple in this community for providing excellent products and excellent service with even MORE excellent prices.


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