Iron Anabolics - U.K. & EU domestic


Bizarre, someone you have never met or any knowledge of with no proof says something and you believe it ?

There maybe an issue or it may be someone trying to BS and make them look bad. Zero issues with any test e i have from 3 seperate orders.

Im not sure gear is for you or at least ugl gear judging on your posts.
So your cool with foreign objects in ugl gear? I thought the point of this was to make ugl gear safer and scrutinise mistakes so things can be better.
You know that also evidences can be faked right?
Something smells a bit fishy if a guy has enough time to do a whole post about some vials but then he had a busy week and can't send a video with prove of the vial contamination.
I will wait and see, if there is a problem let's see how the source handles it, if there isn't a problem... Well the source will earn most trust.

There was evidence of the vial with something in it. Your only good as your last batch.

the hunt was always continuing no matter if this happened or not but just put me off until it is proven other wise.

I will eat my words and be the first to post if that is the case.

your wrong, I believe no one and only facts and figures. But then again, can you even trust that? test data from a lab can be fabricated!!! Or they could be payed off to provide very good result for said source.
Of course I cant prove anything.

The vial could be from anywhere and not from Iron.

Even sending the video was difficult since I had to compress it from 4k quality to low quality so it fits in an email.

For the record, Irons gear has been great these past 2 and a half months, been pinning his test E and primo 200 completely pip free.

Its just one test e vial that has an issue and at the end of the day unless gear is being made in a Bayer/Pfizer style facility its never going to be perfect.

I had to inspect the gear up close in front of a white paper to see the hair which gives you an idea of how small it is. In contrast to another source I used where I could see large fibres just by picking up the vials.
You know that also evidences can be faked right?
Something smells a bit fishy if a guy has enough time to do a whole post about some vials but then he had a busy week and can't send a video with prove of the vial contamination.
I will wait and see, if there is a problem let's see how the source handles it, if there isn't a problem... Well the source will earn most trust.
You are 100% correct mate, I was to quick to make assumptions. I will wait to get all sides in future.
Fast shipping. Great stealth, some scumbag obviously had a good rip at the packaging to see what's inside but it was packaged well enough that everything arrived safe and sound.

Test E seems legit enough on my second blast 3 days ago after cruising on Pharmaqo nonsense which has been binned. Just got the one vial to test and make sure I didn't get scammed again. Promptly injected 1ml through a 25g needle no problem.

However... fuck me the pip is unreal. 3 days and I can barely walk/bend my leg never mind squat, not been able to train legs for a week... The first injection wasn't as bad but def worse than anything else I've pinned, I doubt I'm reacting to the oil but can you specify what it is on the off chance?

I only pin my quads as I don't really have the mobility to properly pin my glutes being a big stiff fucker, didn't want visibility of pin marks on my shoulders as I'm still claiming au natural.

Don't want to waste the gear until I find a different supplier and don't have a backup as I binned the pharmaqo stuff, is it safe enough to inject into my delt? Is there anything else to be worried about other than the pain? People say its the RAW, what does that mean? Is it toxic or safe?

On a side note does anyone know the guy from empire market, BEAR or something?
This shit is a bit of a trip over here. A customer has came in here and shown that he received gear with a hair floating in it.

All I have seen is guys doubting, wanting to know how fast shipping will be etc.

None of you fuckers think it might be a good idea to slow your roll and make sure this guy isn't sending out floaters and infections except the new guy?

I see that y'all aren't worried about opsec because of the laws over the pond, but unsterile gear or gear with floaters can adversely affect anyone, regardless of where you live or the laws in your country.

If I was a customer, I'd certainly be taking a hard look at what I have. As has been said many times, if you can see a hair or fiber in your gear, what might be in there that you can't see?

You dip shits better wise up or you may end up with a big, nasty, infected fucking hole in your leg or ass.

Stay safe and hold this guy accountable. I would be willing to bet that some of you boys have vials with floaters in your stash right now.
@Loanranger You are the only who reacted appropriately when this news was broke.

And for the guys still riding dick after this was brought up, I'd suggest taking a step back and waiting to see how this all plays out.

Maybe it's an isolated incident, though that seems to be quite rare.

Bottom line. If you have some of IA's gear, I'd suggest you do a very close look and make sure you don't have pubic hairs in your stash.

Good luck and stay safe.
Of course I cant prove anything.

The vial could be from anywhere and not from Iron.

Even sending the video was difficult since I had to compress it from 4k quality to low quality so it fits in an email.

For the record, Irons gear has been great these past 2 and a half months, been pinning his test E and primo 200 completely pip free.

Its just one test e vial that has an issue and at the end of the day unless gear is being made in a Bayer/Pfizer style facility its never going to be perfect.

I had to inspect the gear up close in front of a white paper to see the hair which gives you an idea of how small it is. In contrast to another source I used where I could see large fibres just by picking up the vials.

Recording a video in which you can see such small fiber is difficult; you need proper lighting, proper background, etc. And the other thing that's difficult is video compression which hides such small details. Normal youtube compression will completely mask such details. Also, you really do need a macro lens so you can close up on it and a really low compression codec or even uncompressed video to show such things properly. Both are a pain to send over the web and practically impossible over email.

I'm just saying that the fact that the OP hasn't done this yet isn't really something that should immediately raise red flags.
@Loanranger You are the only who reacted appropriately when this news was broke.

And for the guys still riding dick after this was brought up, I'd suggest taking a step back and waiting to see how this all plays out.

Maybe it's an isolated incident, though that seems to be quite rare.

Bottom line. If you have some of IA's gear, I'd suggest you do a very close look and make sure you don't have pubic hairs in your stash.

Good luck and stay safe.
I don't see anyone "riding dick" here in this thread. Just some asking about their orders they wait for. Or is this dick riding for you? I don't think so! And what exactly do you want people do now? Lets wait for this Video or another proof and see...or have i missed something here? I checked my test e vials with a microscope, no hair or anything else.
What you do is bashing before anything was you better wait with that until we see this video or a picture!
Hole thing reminds me of the "famous" hair in a vial of United Pharma (UP/James) witch was one of the First German Ulabs more than 20 years ago...a thick hair floating in a vial... No good for UP that time! BUT the picture was posted first, not some time afterwards!
I don't see anyone "riding dick" here in this thread. Just some asking about their orders they wait for. Or is this dick riding for you? I don't think so! And what exactly do you want people do now? Lets wait for this Video or another proof and see...or have i missed something here? I checked my test e vials with a microscope, no hair or anything else.
What you do is bashing before anything was you better wait with that until we see this video or a picture!
Hole thing reminds me of the "famous" hair in a vial of United Pharma (UP/James) witch was one of the First German Ulabs more than 20 years ago...a thick hair floating in a vial... No good for UP that time! BUT the picture was posted first, not some time afterwards!
I guess I was referring to the almost complete lack of response by most posters after it was brought up. 3 guys ignored it then the 4th attacks the guy who spoke up about it. Then you have a guy saying it is fishy that he hasn't posted a video. Sticking up for the source and questioning the integrity of the guy who brought it up.

Dick riding.

Did you see the picture he DID post that shows a hair floating in the vial?

And if I were you, I'd check all my vials, not just the test e. Truth told, that would be a good practice to utilize before injecting any brand of hormones in a bottle.

And for the record, this is Meso motherfucker. We don't have to bite our tongues around here and risk being banned for harassing a source. If it turns out to be bs, I will apologise. But don't hold your breath.

The guy who brought this problem up has been around for close to a year and doesn't strike me as being a liar.

We support members over sources around here. Harm reduction is more important than hurting some feelings. The source is guilty until proven innocent in my eyes, as a picture is worth a thousand words.

How do you think the hair ended up in the vial? You think op put it there? Pull your head out of your ass and realize that none of the sources are perfect and we need to bring shit like this to light for the safety of the community.

How IA responds to this will show if he is worth a shit or not.
For those who may have missed this thread...

I would be already spooked after the source said: yes we have the economical strength to test every batch of raw, but we don't. Wtf?

Plus still sending Test E vials that have massive pip? Wtf?

Man this is so depressing, I was thinking to pull the trigger on Iron... I guess no more.
I sent the video to iron roughly 9 hours and awaiting response but like I said above it’s not easy to see in a compressed video.
I guess I was referring to the almost complete lack of response by most posters after it was brought up. 3 guys ignored it then the 4th attacks the guy who spoke up about it. Then you have a guy saying it is fishy that he hasn't posted a video. Sticking up for the source and questioning the integrity of the guy who brought it up.

Dick riding.

Did you see the picture he DID post that shows a hair floating in the vial?

And if I were you, I'd check all my vials, not just the test e. Truth told, that would be a good practice to utilize before injecting any brand of hormones in a bottle.

And for the record, this is Meso motherfucker. We don't have to bite our tongues around here and risk being banned for harassing a source. If it turns out to be bs, I will apologise. But don't hold your breath.

The guy who brought this problem up has been around for close to a year and doesn't strike me as being a liar.

We support members over sources around here. Harm reduction is more important than hurting some feelings. The source is guilty until proven innocent in my eyes, as a picture is worth a thousand words.

How do you think the hair ended up in the vial? You think op put it there? Pull your head out of your ass and realize that none of the sources are perfect and we need to bring shit like this to light for the safety of the community.

How IA responds to this will show if he is worth a shit or not.
1. I see a picture of a vial and cannot see which Lab it is. My vials from IA look different.
Is it so hard for him to post 1-2 more pics were you can see the label too?
2. The vial was opened or is it closed?
3. He claims that he has hairs or particels in 6(!) vials from another lab too and received new vials and there also were hairs in them?

That lab must be REAL stupid to send contaminated vials a 2nd time!
Sorry sounds like bullshit to me!.

Anf then he throws away aaaaall the vials without making pictures? Why? Sounds like a good story for me!
Tell me why did he throw away those vials? Without making pictures? But making a pic of that ONE vial from Iron A. IF it is from IA !!!

4. Member since one now he is super trusted? One year... are a tough guy i guess calling someone names virtually
6. So let us see this video with the hair and the hole vial
7. And sorry...someone is innocent until proven guilty, not the other way round, you are wrong!
I sent the video to iron roughly 9 hours and awaiting response but like I said above it’s not easy to see in a compressed video.
Aside from the video, please tell me what is so hard for you to make a few more pics were the hole vial is visible and in different views. Sorry that Takes seconds and a few more to upload them.
Whats up with the vials from that other lab? Thrown away? Kept this one, but throw away all others? Why?
yeah that vial doesn't look like any iron anabolic's vial at all, and regarding the people who are talkin about the pip from Test E, it's not just from ironA, its pretty much with all brands due to chinesse raws
I'm not going to have an opinion until more data is coming out.
I am a user who has been in forums for a long time, in Eroids I am used to seeing for years that suddenly some report of some contaminated vial comes out (without any proof) and all users give the REASON to the OP to subsequently start making posts in favor of another source.
Being a harm reduction forum, if the user has had contaminated vials from another source and does not upload any photo I think two things: the first, which has not been intelligent for not taking evidence of contamination of the second Source, the second, the user has named two sources to camouflage his attempt to sink the Source that interests him.
I'm not accusing anyone, but I'd like to remind users that there are also other sources that can be put through users to sink a brand's reputation (I'm not accusing anyone, but I'd like to remind users that there are also other sources that can be put through users to sink a brand's reputation.
There are also sources that can use the user's true accusation for other users trying to sink their reputation.
1. I see a picture of a vial and cannot see which Lab it is. My vials from IA look different.
Is it so hard for him to post 1-2 more pics were you can see the label too?
2. The vial was opened or is it closed?
3. He claims that he has hairs or particels in 6(!) vials from another lab too and received new vials and there also were hairs in them?

That lab must be REAL stupid to send contaminated vials a 2nd time!
Sorry sounds like bullshit to me!.

Anf then he throws away aaaaall the vials without making pictures? Why? Sounds like a good story for me!
Tell me why did he throw away those vials? Without making pictures? But making a pic of that ONE vial from Iron A. IF it is from IA !!!

4. Member since one now he is super trusted? One year... are a tough guy i guess calling someone names virtually
6. So let us see this video with the hair and the hole vial
7. And sorry...someone is innocent until proven guilty, not the other way round, you are wrong!

I could send the vial to your house and you would not know it is IAs vial. It has stealth labels which has since been removed so I could take a video.

and yes as crazy as it sounds literally every replacement vial I got from that other source had hairs in them and I threw them away. I had no reason to take more pics and approach the source again. I was done, after a fuck up that big even if they sent me 40 vials as a replacement I would bin them. But I did take a picture of the vial and sent it to them.

I didn’t throw away irons vials because I think it was just a once off issue. The other vials look good and I currently am still using the test e and primo from a previous order. I’m not trying to sink any source I am just sharing my experience because it felt wrong not to.