On which planet is it friday?
Ohhhh I SEE ....this "Friday" thing ...that's when I'm supposed to "present myself" Or how's that work? To answer your question though other planets as far as we know don't use a calendar system to track time lapse. Also we're not exactly sure if there are beings on there to even need calendars....I don't THINK....maybe
This source I'd trying to sling his gear outside of here. He needs to be run off, screw any kind of vetting. Beat it @Valiant Distribution

Ok...didn't know that was illegal on here. So...only post HERE and await responses?
Ok...didn't know that was illegal on here. So...only post HERE and await responses?
Yes man that’s what we’re telling you, that’s how things work at meso, you said your new - if you don’t like that shit take it somewhere else. It’s frowned upon to peddle gear anywhere other than this thread

Get with the shit man your off to a bad start already with the attitude
Yes crumble, and yes tits or cornhole of your girl

That’s the traditional meso way, actually butthole I added in 2018

No staples needed that’s just silly
staples may be silly...but it would also be FUNNY. OK so I need to get a piece of paper...crumble it somewhat...then write the above stated info on it with a picture of all my stock? If that's a REAL request or requirement I can absolutely do it. I'm going to where it's stored in the morning for inventory. I'll get it all together and take a picture or pictures of it. I'll gladly post it tomorrow...also I'll post my price list with everything I've got. I was told another pack landed so I'm going there to do the inventory and...take pictures...write on the crumbled paper...do a new source intro...whatever needs to be done. I appreciate all the replies. The good and the constructive...I don't view any as "bad" except the guy that wanted me to show him my girls asshole...but I'll get over it.
Big girls need loving to, bud...even the ones with the floppy orangutan ...Nat Geo titties.
Your humorous responses remind me of the kid up in Canada who gave sourcing a shot. His thread ultimately became more of a stand up routine than sourcing and he just disappeared pretty quickly. You are humorous, I’ll give you that.
staples may be silly...but it would also be FUNNY. OK so I need to get a piece of paper...crumble it somewhat...then write the above stated info on it with a picture of all my stock? If that's a REAL request or requirement I can absolutely do it. I'm going to where it's stored in the morning for inventory. I'll get it all together and take a picture or pictures of it. I'll gladly post it tomorrow...also I'll post my price list with everything I've got. I was told another pack landed so I'm going there to do the inventory and...take pictures...write on the crumbled paper...do a new source intro...whatever needs to be done. I appreciate all the replies. The good and the constructive...I don't view any as "bad" except the guy that wanted me to show him my girls asshole...but I'll get over it.
It’s probably obvious but the pic of stock is just to prove your not outright scamming, and it doesn’t need to be ALL your stock, just more than 20-30vials so we know your here for business, and the paper adds legitimacy, crumbled to lessen the likelihood of photoshop

No need for a new intro, just add here

At the end of the day we’re going through the motions to get good sources here

These methods are tried and true and they weed out the phonies fast

As for the butthole pic, that was I :)

Not many have done it but it’s worth a shot and I know many chocolate factory fans here appreciate it
It’s probably obvious but the pic of stock is just to prove your not outright scamming, and it doesn’t need to be ALL your stock, just more than 20-30vials so we know your here for business, and the paper adds legitimacy, crumbled to lessen the likelihood of photoshop

No need for a new intro, just add here

At the end of the day we’re going through the motions to get good sources here

These methods are tried and true and they weed out the phonies fast

As for the butthole pic, that was I :)

Not many have done it but it’s worth a shot and I know many chocolate factory fans here appreciate it
I got one person that emailed about the price list...I went ahead and sent it to him but the prices like I said are going to be much lower...they are for the locals...they pay extra for the convenience...I'm literally going to check some of the top sources that are selling these brands tonight and I'll be able to beat those prices by 5 to 10 bucks per vial or box for SURE...and on some products even lower. I have to make profit...I'm not doing this because I'm a swell guy lol. But not a lot of profit. And then of course tomorrow I'll do inventory...take the pictures needed...post the final price list...And I don't have a massive amount of products...I'll sell what I have and just keep more coming from overseas...but I've got enough to get a small start....I don't have any fucking Tren right now because of a shippers mistake on their end but it will be here in a couple weeks.
I got one person that emailed about the price list...I went ahead and sent it to him but the prices like I said are going to be much lower...they are for the locals...they pay extra for the convenience...I'm literally going to check some of the top sources that are selling these brands tonight and I'll be able to beat those prices by 5 to 10 bucks per vial or box for SURE...and on some products even lower. I have to make profit...I'm not doing this because I'm a swell guy lol. But not a lot of profit. And then of course tomorrow I'll do inventory...take the pictures needed...post the final price list...And I don't have a massive amount of products...I'll sell what I have and just keep more coming from overseas...but I've got enough to get a small start....I don't have any fucking Tren right now because of a shippers mistake on their end but it will be here in a couple weeks.
Unless you post some recent product testing along with the pics, you have no chance when we have proven sources with both. No one cares how cheap your crap is when it's unproven.
Your humorous responses remind me of the kid up in Canada who gave sourcing a shot. His thread ultimately became more of a stand up routine than sourcing and he just disappeared pretty quickly. You are humorous, I’ll give you that.
Canadians aren't REAL people though...they are lizard people with the flapping talking heads as displayed In southpark. The lizard people part I made up...but the flapping heads is true because it's on Southpark. Well if I DO dissappear that's just what happens and I stick to my local sells and hope all this gear I invested in sells pretty soon lol...I can't convince anyone I'm not a scammer dude...the only way to do that is to prove yourself...talk isn't just cheap but it means absolutely NOTHING in a place like this...I'm just throwing a hail Mary and hoping the wide receiver catches it...if he DOES...it doesn't necessarily have to for a touch down...Just a fresh first down to get started. And And that first down to me is just getting a couple orders on here from guys that have been around for a while. I can't send samples or I'll go broke but what I can send is exactly what you paid for...
What's up guys and gals. I'm new to this forum. I did read the rules and I didn't see anything about not being able to solicit steroid sells. I'm going to be completely transparent with everyone here. I purchase in bulk from overseas quality sources for special low bulk prices and resell them. I do this with some US domestic sources as well but only those who have proven themselves over a course of time and have jano tests to back up the quality of the products along with a history of good reviews. Primarily recent reviews is really of top importance. I have been selling locally for a couple years and have built a flawless reputation in my local area. My reputation is of utmost importance to me. In some cases like this new venture into online sells all I have is my word and a list of products with prices a lot lower than you'll find on these sources actual websites to which I'm hoping to gain trust in the community. I'm super "small time". I'm not looking to get rich. I'm just looking to generate enough revenue to eventually stop doing this and open my own legit business. I'm 100 percent US domestic. I don't ask for anything for the Shipping accept what it costs me. I'm not making a whole lot on each product because I truly believe once a few people experience my services word will get out quickly. when it does I'll quit my full time job and dedicate all my time to filling orders and keeping bulk orders coming in to maintain stock. I've got one other business partner so right now this is a two man operation. I don't have a SET T/A on the products but I can tell you as SOON as you send the funds I'm putting the order together and it will be Shipped out immediately. I don't play with peoples money. I've been burned once or twice in my 15 years of dealing with underground sources online and economically it makes ZERO sense for me to take your money and run when I can make so much more in the long run by providing a good honest service in a not so honest world. I'm asking for a $100 minimum order for right now but I'm willing to work with you if you don't quite meet that minimum. The products I have right now are Parapharma, Hilma Biocare and DC pharmaceuticals. Once I sell out of the DC pharmaceuticals I'm going to only be selling Parapharma and Hilma. Those are the two companies I've negotiated bulk purchase deals with. I'll be getting a wider selection in the near future. I do have a decent selection right now though. Man, just email me and I'll gladly be transparent with you on any questions you might have. All of my products DO have the expiration dates and everything up to par. it's all very recent purchases. Email me and I will send you a price list. On most orders I'll say the shipping is just an additional 10 bucks. I'll supply you with a tracking number and keep you updated on the entire process. I'm just a regular guy that's been struggling in this post covid world (well sort of "post") It IS still going on but we are getting along a lot better now than when it first came around. I'm trying to earn your trust in an untrustworthy world so I do plan on it being an obstacle. But I can only compensate for that through providing flawless services for you. If you like any of the brands I listed then you are REALLY going to like my prices. And the fact you don't have to go through overseas sources to get the products is a huge factor swaying in my favor to succeeding. Email me and let's chat. Thank you for reading this and am looking forward to becoming a positive staple in this community for providing excellent products and excellent service with even MORE excellent prices.

Three of the worst UGLs lmao.

Also, you write paragraphs.

"Send me money, I am an honest guy, here is my email."

Now your phishing around different threads trying to get newbies to email you for a list because you are "honest".

Say hello from all of us to the other detectives in your police force.....
fuck outta here the kid mero GIF by Desus & Mero
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Unless you post some recent product testing along with the pics, you have no chance when we have proven sources with both. No one cares how cheap your crap is when it's unproven.
Brother, I don't do the jano tests on these products...the pharmaceutical companies test them before the distribute them. The products I buy are from major overseas sources that test them before I even get my hands on them. They ate the exact same products that they advertise on their website. I will post pictures TOMORROW...I assure you...With the labels ...expiration dates showing...whatever you guys need man. I can't pay for someone else to test these products...I'm super fucking small time dude...I'm trying to get a start.And I understand you say you don't care about the prices...but if the products are legit it would be very advantageous to purchase the gear at those prices.
Three of the worst UGLs lmao.

Also, you write paragraphs.

"Send me money, I am an honest guy, here is my email."

Now your phishing around different threads trying to get newbies to email you for a list because you are "honest".

Say hello from all of us to the other detectives in your police force.....
fuck outta here the kid mero GIF by Desus & Mero
I have to disagree about the sources being the worst. But to each his own and they are the brands I have so I can't do anything about that. I like the gif. It's clever and humorous. I would think LE would go after people buying large amounts of gear to distribute though. Not the 100 minimum I'm asking...And surely LE would choose brands to advertise that aren't "3 of the worst" ....But what do I know....
I got one person that emailed about the price list...I went ahead and sent it to him but the prices like I said are going to be much lower...they are for the locals...they pay extra for the convenience...I'm literally going to check some of the top sources that are selling these brands tonight and I'll be able to beat those prices by 5 to 10 bucks per vial or box for SURE...and on some products even lower
Imagine making your intro post, ready to accept some sweet cash for those goods you have stored in your closet, hidden away so your mom doesn't find it. Yet you don't have the prices laid out. How are you gonna try to start selling things, and not have prices ready!?

I'm not trying to kick you while you're down, you seem like you're actually trying somewhat, but come on man, like 30 minutes of reading on the forums would have had you prepared to make your intro about 30 times better than everything you have now put together.

Canadians aren't REAL people though...they are lizard people with the flapping talking heads as displayed In southpark. The lizard people part I made up...but the flapping heads is true because it's on Southpark. Well if I DO dissappear that's just what happens and I stick to my local sells and hope all this gear I invested in sells pretty soon lol...I can't convince anyone I'm not a scammer dude...the only way to do that is to prove yourself...talk isn't just cheap but it means absolutely NOTHING in a place like this...I'm just throwing a hail Mary and hoping the wide receiver catches it...if he DOES...it doesn't necessarily have to for a touch down...Just a fresh first down to get started. And And that first down to me is just getting a couple orders on here from guys that have been around for a while. I can't send samples or I'll go broke but what I can send is exactly what you paid for...

Please spare us the random unnecessary "humor" it doesn't make me trust you more, in fact it makes me believe you less, as it comes off as this being more of a joke to you than anything actually serious.

Just casting a net and hoping someone bites, is potentially the worst way to go about attempting to source domestically, and again does not come of as someone who is invested.

All of the things, that other members and I have asked of you to provide in previous posts, such as stock pics etc. are not merely wants, but in fact vital to your success. The excuse of "being a small time dude" is not gonna cut it.
Yes man that’s what we’re telling you, that’s how things work at meso, you said your new - if you don’t like that shit take it somewhere else. It’s frowned upon to peddle gear anywhere other than this thread

Get with the shit man your off to a bad start already with the attitude
The attitude??? I haven't been aggressive nor have I taken offense or tried to offend in any way to anybody. I do use sarcastic humor but I'm not at all attacking anyone or being malicious. I'm trying to sort of dish back out what's coming at me in a humorous way to show people I'm not offended and I AM learning from my mistakes. I'm going to try to delete that post or edit it to the that was "looking for a source". And as I've stated below tomorrow I'll take inventory pictures...write the "meso sign" with the date on it...and I'll post the price list along with inventory right here (If that's OK to do so).
Imagine making your intro post, ready to accept some sweet cash for those goods you have stored in your closet, hidden away so your mom doesn't find it. Yet you don't have the prices laid out. How are you gonna try to start selling things, and not have prices ready!?

I'm not trying to kick you while you're down, you seem like you're actually trying somewhat, but come on man, like 30 minutes of reading on the forums would have had you prepared to make your intro about 30 times better than everything you have now put together.

Please spare us the random unnecessary "humor" it doesn't make me trust you more, in fact it makes me believe you less, as it comes off as this being more of a joke to you than anything actually serious.

Just casting a net and hoping someone bites, is potentially the worst way to go about attempting to source domestically, and again does not come of as someone who is invested.

All of the things, that other members and I have asked of you to provide in previous posts, such as stock pics etc. are not merely wants, but in fact vital to your success. The excuse of "being a small time dude" is not gonna cut it.
Yeah man. I'm going to post the pictures tomorrow along with the piece of paper with "meso and the date" written on it. I'll also post the revised price list of everything. we had one other pack land TODAY...we're doing inventory in the morning and unfortunately I'm going to have to open shop without any tren but it's on the way and my list will update when it does...a shipping mistake I was told...it happens...I just wish it wasn't with TREN lol. Alright man...thank you for the input
I have to disagree about the sources being the worst. But to each his own and they are the brands I have so I can't do anything about that. I like the gif. It's clever and humorous. I would think LE would go after people buying large amounts of gear to distribute though. Not the 100 minimum I'm asking...And surely LE would choose brands to advertise that aren't "3 of the worst" ....But what do I know....

Take your LE team to social media and take down some kids there. No one is this stupid to take the bite with the stupidity coming out your mouth here.

Actually here, here is @Carlitosaso and @AllAmericanRoughNeck both are apparently big sellers and have obsessions with dildos, he will fit in your prison system with no problem. You don't need to thank me for the lead either, it's on us from the Meso community.
Yeah man. I'm going to post the pictures tomorrow along with the piece of paper with "meso and the date" written on it. I'll also post the revised price list of everything. we had one other pack land TODAY...we're doing inventory in the morning and unfortunately I'm going to have to open shop without any tren but it's on the way and my list will update when it does...a shipping mistake I was told...it happens...I just wish it wasn't with TREN lol. Alright man...thank you for the input
And no more "humor" ...my apologies...It's just how I deal with uncomfortable situations in which I've been a bit humiliated. I obviously wasn't completely prepared. So tomorrow I'll post everything that's asked of me. YES I am trying. I appreciate THIS kind of feedback...I respect it a lot more than any other kind. You guys are just being brutally honest and transparent with me and I'll do exactly the same...If you tell me to do anything to prove myself...as long as it doesn't put my personal self or anyone else at legal risk..I will ABSOLUTELY do it...pictures...hand written notes that say meso and the date...Anything else just tell me man.
First Baby!

Also boy did you miss a-lot;

-Proof of stock with folded up piece of paper, dated and "meso rx" written on it.
-Tell us the prices as well as what you offer, I shouldn't have to email you to find out.
-You say you have jano tests, then post them.
-It's not new source friday.

-Do you store customer data?
-Do you reimburse for customer blind testing?
-What do you accept for payment?

Prepare to get torn apart by everyone else...
Yes, we need lots of titties since you forgot. One picture isn’t enough.